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Taking GW2 pvp for granted

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> @"ScottBroChill.3254" said:

> My problem is just the amount of missed opportunity. The combat system has the ability to create a lot of cool game modes, but we are stuck with conquest which becomes very one dimensional at times and isn't necessarily a fun game mode for random team quickplay. There could have been some larger team game modes like Fort aspenwood and Jade Quarry from guild wars 1 that support a wider variety of builds and has multiple different types of objectives to achieve. The problem isnt that its terrible, its that its the same thing over and over again and we get nothing new. We get new maps, but its the same game mode over and over again. Same rewards over and over again. Nothing cool to work towards in pvp.


I stopped playing Conquest regularly a long time ago, and only play Stronghold 99 percent of the time, perhaps you might want to try getting into it more, some people i know didn't like it at first, but it grew on them. Weird how even though Stronghold exists, people act like Conquest is the only mode, granted only one map does get old on Stronghold.

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> @"trixantea.1230" said:

> I understand that OP became a fan of GW2 after trying too many MMOs but his review is a bit too biased towards GW2's PvP especially when he tries to compare it to WoW's.


> The fact that you didn't like how cc works in WoW doesn't make PvP less enjoyable and balanced in WoW than it is in GW2.

> Hard cc spells has long cast time (usually 1.5s) and every class in WoW has a short cd spell to interrupt it. Only a bad warlock will use chain-charm against his opponent because it shares DR with fear and breaks immediately from damage. You also said you let a druid cast root in front of you? which class were you playing, seriously?


> Just because you didn't have enough experience with WoW's pvp doesn't make it bad. The game is still popular more than GW2 and there are people who are willing to pay a monthly fee to play it.


I was playing a DK and a bear druid used a gap closer and i was stunned, then he used various attacks in bear form, about 6 or so, then i became unstunned then he immediately cast that tangle vine root thing, and moved out of my range, then 1 cast later i died. he had better gear than i did no doubt about it, i was just starting out at level 80 cap at the time, with no resilience. This is a WOTLK server, don't forget.

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> @"Aktium.9506" said:

> > @"Accountzeroone.7291" said:

> >GW2 probably has some of the best pvp MMORPGS have ever had

> True, I guess. If just for the fact that gear basically doesn't matter. It's easy to forget how much things like gear used to matter in MMOs. Because back when you were playing them it was par for the course. I mean I played dozens of them prior to GW2 and I definitely forgot how obnoxious it could get after all this time in GW2. But playing BDO when it launched to get a break from GW2 was an eye-opener for sure. Ran into a dude I recognized from GW2 after having powerleveled like an animal to get to lvl55 as fast as possible solo and tried to gank him. I had pretty good gear at the time, the only ones with better stuff were the officers from 2-3 tryhard guilds on the server. Which the guy happened to be. And I knew the player in question was mechanically a bad player with the reaction time of a sloth, having faced him a bunch of times in GW2 on mirror builds no less. I think I was wailing on that lad for a good 20 seconds basically doing chip damage getting him to 50% and while he didn't hit me at all. He did eventually hit me and I was two-shot. It gave me flashbacks from Aion when you tried to fight someone 20-30 levels higher than you, except we were the same level. I don't think I've ever dropped a game faster than after that.


That's awesome to encounter a GW2 pvper that you knew while you were on BDO., even though it didn't turn out well, and you lost because of nothing but gear. I just bought BDO not long ago, i absolutely love the combat, world and classes, but the whole "gear gap" "gear grind" thing in the back of my mind makes me lose interest eventually, even though i'm only like level 7 or so, watching videos of the gear discrepancy... ugh. I started in MMOs different than most people, most of the mmos i played were pre WOW era where gear hardly mattered at all in most games, and my first introduction to gear based pvp was Warhammer and WoW.

....Nosir, I don't like it.


If only BDO had GW2's gear progression it'd be nearly perfect.


Honestly though, besides the gear aspect of things, I like WOTLK era wow so far, and Warhammer has it's moments. GW2 WVWVW does the gear progression thing almost perfectly, (only one high-tier gearset, and it lasts forever, with no more progression, although a full set it can make about a 20 percent difference in performance, you can still defeat someone in it, and then there's PVP that doesn't have gear *at all*) if Ascended was just a tad more accessable, that'd be good.

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> @"Exedore.6320" said:

> > @"Accountzeroone.7291" said:

> > > @"Exedore.6320" said:

> > > > @"Accountzeroone.7291" said:

> > > >honestly, the post legion aka modern WoW pvp i'm not sure if i'd be into that after watching Swifty's video where he kept getting one shot over and over again on his prot warrior by a rogue, i was wondering why, then i found out they actually disabled armor in the game.... uh....? Disabling armor? Nokay.... I thought GW2 was getting bad about trivializing armor, but completely shutting it off to where it no longer works, no thx!

> > > You're misunderstanding the comment. What WoW did in Legion was disable stats on gear in PvP - instead, you got stats in a fixed ratio which were scaled by the item level of your real gear. It was their attempt at reigning in power creep from gear. It didn't work well and if blizzard didn't give your spec the proper ratios, your spec sucked hard until they fixed it. They removed that system for BfA so now your gear stats are used directly in PvP.

> > >

> >

> > Really? a guy in Swifty's comment section plainly stated armor was just flat out disabled, meaning, there's no longer any difference between say, a warlock, rogue, and warrior; hence prot warriors getting constantly one shot.

> I can't say anything other than, "That guy is a clueless idiot."


> Prot warrior - really tank specs in general - were terrible in Legion instanced PvP because of the stat formula applied to them. To over-simply it, let's say their gear in PvE and open-world PvP gave them HP at a ratio of 1000x ilvl (item level). In PvP, the formula only gave them 600x ilvl. But every other non-tank spec probably had 500x ilvl. However, tanks often lacked burst damage, good control utility, or powerful defensive cooldowns to replace their mostly absent HP pool; their abilities were still largely geared toward reducing damage over time and dealing mediocre damage over time when their target would stick to them.


> If the video was open world PvP in Legion, then it's another story; damage was completely out-of-control for a long time. There was a PvE trinket which would one-shot any non-tank player from range in open world PvP on something like a 90sec cooldown. Not sure if that ever got fixed - I didn't play Legion for long.



It was open world pvp that i referred to. In the video, Swifty kept getting 1 combo'd by a rogue as a prot warrior the moment he spawned in openworld PVP, he was trying to get to his group, or something.

Anyway in the context of open world PVP, the guy in the comment section said armor was "turned off after legion"

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The problem isn‘t that gw2 pvp is worse than the pvp of other mmorpgs (because it isn‘t). The problem is that it has devolved over the years. This is not about balance (if you think of the pre hot era, e.g. ranger was garbage outside the short period where spirit ranger was a thing, thief was incredibly broken for a long time etc). I’d even argue that balance is much better nowadays than back then (although worse than shortly before pof). It’s about how decision making in combat has lost importance. Combat kind of went from strategy and timing down to just timing or sometimes spamming. It went from “I have to avoid skills a and b and hit my skillls x and y, but I have to hit y after his skill c“ to “I have to avoid most of the skills because all of them do high damage and/or cc while I just have to hit a sufficient amount of skills myself at some point; which skills I’m hitting is not that important because they are all powerful.” That is surely a bit exaggerated for som builds but it’s the course that gw2 pvp design has taken.

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