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Latency/Ping/FPS Issues [merged]

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The game has gotten almost impossible to play for my husband and I. Nothing loads with any sort of timeliness anymore, lag so bad my character was autoattacking with nothing targeted and I couldn't loot a chest after a jump puzzle. The dailies have become onerous due to the issues. I thought it may be on my end, but every check I did said my connection is just fine.

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I am experiencing high latency over 1000ms.


Country: South Africa

ISP: Mweb

Server: EU

Every night between 6 - 10pm i have intense lag issues which is making game play so unbearable.

With a ping of 3.8k when it used to be 190 - 200

Been playing for 5 years and have had no issues but this is ridiculous. A fix would be great but at the moment i have no faith that it will happen.






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Several updates later I am still getting locked to low FPS. Updated several drivers, repaired the client, uninstall and reinstall,, still have this problem. I've been calling it an FPS crash. When they happen, several things occur:


1: FPS gets locked to an arbitrary low number between 4 and 8. Normally my FPS is anywhere from 30 to 50. The odd part is, this lock happens anywhere. Even on the character selection screen.

2: Ping triples. Normally I have a ping of around 100, but when the FPS locks the ping is usually above 300.

3: The filled in AoE indicators vanish. The gigantic orange ones for damage, the light blue and light green ones for area effects, they all disappear. They may stutter on screen for a single frame, but then they vanish completely.

4: When my FPS returns it is sudden, and the game runs incredibly smooth. Much smoother than normal. The options tool doesn't show it, but I would estimate it at about 60 FPS.


I'm fairly certain this is a local issue, but I have no idea what might be causing it.

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Err.... I thought this was my problem at first. ~>""<~


During these past few days... I don't know what happened?

While I logged in GW2 everyday at between 10:00 and 16:00 (24H/UTC), it always lagged, and ping avg=1000 ~ 4000....

I can't even just chat with guildies, 'cos I saw my own messages at around 3~5 seconds (or higher) after pressing ENTER... not mention to kill foes out there.


I checked all the possibilities causing lagged with my network connection.

Badly, I couldn't find the answer.

All other networks work great, but only super LAG in GW2 at certain of time above.


Therefore, at this moment, I tried to play Diablo-III (US server), and the connection works nice, no problem at all.


So... all I have to do now is just WAITing...... hope it will be done asap..


PS. Normally, my ping-value is between 190~280, 'cos I'm far far far away from US server. (Taiwan).

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Being playing the game just fine for the last 5 years , last week i start getting high ping spikes from 500 to 2000 ping a couple of times per minute making any atempt to play pvp, wvw , or any pve content that required teanmates imposible or just straight up getting carried because lack of being able to carry my own weight.


Every other games works just fine i test with 16 diferent online games, is a small sample but is what i have available to test. and all work just fine like before


Im from South america playing on NA, i did a an accounts and test on EU servers for 2 days and while my ping was bigger than what i have before in NA ping was stable witouth any ping spike


Is being only a week for me but from what i read ppl have similar problems for over a month or more and Anet didnt even acknowledge the problem yet

looks like their plan is to dont do anything about it and hope ppl just quit witouth much fuss. If thats the case seems like the only option is start making a fuss in reddit,other gaming site,etc and make use of the "word of mouth" M.O so much likes but the other way around , because looks like anet and gaming companys in general dont do anything unless it becomes a PR issue


For now ill waith, see what they say on my ticket and see if they have the decency to answer to their clients with problems in this thread , i have the hope they do , anet is slow on answering but sooner or later they do



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I am having this happen Since the wintersday Patch around NA primetime. I can't play with any of my friends or raid team. My ping goes from 185-3645, with an average of like 580. I called my ISP and problem solved with them for about an hour, no change, just connected to prime time NA and my Ping goes in the dump around 5:30 est. I played all day today (Day off) and held 75-90 ping which is my normal. Hope this gets isolated and fixed soon, cause I look forward to joining my friends in the new content and can't help them cause of this PING!


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I don't really know very much technically about the technology behind MMORPGs. I just know that on the first day I noticed Wintersday that have been some really glitchy? laggy? frame rate drop? This includes the loading of a new a map where there is now this strange darkened bar that moves up (or down I can't really remember). I can't say the exact day this started happening as I haven't been logging in each day. I have a Windows 10 64 bit computer and live in California. I have bookmarked this thread to monitor if there are any developments.


p.s. This thread was pretty hard to find for someone who is not knowledgeable on the mechanics of Internet MMORPGs.

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so i log in and play for like 20 mins. then my ping shoots up. i log out and check cloudping.info and it says my ping is over 1000 to all US servers (i'm in ohio, connecting to NA servers). wait 2-5 mins, and the ping goes back down to 50-60ms. log back in, play another 20 mins and ping goes up again. rinse and repeat. all day. wtf is going on? either aws is trash, aws's isp is trash, or both. anet, y'all really need to do something about this if you want to continue running this game. i love gw2, but i'm not able to do anything besides storyline and gathering (i.e. no group content) because i can't trust my ping.

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so what you're getting is graphics lag, not network lag. what're your settings like? are you in a high population area, where your pc needs to render lots of individual characters and particle effects? are you in dr where there are not only a lot of people, but it's also snowing? try turning shadows off? it's really hard to tell what's going on from what you've said. i'm getting no graphical lag, just lots of network lag. *shrug*

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Have you attempted to repair the client: https://help.guildwars2.com/hc/en-us/articles/201863008-Repairing-the-Game-Client

If not that try clean installing your drivers.

AMD Autodetect: http://support.amd.com/us/gpudownload/windows/Pages/auto_detect.aspx

Nvidia Autodetect: http://www.geforce.com/drivers (Click "Auto-Detect your GPU")

Intel Autodetect: http://downloadcenter.intel.com/default.aspx?lang=eng


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My wife has been getting the problem: suddenly dropping down into single digit FPS for a minute or two, occasionally more before returning to normal shortly after the PoF release.


She has an MSI laptop with an intel i7 6700HQ and Nvidia 1060. She's also using a Killer wifi card, but we're going to replace that with an intel one this week.


I have not had a single issue. I'm using a desktop with an intel 4790k and an AMD 480. I'm using an ASUS wifi card.


The primary differences between our 2 systems are the video card and wifi card. Since we can change out her wifi card, I'll report back if that fixes it.

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I have been having unstable latency for the past 2-3 days, I wanted to blame the Roku stick using 22+ megabits of my 32 megabit connection but even throttling other devices on my network hasn't fixed the lag spikes.


Edit: I updated my driver and followed these steps:



I am seeing my normal 60-80 ms and it's pretty much maintaining...hopefully it stays this way.

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