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Warrior tank yay or nay.


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On my warrior I went with vitality toughness stats because that seemed the way to go with her. Full ascended armor. Mostly doing fractals. I feel obsolete tho. Constantly. Should I just change it to the generic zerker? Is there a point in being vitality toughness warrior at all? What kinda content should I dedicate this character to?

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if its for fractals then choose more DPS and don't worry, your party will keep you alive.

For WvW or PvP it makes no difference if you have the highest toughness in the game, you will still get hit by high damage from DPS builds.

For wvw or pvp you should chose a balance build between DPS and tank.

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I dont see any point what so ever to ever run heavy on toughness and vitality.. Doesnt benefit anything at all anywere..Maybe throw in a trinket or so with some vitality/toughness if you want to be tankier, but never switching out all of your damage..

Id definitely remake your ascended set into either a Berserker set or a Viper set depending on if you want power or condidamage, and buy some trinkets with toughness and/or vitality if you need some bulk..

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Best non-pure-Zerk alternative is to run either part-Vita, or part-Tough, or an even split that DOESNT include Soldier gear. Don't touch Soldier with a 10 foot speargun.

Some combos to try out are: all Marauder gear, Mar armor + emerald (Knight exotic) or Captain (ascended only) trinkets, Zerk + Knight/Cap. If you're using an axe, traiting will make up for missing Ferocity and you should still have somewhere in the range of 190-210 crit damage.


You won't be an actual tank, but it's the difference between taking a bad hit and still standing, versus going down.

Dodges be damned, you are GOING to get hit sooner or later. Not having any damage reduction or extra health is antithetical to RPGs.

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The only place where traditional "tanking" is required are a few specific raids encounters which mostly come down to moving bosses or turning them away from your squad. This is usually done by Chronomancers who are more suited as they are already required to go more supportive and thus more denfensive while also being far more stacked on active defenses such as evades, blocks, etc. Not to mention that actually soaking damage is hardly needed even then.


On Fractals, being too defensive is more of a hindrance than a help there. PvE in GW2 is all about killing stuff before it kills you. You rely on boon spitting Chronomancers and overhealing Druids while you take more damage than you should/could until you are able to get rid of the Druid for the sake of even more damage. It is not entirely as simple as that with instabilities and all but that is about the gist of it. Do yourself a favour and pick Berserker stats on Warrior as your starting set in PvE. Been like that since release and I doubt it will change anytime soon.

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