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Change traits and co. from “stun-only” to “disabled”

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Could you please update all *traits*, *skills*, and *nourishments* *(even runes and sigills, if you missed some during the update)*, that provide bonuses for only certain CC/soft CC effects *(stun, daze, knockback etc.)* to provide them, if oneself or the enemy is being **disabled** instead?


#stun-only is not possible for every profession/build

It is not possible for everyone to *stun* a foe. If I play a fear-Necromancer *(aka “Terrormancer”)*, I may specialise in CC effects, but cannot benefit from runes or sigills, which are actually focused on CC effects *(**Sigil of Impact**)*. On the other side, it would be nice, if *nourishments* and *traits* could save me from a *Terrormancer*, which uses **fear** as CC, which is equally dangerous as being **stunned**.

Therefore, all CC effects should be treated as **disabled**. The hybrid CC effects – **fear** and **taunt** – should be diminished by *reduced condition duration* **and** *reduced disabled duration* (*like **Rune of Melandru**)*.


#Is this necessary?


And I am not asking about something completely new to this game. The game balance increasingly starts to treat CC as **one category** *(“disabled”)*, but also frequently misses the chance to overhaul the system *(the recently introduced trait **Moment of Clarity** does not activate on **disabled** :disappointed: )*.

Treating CC effects as **one category** encourages more diversity for both sides *(attacker and defender)*. Every profession/build has at least one CC effect, but not the whole spectrum. It will also be possible to be more defendable against every opponent.


Several things, which do not benefit from **disabled**:

* [Dispelling Force](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Dispelling_Force "")

* [No Escape](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/No_Escape "")

* [Merciless Hammer](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Merciless_Hammer "")

* [Ancient Seeds](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Ancient_Seeds "")

* [Moment of Clarity](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Moment_of_Clarity "")

* [Dazzling](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Dazzling "")

* [Confounding Suggestions](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Confounding_Suggestions "")

* [Expert Examination](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Expert_Examination "")

* [sigil of Paralyzation](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Sigil_of_Paralyzation "")

* [sigil of Impact](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Sigil_of_Impact "")

* [Rune of Melandru](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Rune_of_Melandru "")

* [Rune of the Mesmer](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Rune_of_the_Mesmer "")

* [bowl of Roasted Lotus Root](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Bowl_of_Roasted_Lotus_Root "") *(and lower tiers)*

* [Loaf of Saffron Bread](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Loaf_of_Saffron_Bread "") *(and lower tiers)*


#special CC

By the way, [**Petrified**](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Petrified_(Basilisk_Venom_effect) "") and [**Freeze**](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Freeze "") should finally being considered as **disabled**.

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No Escape would prevent knockback from working.

Daze is not the same as stun.

There is nothing in the game that increases knockdown time or knockback range at the moment. All skills for that would need a rebalancing.

Moment of Clarity (which exists since release, not recently introduced) works at interrupt. This is not the same as a disable and would be a huge buff.


Petrified and Freeze counting as a disable is a good change. The rest requires a huge overhaul and re-balancing of all CC in the game.

It is not as easy as packing everything in the same category.


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**Ancient Seeds (Druid) - Striking a stunned, dazed, knocked down, or launched foe summons roots to entangle them:**

- This triggers on very specific conditions and is Druid only. As such only affects Druid builds. Note does not count knockback, fear, taunt, float or Sink (such as traits that activate when disabled do) . Doesn't fit into disabled unless this is intended to be a buff. Doesn't affect any other spec


**Sigil of Paralyzation - Sigils of Paralyzation increases the duration of stun effects on foes. (+10%/+20%/+30%):**

- Changing this to disable would be complicated. Fear, and Taunt are conditions and as such would effectively be +Fear/Taunt duration. +30% fear/taunt duration is huge (Thinking Terrormancer). Skills would have to be balanced for this. Knocked Down, Launch, Sink, Float nor Knockback don't have listed duration. The only change I could see making sense without balance implications is Daze.


**Expert Examination (Scrapper) - Stunning or dazing a foe applies vulnerability and weakness to them:**

- This specifies Stun and Daze and is Scrapper Only. As such only affects Scrapper builds. Note does not count knockback, fear, taunt, float, Sink, knocked down, or launched (such as traits that activate when disabled do) . Doesn't fit into disabled unless this is intended to be a buff. Doesn't affect any other spec


**Bowl of Roasted Lotus Root - Nourishment (30 m): -40% Incoming Stun Duration:**

- This would effectively be -40% Fear/Taunt/ Duration, won't affect Knocked Down, Launch, Sink, Float nor Knockback, no listed duration. Only thing I can see being a buff that makes sense is Daze. Would affect all types of control builds and might receive a nerf (not just heavy stun)


**Loaf of Saffron Bread - Nourishment (30 m): -20% Incoming Damage while Stunned, Knocked Down, or Knocked Back

-20% Incoming Condition Duration (Listed two as Condi Duration affects Fear/Taunt):**

- This would effectively be -20% Fear/Taunt Duration while also applying 20% Damage reduction while Fear, Taunt, Sink, Float and Dazed. This would be a buff outright and might see a nerf it proved too effective.


**Rune of the Mesmer - (6): +33% Daze Duration:**

- This would increase Fear/Taunt by 33%, taking the role of condi duration. Skills would have to be balanced for this. Knocked Down, Launch, Sink, Float nor Knockback don't have listed duration. The only change I could see making sense is Stun, but that would have balance implications.


**Rune of Melandru - (4): -10% Incoming Condition Duration; -10% Incoming Stun Duration**

**(6): -15% Incoming Condition Duration; -15% Incoming Stun Duration:**

- This would affect Fear/Taunt twice. Would have to see changes that would nerf / buff the rune.


**Sigil of Impact - A Sigil of Impact increases damage against stunned or knocked down foes. (+3%/+5%/+10%)**

- Straight up buff. Would be a lot more consistent and would most likely provide more damage then Force (+5%) on most builds. Applying Fear/Taunt of some sort on a consistent basis isn't hard for most classes.


**Confounding Suggestions (Mesmer) - Increased stun(25%) and daze(50%) duration.**

- Generally there's a reason that traits like this are very specific. Assume disable is 25%. You've nerfed the daze duration bonus Assume 50%, you've buffed Stun (cause mesmer needs more stun duration?) Only affects Mesmer.


**Dazzling (Mesmer) - Dazing a foe also applies vulnerability.**

- Mesmer would have tons of access to Vul if this was changed to disable. giving 5 stacks this would have to be nerfed or even changed outright. Only affects Mesmer


**No Escape (SpellBreaker) - Dazes and stuns inflict immobilize.**

- 1s Immob per stun / daze or what ever else they can bring to disable. Would have to receive a hefty internal cooldown otherwise you'd be Immobilised a lot. It would be infuriating to play against considering the about of disable a warrior can do if they really want to.


**Moment of Clarity (Ranger) - Gain an attack of opportunity for you and your pet on interrupting a foe. Daze and stun durations you inflict last longer.**

** (10s): +50% damage on next attack. Duration Increase: 50%:**

- This would make Fear/Taunt last 50% more. (Druid 5, Trap, Wolf F2, Bear F2). Would require balance of skills (considering Mesmer Runes (+33%), Sigil of Paralyzation (+30%)) and you have an easy more then 100% Fear/Taunt duration with almost no sacrifice to gear.


**Merciless Hammer (Warrior) - Deal increased damage with a hammer when attacking a foe that is dazed, knocked down, launched, or stunned. Hammer skills gain reduced recharge. Inflict confusion when you interrupt enemy skills.**

- Would have to be rebalanced. 20% is huge, especially considering that Hammer has disable on the weapon itself.


**Dispelling Force (Spellbreaker) - Dazes, stuns, pulls, knockdowns, knockbacks, and launches remove boons.**

- There is no doubt this would have to be removed, changed or have a hefty ICD if this was changed to disable.


Freeze is only found on Ice Bow 5, counting this as a CC that can be removed would require a buff to the Ice Bow considering the cast time and the root Ice Bow 5 has which balances the CC effect. (not to mention easy to dodge/block due to wind up, obvious Ice Bow, and travel time)


Petrify is ONLY found on Basilisk Venom, only affects one strike, and is on a 45 second cooldown. Most, if not all, Stun Breaks are on a shorter cooldown. This would require a re-balancing of BV. Either to make it affect more then one hit, or to drastically reduce the cooldown so that it isn't always broken being one of few CC thief gets access to. (Note Theif, not Daredevil or Deadeye)


Classes with heavy access to Stun, Daze,, Fear, Taunt, Launch, Knockback, Knockdown, Sink or Float would receive heavy buffs across the board requring most (if not all) classes to invest into negative disable duration. Meaning that in a PvP setting, CC builds would shine as they have a lot of access to disable synergy while there isn't a lot of access to things that protect against this. You'd either have to buff the protection (or more likely) nerf the classes that have a lot of access and synergy with a lot of disable (either by removing, destroying or changing a lot of skills / traits).


There is generally a reason that unless is specifies disable it doesn't want to affect any and all sources of it for balance reasons. Mostly concering PvP, but changing runes and sigils just for PvE seems like a stretch considering that would totally change how it worked, not just some number tweaking.

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> @"Morte de Angelis.7986" said:

> **Expert Examination (Scrapper) - Stunning or dazing a foe applies vulnerability and weakness to them:**

> - This specifies Stun and Daze and is Scrapper Only. As such only affects Scrapper builds. Note does not count knockback, Immobilise, fear, taunt, float, Sink, knocked down, or launched (such as traits that activate when disabled do) . Doesn't fit into disabled unless this is intended to be a buff. Doesn't affect any other spec

But what, if I play with rifle or **Battering Ram**? It would not benefit from it, since it is a *launch*.



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> @"AllNightPlayer.1286" said:

> > @"Morte de Angelis.7986" said:

> > **Expert Examination (Scrapper) - Stunning or dazing a foe applies vulnerability and weakness to them:**

> > - This specifies Stun and Daze and is Scrapper Only. As such only affects Scrapper builds. Note does not count knockback, Immobilise, fear, taunt, float, Sink, knocked down, or launched (such as traits that activate when disabled do) . Doesn't fit into disabled unless this is intended to be a buff. Doesn't affect any other spec

> But what, if I play with rifle or **Battering Ram**? It would not benefit from it, since it is a *launch*.




Then the intention of the traits was not to buff Rifle or Battering Ram. Otherwise they would of included Launch and rather advocating to change it all to disable (which would have 100s of balancing issues) you could instead advocate for Launch to be included in the trait for Rifle / Battering Ram

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