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Right click dropdown option "Look-up on Wiki"

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ANet, It would be so nice if you could right click on any item in your Toon/Bank/Guildbank inventory and have the option to Look-up that item on the Wiki clickable. Yes I know you can /wiki 'xxxxx' in chat but right click option would be sooo much more convenient. It would also allow people to look things up more often, before asking questions in Map chat.

Does anyone else find this to be a useful QoL addition?

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[https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/49163/item-right-click-or-ctrl-click-or-in-other-ways-go-to-wiki-page-outside/p1](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/49163/item-right-click-or-ctrl-click-or-in-other-ways-go-to-wiki-page-outside/p1 "https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/49163/item-right-click-or-ctrl-click-or-in-other-ways-go-to-wiki-page-outside/p1")


We had this discussion just a little while ago (see link). A lot of people would like it, but many others prefer not to have it, since accidentally clicking on it can be pretty fatal if your computer isn't quick at switching between the game and a browser (which many aren't).

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