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Latency/Ping/FPS Issues [merged]

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Your geographical location: Manila, Philippines

Your game world: Stormbluff Isle (NA)

System specs: I have a good PC, not a computer issue. Awesome Fiber internet connection with PLDT as well.

Windows 10 Home 64bit


I need some help. My normal Ping was around 200ms before. Sometimes it even dips to 180+ms if not much people in the map.

But when I logged in earlier, its now around 350-500ms in ALL MAPS I came in.

Last week, noticed ping spikes to 250+ ms but that is still acceptable even if Im in the middle of wvw zerg. But now ping is sooo bad.


Sorry to say this but I only experience this issue w/ Guild Wars 2. Did speed test, my internet speed and ping is brilliant. Ubisoft online games (sorry to compare) w/ US servers, my ping w/ them is around 160-190+ms and I dont experience any lag.

BUT IN GUILD WARS 2, what happened sirs?


I want to get back to PVP and WVW raids, please help me fix this. Hoping for your speedy assistance. Thanks

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> @Shiroen.9028 said:

> Your geographical location: Manila, Philippines

> Your game world: Stormbluff Isle (NA)

> System specs: I have a good PC, not a computer issue. Awesome Fiber internet connection with PLDT as well.

> Windows 10 Home 64bit


> I need some help. My normal Ping was around 200ms before. Sometimes it even dips to 180+ms if not much people in the map.

> But when I logged in earlier, its now around 350-500ms in ALL MAPS I came in.

> Last week, noticed ping spikes to 250+ ms but that is still acceptable even if Im in the middle of wvw zerg. But now ping is sooo bad.


> Sorry to say this but I only experience this issue w/ Guild Wars 2. Did speed test, my internet speed and ping is brilliant. Ubisoft online games (sorry to compare) w/ US servers, my ping w/ them is around 160-190+ms and I dont experience any lag.

> BUT IN GUILD WARS 2, what happened sirs?


> I want to get back to PVP and WVW raids, please help me fix this. Hoping for your speedy assistance. Thanks


Your geographical location: Manila, Philippines

Your game world: Blackgate (NA)


Same Case. Using different machines (Macbook Pro 2012 & Dell Inspiron 15 7000 Gaming)

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> @Martin.4860 said:

> > @Shiroen.9028 said:

> > Your geographical location: Manila, Philippines

> > Your game world: Stormbluff Isle (NA)

> > System specs: I have a good PC, not a computer issue. Awesome Fiber internet connection with PLDT as well.

> > Windows 10 Home 64bit

> >

> > I need some help. My normal Ping was around 200ms before. Sometimes it even dips to 180+ms if not much people in the map.

> > But when I logged in earlier, its now around 350-500ms in ALL MAPS I came in.

> > Last week, noticed ping spikes to 250+ ms but that is still acceptable even if Im in the middle of wvw zerg. But now ping is sooo bad.

> >

> > Sorry to say this but I only experience this issue w/ Guild Wars 2. Did speed test, my internet speed and ping is brilliant. Ubisoft online games (sorry to compare) w/ US servers, my ping w/ them is around 160-190+ms and I dont experience any lag.

> > BUT IN GUILD WARS 2, what happened sirs?

> >

> > I want to get back to PVP and WVW raids, please help me fix this. Hoping for your speedy assistance. Thanks


> Your geographical location: Manila, Philippines

> Your game world: Blackgate (NA)


> Same Case. Using different machines (Macbook Pro 2012 & Dell Inspiron 15 7000 Gaming)


Same here.

Geographical Location: Manila, Philippines

You game world: Devona's Rest (NA)


This just made WvW unplayable for me and my brother. Ping spikes up to 4k just by seeing roamers. No issues with my ISP and believe me, I gave my ISP hell before figuring out that it was on Anet's end. Since WvW and Fractals are the only things I do and they are both unplayable, maybe its time to take a break for now. Just as I was typing this, I got the Error 7 and got disconnected. :disappointed:

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Ok, just like everyone else I am having problems with Guild Wars 2 crashing, freezing and a erratic and excessively high ping.


But I would like to share with everyone that flash based speed tests like speedtest.net are notoriously inaccurate due to just like our games they are simply a simulator they take information from our modems that the ISP's put there and simulate it to fool consumers.


Here are two far more legitimate and most importantly accurate Internet speed checkers


http://testmy.net - Is a great speed checker for if we log in to the website it saves our data therefor we can look back and compare our old speed tests and that has been very helpful for me.


![](http://s787.photobucket.com/user/Danzig83/media/test%20my%20net.jpg.html?sort=3&o=3 "")


http://speedof.me - Is a nice simple but accurate speed checker as well.


![](http://s787.photobucket.com/user/Danzig83/media/Test.jpg.html?sort=3&o=6 "")


Now due to I live in the Bantay, Philippines and play on the Guild Wars 2 Fissure of Woe server I thought my internet was foobar but no with the tools I listed above I found out my Philippine Long Distance Telephone Internet 99% of the time was fine just needing the modem shut down and all wires disconnected for a few minutes to reset the unit for the problem was much more complex.


For months I have been using command prompt and checking my ping to my ISP to police them, so as soon as my computer is turned on I start using command prompt. And 99% of the time my ping is nice and steady 17 ms - 23 ms with a occasional spike but nothing to worry about.


![](http://s787.photobucket.com/user/Danzig83/media/pldthome.com%20-t.jpg.html?sort=3&o=0 "")


So when I have problem with excessive and erratic ping in Guild Wars 2 I started to get very curious but only started to look into the real cause after the expansion due to excessive game freezing or crashing that is very well known to corrupt my game client.


So I recently did a trace route using command prompt and low and behold what came out of it was very telling indeed.


![](http://s787.photobucket.com/user/Danzig83/media/Guild%20Wars%20Europe.jpg.html?sort=3&o=2 "")


Now to break down the last screen shot in descending order to see the pings.


![](http://s787.photobucket.com/user/Danzig83/media/trace%20route%2035.158.82.209.jpg.html?sort=3&o=5 "")


![](http://s787.photobucket.com/user/Danzig83/media/trace%20route%2052.28.119.137.jpg.html?sort=3&o=1 "")




We think of Amazon as being a online retail giant but the reality is they are much more than what meet the eye.


When doing our dailies it should take between 5 minutes and no more than 30 minutes for me it can take several hours due to a ingame ping that fluctuates between 350 ms and 5k just to get my daily free 2 gold and it isn't worth it for me no more I like Guild Wars 2 a lot and I love the guild that I am in very much but I cannot deal with the excessive frustration that comes with the game.


I feel that it is wise to point fingers at Amazon for most of our in game woes not forgetting that ANET is spineless for not keeping its players up to date on the state of the game after all internet connection issues are also their problem.Hopefully what I have posted will help other people.





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> @Danzig.4051 said:

> Ok, just like everyone else I am having problems with Guild Wars 2 crashing, freezing and a erratic and excessively high ping.


> But I would like to share with everyone that flash based speed tests like speedtest.net are notoriously inaccurate due to just like our games they are simply a simulator they take information from our modems that the ISP's put there and simulate it to fool consumers.


> Here are two far more legitimate and most importantly accurate Internet speed checkers


> http://testmy.net - Is a great speed checker for if we log in to the website it saves our data therefor we can look back and compare our old speed tests and that has been very helpful for me.


> ![](http://s787.photobucket.com/user/Danzig83/media/test%20my%20net.jpg.html?sort=3&o=3 "")


> http://speedof.me - Is a nice simple but accurate speed checker as well.


> ![](http://s787.photobucket.com/user/Danzig83/media/Test.jpg.html?sort=3&o=6 "")


> Now due to I live in the Bantay, Philippines and play on the Guild Wars 2 Fissure of Woe server I thought my internet was foobar but no with the tools I listed above I found out my Philippine Long Distance Telephone Internet 99% of the time was fine just needing the modem shut down and all wires disconnected for a few minutes to reset the unit for the problem was much more complex.


> For months I have been using command prompt and checking my ping to my ISP to police them, so as soon as my computer is turned on I start using command prompt. And 99% of the time my ping is nice and steady 17 ms - 23 ms with a occasional spike but nothing to worry about.


> ![](http://s787.photobucket.com/user/Danzig83/media/pldthome.com%20-t.jpg.html?sort=3&o=0 "")


> So when I have problem with excessive and erratic ping in Guild Wars 2 I started to get very curious but only started to look into the real cause after the expansion due to excessive game freezing or crashing that is very well known to corrupt my game client.


> So I recently did a trace route using command prompt and low and behold what came out of it was very telling indeed.


> ![](http://s787.photobucket.com/user/Danzig83/media/Guild%20Wars%20Europe.jpg.html?sort=3&o=2 "")


> Now to break down the last screen shot in descending order to see the pings.


> ![](http://s787.photobucket.com/user/Danzig83/media/trace%20route%2035.158.82.209.jpg.html?sort=3&o=5 "")


> ![](http://s787.photobucket.com/user/Danzig83/media/trace%20route%2052.28.119.137.jpg.html?sort=3&o=1 "")


> http://s787.photobucket.com/user/Danzig83/media/trace%20route%2034.235.110.152.jpg.html?sort=3&o=4


> We think of Amazon as being a online retail giant but the reality is they are much more than what meet the eye.


> When doing our dailies it should take between 5 minutes and no more than 30 minutes for me it can take several hours due to a ingame ping that fluctuates between 350 ms and 5k just to get my daily free 2 gold and it isn't worth it for me no more I like Guild Wars 2 a lot and I love the guild that I am in very much but I cannot deal with the excessive frustration that comes with the game.


> I feel that it is wise to point fingers at Amazon for most of our in game woes not forgetting that ANET is spineless for not keeping its players up to date on the state of the game after all internet connection issues are also their problem.Hopefully what I have posted will help other people.


> Cheers




You're not alone. Same country, same problem. It's not so bad in the mornings, but at night, at around GMT+8 8:00pm, the latency spikes starts. And guess what? It's only GW2 that's having this issue for me. 2 months ago, I only get high latency on the Amazon servers (the 10.xx.xx.xx map ip's). But now that the servers are seeing wide-spread use in-game, it's a horrible experience for me. And the fact that Anet has not made any official statement about this baffles and disappoints me.


I am on the verge of quitting the game since it has become really unplayable for me. It's a shame though because I love this game, and the times that there were no issues , were a perfect game experience.

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Australia here, "normal" ping was like 250ish but lately, since POF, its at 350 and higher, as a norm! I would love to know how this game plays with low ping but doubt it will ever be. We couldn't even raid last 2 weeks as lag/ping was so bad for most just not playable. Non-playable game = people leaving....not good.

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> @Ragnar.6308 said:

> Ok. Since i'm obviously not the only one that has the low FPS issue (30 FPS capped in almost every region/map) i wanted to post one possible reason and solution for the issue. I didn't have this issue while I had a AMD discrete VGA card (r9 280x then r9 380x) but since i switched to a GTX 970 i started to recieve the FPS issue. I had this issue around 2 years ago and I was able to solve it (believe it or not) by logging into steam and after that starting the GW2 client to log into. I have red somewhere (I can't find that post anymore) that it was related to Adobe Flash which is obviously used for the login client and the main menu window. I couldn't believe it until i installed the Adobe Flash player for other internet browsers (NPAPI), started Steam and logged into the game. Right after that I had constant 60FPS in Menu and ingame. They should realy look into this or maybe they already know but don't care.


Well here is my additional informaton:


* Your geographical location: **South-eastern Europe**

* Your game world: **On many different locations**

* The date and time (plus time zone) when the issue arose, or a smattering of sample dates/times when you've noticed the issue. If it's "ever since the [date] build, or "ever since the launch of Path of Fire," please note that: **Since the last few Livig World seasons.**

* Any error message you receive (if you eventually get disconnected): **No error messages, no crashes**


My Spec:

* Intel Core i3-4330, 12GB RAM DDR3 1600Mhz, Nvidia GTX 970 4GB.


I have a strong feeling that the new Coherent UI which GW2 uses is the main problem here. It isn´t optimized well enogh to fully replace the previous UI Engine which was a part for the game since the beginning. The UI development team isn´t able to fix this issue and every new update brakes more then it fixes in regard of FPS and latency also.

The old for the low FPS issue was because of Adobe flash and this is almost the same. Maybe you (Arenanet) can´t remove most of the elements of adobe flash which you used for GW2. But please be honest in this regard, You can´t, won´t, don´t want to resolve this issue because of other future plans.

I just can´t bring myself to play GW2 anymore because of the low FPS which i´m facing and i have bought every expansion until today and I´m unwilling to recommend the game to anyone else at the current state.

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Geographical location: India

Server: Yak's Bend



Map instances with IP starting with 10.xxx.xxx.xxx is causing 50-100 more ping than I got with 64.25.xxx.xxx which is HUGE deal for me since I already got ~280-290'ish ping before. On these instances with 10.xx.xxx.xxx IPs my average ping is always above 350 and spikes upto 2k at times making it downright impossible to play. Initially I thought it was a problem with my ISP but after reading more I am glad I am not the only one having issues with the new servers.


Hopefully Anet throws some light on this and update us ASAP.



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I've been getting massive drops in fps from 90-120fps down to 10fps and lower for fighting only 3 mobs or turning my camera where as before i would stay at a constant 30fps during huge zergs now im not even getting 60fps by standing in the open world. other games i play i can play on the highest settings and stay well above 60fps wtf is going on.


Edit: i also forgot when i restart my client my fps is back to normal but after like 1-2 hours it spikes again and i have to reset the client again

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So basically I launched gw2 today pretty surprised, having 17 fps in Hoelbrak I was like "what the hell is this framerate, nvmd I'll go do my dailies ", switched to another map just to find out its not just in Hoelbrak but the whole game has this issue, I've updated my GPU drivers but it did just nothing, same thing.

My specs are i5 4690k and r9 280x and I do have normal framerates in other games so its not about my hardwave, anyways you can see in the video that my cpu is barely being used by gw2 process.


[https://youtube.com/watch?v=meNDIHy2Ehg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=meNDIHy2Ehg "https://youtube.com/watch?v=meNDIHy2Ehg")

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> @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> > @"C Cspace Cowboy.5903" said:

> > Get used to deleting user app data after every update, cause that's the only thing that fixes my lag after patches.


> I'd like more information on this. Particularly how to do it.


Something I came across a while back that says where the files are located, and which ones to delete.


I don't think it would change your keybinds. But for sure you'll need to go into the graphics and sound options in the game to make some minor changes, as this will default some of the settings. (Deleting the files seems to only change sound and graphics options, thankfully) After deleting these files, the game launcher will have a small "patch" where it will redownload the files. Also, deleting those files will cause your saved username/password on the game launcher to be cleared, so make sure you have that information handy so you can have the game launcher resave it.


Sometimes after game updates, textures throughout the whole game end up looking kinda low res even though all graphics options are set to high. Going through the hassle of deleting these files seems to fix it for me usually.

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