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Overwhelmed with skills/Keys, Please Help!

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> @"Paradox Reaper.7249" said:

> for me this is an epic setup

> esdf for movement

> m5, w, q, t,r for attacks

> a is heal, z x c are utility, tab is elite

> g is interact

> 1,2,3,4,5 are profession skills.

> shift for dodge

> and there aren't many keys at all.


Get out of my head! This is almost my exact key setup. I moved all my movement keys years ago because small hands = short range and this freed up more keybinds.

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this was inspired from commontate> @"Lady Vanithy.6495" said:

> > @"Paradox Reaper.7249" said:

> > for me this is an epic setup

> > esdf for movement

> > m5, w, q, t,r for attacks

> > a is heal, z x c are utility, tab is elite

> > g is interact

> > 1,2,3,4,5 are profession skills.

> > shift for dodge

> > and there aren't many keys at all.


> Get out of my head! This is almost my exact key setup. I moved all my movement keys years ago because small hands = short range and this freed up more keybinds.



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  • 4 months later...

For the Elementalist I Don't use any of the number key for skills.

I use Keys 1-4 to Switch Elements.

wasd for movement

Q Is for Elite

E For Heal

The Skills are a big change from most peoples Suggestions

R,F,C are your first three skills.

Shift F and Shift C are you last two Skills.

the Utility Skills are on T,G, and V

Doing it this way your only using your pointer finger and its easy to reach all the keys

without moving you hand away from the wasd keys.

If you have a mouse with extra buttons, you can put things like mounts, special actions and I have the action camera, dodge and Targeting on there as well.

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@"PowderedToastMan.6354" - As many said, elementalist is unforgiving - but so much fun once things start to sink in. Whenever you get back to the game and you feel overwhelmed, how about visiting lower level maps or the PvP training golems and taking your time to test your slot skills? When struggling to survive outnumbered it's easy to lose it and hit all the wrong keys - I know I do - so it's a good thing to practice slowly and put things together. Also, it's OK not to fully understand every skill you have equipped right off the bat, learning bit by bit on the fly is great too; that's what the 1-to-80 progression is made for, I believe.

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