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Latency/Ping/FPS Issues [merged]

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I usually average 30-70 ping, but since the expansion was released I've been spiking at 500 and even over 1,000. So I have yet to play the game and checkout the new zones released in the latest expansion since my hotbar always delays when I use any action ability.


Went through a support ticket but I'm not going anywhere with them since all they're doing is replying back with basic troubleshooting template responses. My ports are not being blocked on my router and I don't experience any packet loss/ping issues browsing online or playing other game titles online, only with GW2 at the moment. I've tried other suggestions found on the knowledge base and via Google, none is working. So it's telling me something is up server-side with their network since it's obvious a lot of players are effected by this.

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I have the same issue since around the time of the expansion. I've been mostly playing wvw since beta and get a pretty consistent 70 ~ms ping. The last few weeks this is often going up to an average of 200 - 400, with occasional spikes to 1500 - 4000. I've run traceroutes to the server (reported from /ip command) during periods of high latency and I typically get a 60 ping reported concurrently when the in-game ping is spiking. My ping can be fine in huge fights sometimes, and sometimes I can stand on an empty map with a 400 ping.

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Hi there, posting here is my last resort before I'll move on to completely format my computer.

About 1 1/2 weeks ago I suddenly started getting heavy FPS drops which never happened before.

It happend over night, one day it was fine and the next I ran into the issue. There might be a connection to a tiny patch aNet applied the night before the issue started, but I'm not sure about this.


The issue is only related to GW2, it is not replicatable with any other, even more GPU heavy games.


My troubleshooting so far:


- Updating GPU driver and chipset drivers

- Rerolling to previous GPU and chipset driver

- Deinstalling nvidia experience completely

- Repairing the client

- Reinstalling the client

- Reinstalling client with cleaned left over files.

- Reinstalling client on a new weeks old HDD.

- Issue is persistant on both SSD and HDD

- Deleting DAT file and other related GW2 files.

- It's not a thermal issue, GPU and CPU are around 50-60°C under load

- Different graphic settings


The issue is persistent, it does not matter how I change my ingame graphic settings.

Lowest resolution and has the same FPS as the highest resolution, same goes for any other settings.

The issue is not related to the visible player/npc count, it happens around the same areas.

The issue is also not related to PoF content, PoF content was running surprisingly smooth before the issue.

Which is wierd, as I never had this issue on those locations before. It happens more often in the new PoF areas, but also in locations like Lions Arch (again, not related to the playercount visible!).


I pretty much ran out of ideas what possible could be wrong, maybe you guys, or aNet has an idea for further troubleshooting this issue. I'm already preparing everything for a complete fresh install of windows to battle this issue, but I would appreciate any input to actually get away without it!


System Specs:


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Besides the headaches that the new option DPI has been causing, I've been experiencing a new series of issues as well. After playing the game for less than ten minutes, the FPS starts to drop, the game freezes constantly and the game struggles to keep up. It becomes outfight unplayable and I'm forced to restart. And then it happens again. I have no idea what is causing this. Guild Wars 2 was working A-okay on Monday with no issues. This patch has really been a headache. And I've noticed that I am not the only one. If this keeps up, I'm afraid many players will be forced to quit. Nothing like this has ever happened to me... and I've been playing this game for over two years and did so using two completely different laptops.


Also, most of the text seems to be blurry for some reason. This was not the case before.


Tagged: @Arenanet

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As a computer specialist id like to give you a few things you have to do (those i do on every computer that has performance problems)

your computer is a lot stronger in power then mine, i run the game fine even though its not constant 60fps in crowded areas, you should be running the game without problem on max settings, and thus i think there is a few things to do that will improve your performance if you do them correctly


-I know you say you have all the latest drivers, i thought the same about mine, a few colleagues ran into driver booster 5, which is suprisingly not a scam and its free (iObit)

so install that and let it scan for all the drivers, you decide which ones you would like to install (i suggest all of them unless its some random keyboard or mouse junk)

here is one of the links for the app http://download.cnet.com/Driver-Booster-2/3000-18513_4-75992725.html?part=dl-&subj=dl&tag=button (doesnt look legit at all to me :D)


-next thing when you have all the new drivers you should open msconfig and play with the settings there, i suggest turning all non-microsoft services unless you really need them like steam for example, make sure that selective startup is selected and all your cores are enabled just in case, same thing to startup apps, only let computer run those that you fully trust, most of the times antivirus or a lot of other things like that eat up CPU and disk and cause a lot of fps drops in games.


-disable windows Defender (make sure its never eating any CPU or disk in task manager) that one is a must to turn off cus sometimes its back ground process eats up to 30% , check in task manager for resource usages if there is anything else occasionally eating anything, Other things you should disable are windows update (makes "system" usage very high at certain times) Windows telemetry and other things that collect your data here is a nice guide https://winaero.com/blog/how-to-disable-telemetry-and-data-collection-in-windows-10/ and in services a "superfetch", "background intelligent transfer", if you ever see any other things eating up CPU or disk just write them down here ill check it out for you, these are however most common causes of fps drops


-You will need to unpark the processor cores or disable any form of power saving on it, most of it can be set up in your bios if you havent already. Id suggest disabling hyper threading and seeing if you gain any extra fps stability since its an i7, Search for "power" in windows search and make sure that in the settings "high performance " mode is selected. Here is an app that will unpark your cores and make them all run at full speed unless the bios settings are messed up http://www.coderbag.com/programming-c/disable-cpu-core-parking-utility download both of the apps, its easy to use.


-let me know if you played around with your bios, or if its at default, im going to check up on your motherboards settings and give you some tips on how to get the best power out of it. Aswell as enabling the turbo boost that i5-i7s have


-i suggest updating your windows fully, i can tell you that my win 10 with all the updates runs a lot better then the basic fresh installed copy of it, but remember you might need to repeat som steps of my guide if you update it cus it mostly resets the default settings on some things


-i use a "timer tool" its a small tweak to your computer that MAY or MAY NOT help you with the problem too, if you are interested read about it or download it here https://vvvv.org/contribution/windows-system-timer-tool , it does help with inconsistance performance on some computers


This should be enough for now, you should get a lot better performance with these, Otherwise i would need to see your computer myself

Restart your computer and watch task manager , processes window and see if the CPU usage is below 15% constantly, and the DIsk usage at 0-1% for a few minutes, if it is, then its ready for the game

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Since the hallowen patch, my FPS ,which is generally 60, sometimes drops to 4-5 FPS without any reason. This happens sometimes in sPvP, sometimes during open world events, sometimes just while walking in random maps... I'm sure that it's not about graphic settings because when it drops, it doesn't matter at all even if I lower the settings to the lowest ones (or go for the highest ones, still same). In any graphic settings, I have average 5 FPS. It used to return to normal after while but It doesn't anymore. It stucks in 5 FPS till I relog. Does anyone have an idea about how to fix this problem?

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Today I've been having extremely high ping (always >400). Whether running WvW, farming the halloween labyrinth, doing a PvE Raid, or even standing in Divinity's Reach.

I'm not having any issues with any other program besides GW2.


I was wondering if anyone has been having the same problem and/or knows how to fix it?

(I tried repairing the game and that didn't help.)

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