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Soulbeast Feedback - Dagger


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> @"StabbersTheThird.6053" said:

> Do you think if the Dagger 1 chain (not sure how to word/balance, just concept idea here) had a mini leap on it and/or lifesteal that it would be better for pvp, or status quo? Basically able to stick to a target opponent in a limited range.


I know people wouldn't like it, but if it had the potential to stick to a target like Rangers sword 1 used to have. It would probably help overall, though the kit for MH dagger would still need to supplement that in some way.

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> @"StabbersTheThird.6053" said:

> Do you think if the Dagger 1 chain (not sure how to word/balance, just concept idea here) had a mini leap on it and/or lifesteal that it would be better for pvp, or status quo? Basically able to stick to a target opponent in a limited range.


I think it can do that fairly well. Problem is that you can be killed doing so. The most low habgig fruit is to give dagger more power dmg and dagger 3 an evade frame.

Maybe a daze on dagger two/replace bleeds with poison and poison with a daze.

Sure the weapon wouldnt be more interesting but atleast more useful

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> @"ChartFish.1308" said:

> On a completley unrelated note and the fact i've only read a fraction of this thread; imagine if you could trait the MH dagger to be either power or condi ?


> But that's just me wanting to be able to use dagger as a power weapon, i'll see myself out lmao


I already had this idea.

Like: predators cunning: deal an additional strike when poisoninh your foe.

So basically a one wolf pack strike.

With OWP and vulture stance dagger would be death of a thousand cuts and a fantastic Power dps weapon. But yeah, probably broken too.


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> @"Raizel.8175" said:

> Considering that the (PvE) benchmarks for Condi-SlB show that SB/SB is stronger than D/T and SB is quite hilarious (also considering SB/SB is a lot easier to use and more reliable). Yeah, Dagger is pretty much trash currently.


ITS BEEN trash, just cause something does some numbers for raid bosses doesn't make it a good or well designed weapon, the rotation is boring as all hell, it barely interacts with the soul beast mechainc and cant even proc soul beast's minor trait twice as vicous.


The only reason pvers haven't been complaining about it was cause it does okay in pve

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> @"Eleazar.9478" said:

> > @"Raizel.8175" said:

> > Considering that the (PvE) benchmarks for Condi-SlB show that SB/SB is stronger than D/T and SB is quite hilarious (also considering SB/SB is a lot easier to use and more reliable). Yeah, Dagger is pretty much trash currently.


> ITS BEEN trash, just cause something does some numbers for raid bosses doesn't make it a good or well designed weapon, the rotation is boring as all hell, it barely interacts with the soul beast mechainc and cant even proc soul beast's minor trait twice as vicous.


> The only reason pvers haven't been complaining about it was cause it does okay in pve


Doing ok in PvE? No, it isn't. In the past, you got the same numbers on SB/SB and now SB/SB is even stronger even though SB/SB has no rotation, is far more reliable, has the ranged-advantage, has the constant availability of CC through SB 4 and 5 and isn't reliant on AoE-fields like T5 on D/T.


You can actually be happy that D/T forces people to use a certain rotation through Quick Draw. Yes, it is simplistic, but why should that be a bad thing? You can argue that this game shouldn't have complex rotations anyway since it's focused on Action Combat, the mitigation of damage through dodging and movement, etc. pp. There's a reason why more complex rotations like that of a Weaver often suck hard in your typical PUG-setup.

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> @"Raizel.8175" said:

> > @"Eleazar.9478" said:

> > > @"Raizel.8175" said:

> > > Considering that the (PvE) benchmarks for Condi-SlB show that SB/SB is stronger than D/T and SB is quite hilarious (also considering SB/SB is a lot easier to use and more reliable). Yeah, Dagger is pretty much trash currently.

> >

> > ITS BEEN trash, just cause something does some numbers for raid bosses doesn't make it a good or well designed weapon, the rotation is boring as all hell, it barely interacts with the soul beast mechainc and cant even proc soul beast's minor trait twice as vicous.

> >

> > The only reason pvers haven't been complaining about it was cause it does okay in pve


> Doing ok in PvE? No, it isn't. In the past, you got the same numbers on SB/SB and now SB/SB is even stronger even though SB/SB has no rotation, is far more reliable, has the ranged-advantage, has the constant availability of CC through SB 4 and 5 and isn't reliant on AoE-fields like T5 on D/T.


> You can actually be happy that D/T forces people to use a certain rotation through Quick Draw. Yes, it is simplistic, but why should that be a bad thing? You can argue that this game shouldn't have complex rotations anyway since it's focused on Action Combat, the mitigation of damage through dodging and movement, etc. pp. There's a reason why more complex rotations like that of a Weaver often suck hard in your typical PUG-setup.


What? I'm talking about there's no cool syergy take for example ranger great sword with Soulbeast it has a very fun and meaty feeling roatation it works almost in perfect synergy with power Soulbeast (pet buffs applying to ranger with great sword feels so good


They marketed being able to rip and tear into isntead it's like cat scratches 111111211111 hell you don't even use your skill 3 in the rotation

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> @"ProtoMarcus.7649" said:

> **With today's patch:**


> * Leading Swipe: The damage of this skill has been increased by 5%.

> * Serpent Stab: The damage of this skill has been increased by 10%.

> * Deadly Delivery: The damage of this skill has been increased by 76%.



> Baby steps ahahaha


A year... And this is what they come up with.

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> @"InsaneQR.7412" said:

> > @"Eleazar.9478" said:

> > 1 Year later dagger still is bad, How much yall wana bet it gets nothing next balance update


> Wait, its already a year >. >

> daaaaaamn.

> Yeah dagger two needs utility, dagger 3 an evade and dagger AA a shorter faster chain.

> And soulbeast/rangers needs in general some improvements for condi builds.


No, it doesn't need improvement for condi builds. It needs to get rid of all its condi nonsense all together. The spec excells as a power spec, and that's what it should be. The few remnants of condi related stuff it actually has can be made into power or utility oriented traits and skills. Including making the dagger a power weapon with a stun and a evasive leap.


Then the ranger can have a condi spec later. Double dipping into both territories as soulbeast is just gonna leave it a subpar spec.

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