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Latency/Ping/FPS Issues [merged]

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It kinda of sucks. I have college and a job and I was really hoping to finish Heart of Thorns story during the break and then MAYBE I would consider purchasing the new expansion. But playing the game is abysmal it's so jerky. All I am doing is just logging in and out for the login credit.


In reference to my previous post, one of this issues I have been experiencing is a black bar that goes upwards when it loading new maps.

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This is a bit disheartening to see that the first report was made on September 29. Come on Anet i am holding back on purchasing PoF due to this don't believe see my account i have done my due diligence and supported you guys with gems and expansion, it has came to a point where it is literally unplayable, spoken to my ISP they say its nothing on their part, all this problem arise around the time of the Amazon server and the lag is pretty much global just by scrolling through this chat.

Just some info of where i am situated

Nation: Singapore

Realm: Jade Quarry

Please i really do appeal to you guys to fix this or at least address the situation and announce an ETA for a fix.


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> @"FooKFiGhTeR.8153" said:

> This is a bit disheartening to see that the first report was made on September 29. Come on Anet i am holding back on purchasing PoF due to this don't believe see my account i have done my due diligence and supported you guys with gems and expansion, it has came to a point where it is literally unplayable, spoken to my ISP they say its nothing on their part, all this problem arise around the time of the Amazon server and the lag is pretty much global just by scrolling through this chat.

> Just some info of where i am situated

> Nation: Singapore

> Realm: Jade Quarry

> Please i really do appeal to you guys to fix this or at least address the situation and announce an ETA for a fix.



Did you run pingplotter or something similar to determine where the problem is? The majority of people posting in this have not. I hate to be the barer of bad news but the problem is probably not on Anet's (Amazon) side. The server move only accounts for about a 30-40ms ping increase depending on which side of the server you are on. If your pings are any higher than your normal + 30-40 then the issue is in your connection. Running pingplotter will show you where the problem is. There are more than 2 sides to your connection, there is the entire path it takes to Amazon servers. The path of your connection is controlled by your ISP. This is why running a VPN service has fixed the issue for many people. If you or anyone else does not like this answer then file a support ticket, after you provide everything they ask for, the result will probably be the same.

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> @"Gator.5729" said:

> > @"FooKFiGhTeR.8153" said:

> > This is a bit disheartening to see that the first report was made on September 29. Come on Anet i am holding back on purchasing PoF due to this don't believe see my account i have done my due diligence and supported you guys with gems and expansion, it has came to a point where it is literally unplayable, spoken to my ISP they say its nothing on their part, all this problem arise around the time of the Amazon server and the lag is pretty much global just by scrolling through this chat.

> > Just some info of where i am situated

> > Nation: Singapore

> > Realm: Jade Quarry

> > Please i really do appeal to you guys to fix this or at least address the situation and announce an ETA for a fix.

> >


> Did you run pingplotter or something similar to determine where the problem is? The majority of people posting in this have not. I hate to be the barer of bad news but the problem is probably not on Anet's (Amazon) side. The server move only accounts for about a 30-40ms ping increase depending on which side of the server you are on. If your pings are any higher than your normal + 30-40 then the issue is in your connection. Running pingplotter will show you where the problem is. There are more than 2 sides to your connection, there is the entire path it takes to Amazon servers. The path of your connection is controlled by your ISP. This is why running a VPN service has fixed the issue for many people. If you or anyone else does not like this answer then file a support ticket, after you provide everything they ask for, the result will probably be the same.


I ran a pingplotter and all, knowing where packets are hopping to isn't going to solve the issue for me nor dedicated VPN a solution. Good VPNs are usually behind a paywall making this into a subscription game.

Anyway i found a fix that has worked for me, listing it below in the hopes that it helps others.


1. Changing my DNS server, i changed mine to Norton ConnectSafe [https://connectsafe.norton.com/configurePC.html](https://connectsafe.norton.com/configurePC.html "https://connectsafe.norton.com/configurePC.html") no need to install anything just follow the instructions. I chose policy A and PC.

2. Added -clientport 80 to guildwars2 shortcut under the target. Right Click properties, under target modify it e.g "C:\Program Files\Guild Wars 2\Gw2-64.exe" -clientport 80

3. Click start bar and run CMD as admin. Type ipconfig /flushdns into the command prompt press enter then exit.


These are the steps i took so far its back to normal at 250 and sometimes jump to 270-280, i can't believe this has nothing to do with recent updates since the fix for this is possible without going through any isp. I am just thankful its fixed for me.



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> @"FooKFiGhTeR.8153" said:

> > @"Gator.5729" said:

> > > @"FooKFiGhTeR.8153" said:

> > > This is a bit disheartening to see that the first report was made on September 29. Come on Anet i am holding back on purchasing PoF due to this don't believe see my account i have done my due diligence and supported you guys with gems and expansion, it has came to a point where it is literally unplayable, spoken to my ISP they say its nothing on their part, all this problem arise around the time of the Amazon server and the lag is pretty much global just by scrolling through this chat.

> > > Just some info of where i am situated

> > > Nation: Singapore

> > > Realm: Jade Quarry

> > > Please i really do appeal to you guys to fix this or at least address the situation and announce an ETA for a fix.

> > >

> >

> > Did you run pingplotter or something similar to determine where the problem is? The majority of people posting in this have not. I hate to be the barer of bad news but the problem is probably not on Anet's (Amazon) side. The server move only accounts for about a 30-40ms ping increase depending on which side of the server you are on. If your pings are any higher than your normal + 30-40 then the issue is in your connection. Running pingplotter will show you where the problem is. There are more than 2 sides to your connection, there is the entire path it takes to Amazon servers. The path of your connection is controlled by your ISP. This is why running a VPN service has fixed the issue for many people. If you or anyone else does not like this answer then file a support ticket, after you provide everything they ask for, the result will probably be the same.


> I ran a pingplotter and all, knowing where packets are hopping to isn't going to solve the issue for me nor dedicated VPN a solution. Good VPNs are usually behind a paywall making this into a subscription game.

> Anyway i found a fix that has worked for me, listing it below in the hopes that it helps others.


> 1. Changing my DNS server, i changed mine to Norton ConnectSafe [https://connectsafe.norton.com/configurePC.html](https://connectsafe.norton.com/configurePC.html "https://connectsafe.norton.com/configurePC.html") no need to install anything just follow the instructions. I chose policy A and PC.

> 2. Added -clientport 80 to guildwars2 shortcut under the target. Right Click properties, under target modify it e.g "C:\Program Files\Guild Wars 2\Gw2-64.exe" -clientport 80

> 3. Click start bar and run CMD as admin. Type ipconfig /flushdns into the command prompt press enter then exit.


> These are the steps i took so far its back to normal at 250 and sometimes jump to 270-280, i can't believe this has nothing to do with recent updates since the fix for this is possible without going through any isp. I am just thankful its fixed for me.


> Regards.


This kinda solves it for me. I was using OpenDNS before this.

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I have the lag problem for over a month and in the last 2 weeks the lag spikes are terrible. The game is basically unplayble. The assets load too slow and when I try to WP the loading of the new map takes more than a minute. Not to mention I have waited 5-7 minutes to load LA or DR. Please Anet do something. The game is unplayable and I am sure it is not my ISP. Bulgaria EU here!

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I'm having issues as well that I've never had before. Last night in both Blazeridge Steppes and Rata Sum my FPS dropped to 3 - 8 FPS and my ping was from the 100s to about the 500s. No zerg in sight in game and it was a fairly low key setting in game. The game was unplayable at those locations. I changed characters and moved to the Crystal Desert and everything went back to usual. What gives?

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I'm in Poland and everyday it's getting only worse. Mesmer is unplayble for me due to teleporation, i try to blink or jaunt and i keep running, then get teleported back. Really not fun. It happens on every time of the day for about 3 months now, which is sad 'cause i got a new computer right before PoF came out. I tried almost every possible way to fix it on my side, but it didn't get better :/

Also no news on the topic since 7th november makes me really not hopeful that it will get fixed soon. I see a lot of people getting dcd and pvp matches are just unplayble.

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A guildie of mine shared this solution:


1. Add "-repair" command (without " ") to guild wars 2 shortcut and run it. Wait until it finishes.

2. Run disk defragmentation. (All drives)

3. Run system clean up (I didnt do this)

4. Run drive clean up

5. Remove "-repair" command from guild wars 2 shortcut, and run it.


Day 2, so far seems back to normal.

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These new servers are, in one word, "Horrible". Ok, might be different for others; but, for me in Australia, these are just garbage. I PvP and WvW mostly and I was able to maintain a reasonable 200-220 ping previously. Now, 250-1000 swings happen all the time. Not sure if there's anything that can be done for sort it out.

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I understand that the new aws servers are more powerful and that packets take different routes depending on traffic, but I have been experiencing lags and stutters for the past few months that I've never experienced before (past 2 years). It could be a coincidence, this all could be a [seattle windshield pitting epidemic](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seattle_windshield_pitting_epidemic "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seattle_windshield_pitting_epidemic") situation. But I think it's something anet should look into and make a statement about.

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Doing a traceroute to


Indicate I got packet loss when going through

10 70ms 3/ 50 = 6% 0/ 50 = 0% ae-6.r00.sngpsi05.sg.bb.gin.ntt.net []

2/ 50 = 4%

11 75ms 5/ 50 = 10% 0/ 50 = 0% ae-10.r20.sngpsi05.sg.bb.gin.ntt.net []

9/ 50 = 18%

12 171ms 14/ 50 = 28% 0/ 50 = 0% ae-8.r22.snjsca04.us.bb.gin.ntt.net []

1/ 50 = 2%

13 176ms 15/ 50 = 30% 0/ 50 = 0% ae-0.r23.snjsca04.us.bb.gin.ntt.net []

1/ 50 = 2%

14 206ms 16/ 50 = 32% 0/ 50 = 0% ae-7.r23.dllstx09.us.bb.gin.ntt.net []

1/ 50 = 2%

15 206ms 19/ 50 = 38% 2/ 50 = 4% ae-6.r10.dllstx09.us.bb.gin.ntt.net []

0/ 50 = 0%

16 203ms 17/ 50 = 34% 0/ 50 = 0% ae-0.a01.dllstx04.us.bb.gin.ntt.net []


Basically, all bb.gin.ntt.net related networks have packet loss....

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I'm on NA sever and I've gotten a few giant lag-spikes in the last few days where everything just hangs for a good minute. Attack buttons are queued but not happening, movement does nothing, enemies stand still, party members go silent, etc. I expect the game to time out but it eventually catches up. I haven't looked at my ping for this but.................yeaaaaah. :(

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This just got really bad for me the past week or so. Game is ACTUALLY unplayable. Giant 600+ ping spikes literally every 20 seconds.


I have tried everything and have already had been given the run-around from support when this happened in the past. I think I just f***ing give up...


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