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Scourge and Spellbreaker are oppressive


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> @"whoknocks.4935" said:

> To be honest spellbreaker in this moment is one of the most balanced specs.

> Warrior in every single game is the starter beginner class pretty straightforward to play and not that risky, but it is not that simple to master.


> A noob who tries spellbreaker can just rekt other noobs only, it can't handle 3 people like a druid come on, you leave in a different universe or in low bronze leagues.


> Certainly has good sustain to hold 2 people for a while but at some point he has to leave, druid can hold 2 people forever if he is good enough. So please now don't talk as spellbreakers as bunkers because this explain why you have problem with them, l2p issue.


> The sb prenerf was capable of this thing but not the actual one, scourge on the other hand even in the hands of a bad player paired with a firebrand was able to get you up to plat 3 no problem.


> And warrior skills are so easy to dodge and counter, if you get stunned and have zero stunbreaks that's your problem, not sb fault, this is what warrior always did, stun and get the most damage immediately after since the beginning of the game and how? **Only at melee range wow**, you can actually kite, use cripples, wow... didn't know this?


This doesn't make sense really. You say if the player doesn't have stun break then its their problem. The problem with this logic is that SB or warrior stuns, knockdowns and dazes are on relatively short cooldowns compared to stun breakers. That is to stay if they break stun, its highly likely they will be cced again. Not only that but warrior is very tanky without needing to wear a tanky amulet, making them very hard to kill. SB is over tuned but so are most of the specs, except rev which is actually balanced and why it sucks in practical use.


I hate to say it, but if anet ever hopes for pvp to have some sort of balance then every spec should be brought down to the level of rev.

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