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Newish Player Thoughts on Mesmer OP

Twilight Tempest.7584

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I played several sPvP matches today helping friends complete their Halloween Reward Tracks. Did pretty well holding points in a lot of outnumbered duels. I estimate my opponents were about my skill level, or a little weaker in some cases. They weren't easy fights but I worked my rotations well enough to outlast and prevail.


One fight at the far point in Eternal Coliseum actually started as a 1v2 that I won, with both opponents coming straight back from spawn before I could fully reset. Fortunately my friend came to help and we prevailed in 2v2. She then left to assist mid while I held far in what would become a 1v3 (it's so natural for people to focus on their stolen home point after respawn). I somehow managed to outlast that onslaught as well. But I haven't perfected the art of disengaging.


With low health and on c/d, I finally fell to a single noob opponent that I took down to 10% mostly while in downed state as they hilariously stomped one of my clones after another. Their teammate, fresh from spawn, wacked me before I could down the noob. So ended what must have been about 5 minutes of non-stop fighting against 9 opponents cycling out of their spawn. Before I went to far, we were down almost 200 points. But during the time I held far and monopolized 2 or 3 opponents' attention, we turned the match around. One of the most satisfying matches I've played.


Does that mean my beloved condi-mirage is OP? At least one, maybe two of my opponents didn't seem too experienced, so there's that. A few matches later, at the exact same far point, I narrowly lost a 1v1 with a holosmith (had them down to 8%). He or she did something that made them invulnerable for a good 5 seconds or so. I don't know anything about holo other than people saying it's a hard counter to mes. I can see why. I suppose I need to study holo now.


Anyway, just more novice mes tales. :)

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It's not OP, bads just refuse to dodge and play around their opponents when their opponent is actively trying to play around them.


They cannot handle the mental pressure and die, then call foul even though majority of the cast have superior mechanics with less counter play options.


There is a bit of power creep for **condi** that could be shaved, but realistically it's on par with the rest of the power creep, and A-net just spent the last months doing nothing to address it and nerfing it's access to on demand evades, when thief and ranger still can have more. Along with nerfing power specs because I guess people can't read the stun either.


Sad now, I shoulda made a vid of strong known and high ranked, or streamer power mes trying to burst me, and me just sitting there being like "nope!"... "lol, nope!" ... "lol to obvs".

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> @"Twilight Tempest.7584" said:

> Anyhow, it seems like most on this forum are pretty advanced players, so my thoughts may be dismissed as nooby. But just wanted to share a different perspective. Thanks for reading.


To understand why people are calling for nerfs, you will actually have to play against Mesmers as another class.


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> @"Faffin.6741" said:

> > @"Twilight Tempest.7584" said:

> > Anyhow, it seems like most on this forum are pretty advanced players, so my thoughts may be dismissed as nooby. But just wanted to share a different perspective. Thanks for reading.


> To understand why people are calling for nerfs, you will actually have to play against Mesmers as another class.



When you point the finger at someone else there's 3 pointing back at you.

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