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Mirrage Traits - Easiest Rework of my Life


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Gain Mirage Cloak instead of dodge rolling. You and you Illusions evade and get Superspeed when gaining Mirage Cloak. Ambush Skills become avaible for a short time whenever you gain Mirage Cloak. Gain access to Deception Skills.

Mirage Cloak (1sec) : Evade incoming attacks and gain acces to Ambush Attacks

Superspeed (1sec) : Movement speed is greatly increased.

Ambush Attack Window : 2 sec



Using a Deception Skill will create a clone if u have any illusions active.


->Fits perfectly.


Renewing Oasis

Gain regeneration when you gain Mirge Cloak. Increase all Healin you recieve.

Regen (4sec) : 624 Heal (increased healing counted)

Increased Healing : 20%


-> More overall sustain, Mirage has the adaption+Concentration/Training - Theme. Monkstyle.


Riddle of Sand

When entering combat, your first Ambush attack applies confusion. This ability refreshes when you use a Shatter Skill. Confusion deals increased Damage.

2 Confusion(4sec)

increased Damage: 20%


-> More power for the shatter requirement. Another option is to simply remove the Shatter requirment, which i would dislike, due to the harmony with Shatter feels good. Confusion is THE Mesmer/Mirrage Condition and should get some love, like we saw with other classes recently.


Nomad's Endurance

Increased Endurance Regen : 50%

Increased maximum Endurance Regen : 50%


->Endurance is the theme of Mirage. Doing something with it feels logical. Provides 2,5 Endurance per Second, and gives the Ability to go up to 15 Endurance per Second, IF u gain another 150% Endurance Regen, which is hard/not possible right now. (Solo max regen WITH this trait; 50%(Trait) +50%(Vigor) +40%(Bufffood) = 5*2,4=12 Endurance per second


Phantasmal Distortion

Shattering A Phantasm produces a Mirage Mirror. Mirrage Mirrors last 15 Seconds and got increased Radius.

Radius 180->240

-> Synergy with Shatter + Phantasms. Sustained way of Spawning Mirrors. Could use readjusting via ICD, or limited to 1 Mirror per Shatter.


Mirage Mantle

Heal yourself and get Chaos Armor when u gain Mirage Cloak.

Heal : 765+50% Healing Power

Chaos Armor (3 sec) : Give yourself random boons and your foe random conditions whenever you are struck.


->Chaos Armor fits the Mantle theme for Mirage/Mesmer very well. Synergizes with Chaos and gives great sustain through the Heal, which opens some ways for Mirrage to gear/play.


Mirrored Axes

Reduce recharge of axe skills. Axe skills generatie an additional Phantom axe.


->Felt like a good trait when using Axe, specificly in PvE.


Speed of Sand

Gain Quickness and Vigour when u gain Mirage Cloak.



-> Superspeed is base and we could need some aggressive Boons on Mirrage. Quickness fits the Name of the trait thematically, and gives Ambushes naturally shorter Cast times, without touching them. The Theme of perfect Concentration while evading/doing an Ambush fits VERY well with Quickness, as you mentally and physically go beyond ur limits.


Dune Cloak

Use Sand Shards when u gain Mirage Cloak. Conditions applied to bleeding foes have increased Duration.

Duration Increased: 20%

Damage: 348

3 Bleeding (6sec) (is live)

3 Confusion(4sec)


-> Going more indeep in the Confusion Theme and buff Mirage cloak in general, instead of Ambush's.


Elusive Mind - > Perfect Adaption

Mirage Cloak(not Dodging only) breaks stun and grants Protection and Resistance.

-> The adaption theme kicks in hard here; Addapting to physical Damage as well as Conditions with Protection and Resistance. While beeing very strong Boons, can be counter by other new Specs, as well as some base Classes.


Infinite Horizon

Shattering three Illusions grants Mirage Cloak. (Illusions always get Ambush skills from Base Mirage)

-> Fits the Trait name perfectly, since it opens very nice combos with sword ambush and Self-Deception for example. Again synergyzes with Shatter .


Thats all for the Traitlines. Mind your Thaughts on that.


For Ambush skills themeselves + utlity I think most things got said.


False Oasis : lower CD-> 20 second or give another Heal-Tick

Illusionary Ambush : Fix looking to Target Problems, otherwise great skill.

Mirage Advance: Lower Cast Time to at Least 0,5 seconds, if not 0,25 seconds.

Sand through Glass: Stealth/Healing/Shadowstep possibilty + 450 Range ->anything to make it more interesting.

Crystal Sands : Combo field Ether , pulsing Confusion and Torment for 3 Seconds, every 0,5 Seconds, Big AoE, hits reliable, higher Cooldown therefore.(still spawns Mirror at the end of duration. -> 25 Sec CD

Confusion 4 Sec

Torment 4 sec

Jaunt: I love it, and with the other Changes i dont see a big thing changing here. 500 Range maximum.


One specific thing i want to talk about is the Staff Ambush. This should be a beam, for justyfying the long Cast Time. The Cast time would stay at 1 second, but u would almost immediately start to beam ur enemy ("Cleaves" like Scepter 3). The Beam would have 3 Strike each Strike dealing another Staff Condition.

1: 2 Bleeding (6sec)

2: 2 Confusion(4sec)

3 : 2 Burn(4sec)


The Beam should look like moving lightning animation-wise, but thicker + coloured in a dark purple.

Still gives Might and Fury with every Hit.

Fury (2sec)




To clear it up again - old infinite Horizon is base in this setup. Many arguments about this in the Forum allready, which is why i dont talk about this specifically in this post.

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> @Bod.8261 said:

> You can't give a spec this much power without taking something away.

> This would be OP in PvP and won't change much in PvE.


Riddle of Sand + Dune Cloak are good in PvE, especially dune cloak, since its almost designed for pve. Remember new riddle of sand increases ur confusion damage. More endurance regen means more dodges- ambushes , good for pve too .


In context of beeing op ; mirage mantle is a trait which is designed for sustained , not for damage - not for pve, therefore it makes no sense reworking it in a dmg trait for example. What i suggested is a real sustain trait. I wasnt sure about the chaos armor, so maybe raise the heal but give it an internal 8 seccond cooldown or something.


Btw i'd rather see real suggestions instead of saying "no this isnt good".

Lets make mirrage good together (:

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> @Dondagora.9645 said:

> I feel it's strange to keep Mirage Mirror as a mechanic in this rework since you only have two ways of making them. I'm just of the general opinion of replacing that mechanic all together for something else, or more focus around normal Mirage Cloak instead.


overall i had great success with Mirrors , even without taking the distortion trait. This could be the case cause im using sword ambush mainly, and it synergizes perfectly with mirrors in my opinion. I addition the current possibilities to create mirrors arent that small. Its just the case that our untraited F4 is on a 50 second cooldown and therefore the trait feels lacking something ; sustained mirror creating, not mirror + distortion bombing.


And well , we have 3 utilitys that produce a mirror, + that trait , u can produce a phantasm every 10 seconds for sure, oasis, would be on 20 second in my rework , sand through glass + crystal Sands on 25 seconds. so u can have 5 Mirrors in 25 second. One Mirror is worth 1 Dodge at least. One dodge needs 10 seconds without any endurance regen boost. 5 dodged would need 50 seconds, so the mirrors add a lot in my opinion.

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> @FaboBabo.3581 said:

> Riddle of Sand

> When entering combat, your first Ambush attack applies confusion. This ability refreshes when you use a Shatter Skill. Confusion deals increased Damage.

> 2 Confusion(4sec)

> increased Damage: 20%


I have to go to work soon so I can't fully comment on this yet. But this trait is ridiculous. On its own its just a good trait, maybe a tad overtuned for an adept trait. But you have to factor in master of misdirection as well, which can grant 33% confusion duration. 33% duration on top of 20% damage just from traits is pretty damn strong. Especialyl when those two traits are also reducing the CD on shatters and buffing ambush attacks after you shatter (and enter combat).

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Btw i'd rather see real suggestions instead of saying "no this isnt good". Readjust boontime , condi stacks , time etc.


About the % damage increase on confusion + duration in another traitline ; thats honestly nothing special anymore, while it is indeed very strong. Yearning Impowerement on rev for example gives both ; 20% damag and duration.

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The best change they can do is make clones gaining mirage cloak baseline. That shit isn't worthy a GM spot and it's just about mandatory for a spec that has a melee weapon with meleeing clones. There's just too much AoE for clones to survive in PvP, and they already have great defence against AoE in PvE. Replace it with something that generates a clone when you use an ambush skill. And then remove the clone from sword ambush because sword is already an almost mandatory weapon, and its ambush being _far_ better than all the others isn't helping.

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> @FaboBabo.3581 said:

> Btw i'd rather see real suggestions instead of saying "no this isnt good". Readjust boontime , condi stacks , time etc.


> About the % damage increase on confusion + duration in another traitline ; thats honestly nothing special anymore, while it is indeed very strong. Yearning Impowerement on rev for example gives both ; 20% damag and duration.


Just because another class has it doesn't make it good design. That's the thing. Powercreep for powercreeps sake is not healthy in the long run in my opinion. I re-iterate my point, being able to get both 33% duration and 20% damage out of traits alone is too much. Maybe 10%, maybe. But even then, it should be GM tier, and I rather like riddle of sand as an adept trait.


I don't think it needs much improvements. If it needs a buff it could either be upped to 3 stacks and be fine, or changed to only add 1 stack, but add it onto every ambush attack (stronger if you don't shatter a lot)

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  • 1 year later...

Infinite Horizon

Shattering three Illusions grants Mirage Cloak. (Illusions always get Ambush skills from Base Mirage)

-> Fits the Trait name perfectly, since it opens very nice combos with sword ambush and Self-Deception for example. Again synergyzes with Shatter



Why would I take this? If I shatter my illusions, leaving just me to do an ambush alone... Whereas if I don't take it. All my illusions and me do the ambush. This would be a nerf to your base Mirage.


Same with your version of Mirage Mantle. The whole point of Mirage is to hide in plain site. Getting Chaos Armor would be literally a big glowing bubble....there's the real Mirage!

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