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best way to progress to higher fractals?

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my personal is only like 45 but I want to start doing more fractals. However, its hard to find groups doing anything other than the dailies. Also depending on when I log in sometimes theres not even groups doing those. Is there a better way to get Fractal groups besides the LFG tool? Also my AR is only 72 right now so dont know how high I can even go with such low resists. Currently Im playing Reaper but would be willing to play something else if thats a bad class. I have both Elites unlocked for Mesmer and Ele if Im better off moving my Ascended gear to one of those.

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Find a guild or make your own lfg for it. If you want to get into t4s, you're going to need to bump that ar up to 150 total (tear of alba grants 15 ar with masteries). Also if a daily is of a higher or equal fractal scale, your fractal level goes up by 1.


See wiki for ar requirements of fractals


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> @"Dabrixmgp.4758" said:

> i dont have any gold to buy them off TP so do i just have to run 100s of fractals and keep upgrading the infusions via crafting?


Yes you have to and you should have to.

If agony resistance would be available for everyone without buying it and without actually doing the fractals to earn them, would would be the point of the infusions? Everyone would just have maxed agony infusion from the start, making it completely irrelevant.

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Yes you have to run them to get infusions, especially dalies. Take that time to learn mechanics. As for upgrading them, [infuz](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/INFUZ-5959 "Infuz") can do that for you if you don't have artificer.



As a side note, some people use [this ](https://snowcrows.com/benchmarks/ "this ") to guage the desirability of classes in t4s, though most won't care as long as you don't screw up and don't get out dpsed by the supports


Edit 2: doing it on my laptop instead of my phone

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If you have the mistlock sanctuary pass..or even in LA.

You could ask in map chat if someone with tier 3 would join you so that you could merge group's for daily or if they could open a specific daily for you.

(You could also ask in your guild)


I think you only need to be level 47 to be able to view T3 lfg, yourself.


So you only need to ask someone to open twice.

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I saved up a ton for a long period of time doing anything but fractals/raids, then bought a bunch of 10+ agony resistances so im not sitting with about 130 resistance.

I find it well worth it, you really get alot of gold from doing fractals and if you play something generally "wanted" (bannerslave/drood etc) you should be able to transition quite well into raids with your gained "mechanics" and rotation skills...

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> @"Dabrixmgp.4758" said:

> my personal is only like 45 but I want to start doing more fractals. However, its hard to find groups doing anything other than the dailies. Also depending on when I log in sometimes theres not even groups doing those. Is there a better way to get Fractal groups besides the LFG tool? Also my AR is only 72 right now so dont know how high I can even go with such low resists. Currently Im playing Reaper but would be willing to play something else if thats a bad class. I have both Elites unlocked for Mesmer and Ele if Im better off moving my Ascended gear to one of those.

New account experience . ~15 days = doing T4/CMs

How happened? Doing daily fractals. Getting fractal masteries asap. Tried doing world bosses everyday to snipe freakin ascendeds. TBH its affect your overall ascended weapon/armor drop I think...why ? Because when I was doing it everyday , later in fractal chests I'v got a lot of ascended gear ,mostly weapons tho... But after I stopped ascended drop rate went to 0 xD. Coincidence...may be...

Was doing daily fractals even when couldnt open higher tier even if I had more AR to do higher tiers (use friends that can open it for you,so you dont waste opportunity to get higher levels/chests for ascended chance) . Was playing mirage but as soon I got more ascendeds like weapon box and second boots , it was obvious what to do.For mirage I would need 3 weapons and mirage unwanted on CM's but for T4 its fine. Since you need both weapon swaps to be ascended to gain 18 AR , I chose to make holosmith for fractals. You need only 1 weapon to always have +18 AR (plus you can swap to soulbeast because same armor type, if you have more weapons,if u want).

In your case easiest way would be to go for a sword/dagger weaver (only 2 ascended weapons needed) because you can get sword from collection ,pretty easy ascended for you ;) Use snowcrows.com for DPS rotaiton and gear (just full yolo zerk). Do your dps rotation to get hang of it. I didnt know engi rotation but after 2h its became familiar and outdps 'fractal gods' as second DPS w/o doing perfect rotation.xD

You can make an LFG and write 45-46-47 for advance and wait (would take a while and ppl might not join but worth a try when you do open world).

Also when you unlock T3 level and you wouldnt have enough agony for dialy because lack of AR , buy blue fractal potion that gives +15 AR. Most fractals dont give you hard time with agony. If u avoid hits that apply it in first place. Certain fractals can be done even with lack of AR. ALARM: Nightmare will kill you if you dont have enough because of balls that you need to close . Would be okay if your team can close your (I wouldnt count on it)

I taken that weapon box . Made backpack from story and infused it (was hella pain in da azz) . Had very hard time with ring drops . Even 1 of them was not good for me ,but it was infused ,so I attuned that and got +27 . Each infusion I use is +9 . Its safe to make/buy (order cheapest) and then use tool to safely remove it and use on proper armor stuff. With enough pristines or luck you can buy/drop infused rings/earrings. I personally bought 1 earring from completing last pvp chest and took helm.

Also my tip is to store all fractal daily chests and level all masteries to get all benefits from it.


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if you are at for example 40, you can repeat daily and it will always advance you by one level. Iam at cca 60 now and I know if I wanted to advance more, I just could.

For me infusions are not the problem, I earn infusions faster then ascended gear to put it in. Also to me it seems easier to use fractal recipes and change stats then craft the gear from standard ascended recipes

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make your AR to 150 minimum. then join fractal guild. join them for t4 (you don't need lvl 100 to go in t4 if someone take you into group.. doing t4 daily, you will get to t4 level in no time. xD and its easier too less salt and tears :P

basically, each day you level up 3 levels doing T4 and you get around 10-15g each day doing T4.

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Run Istan for couple of hours, sell everything you looted, buy infusions, then do what people already suggested.

There are good video guilds on fractals from /KING/ on tube, watch them in your free time, they give you bit info on what to expect in t4s.

No one is gonna trash talk you for playing reaper in fractlas if you know what you doing. But do self a favor, get[ pots](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Dessa%27s_Alchemist#vendor3 " pots") (people will expect you to have LARGE potions on) and know the food & utility for the class, also use them :)


P.S. If you don't know, hard gold in fractals comes from opening Fractal Encryption.

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