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Would you play ranked if the rewards werent that much better than unranked?


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Considering how frustrating the ups and downs of ranked can become, if the rewards were not better than ranked I would just play until I reach a good rank and never return until decay.


If you remove incentive to play ranked, we get less people playing which means more unbalanced matches terrible matches.

Seriously guys, we need MORE people playing Ranked SPvP, not the opposite.

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> @"SoulSin.5682" said:

> Considering how frustrating the ups and downs of ranked can become, if the rewards were not better than ranked I would just play until I reach a good rank and never return until decay.


> If you remove incentive to play ranked, we get less people playing which means more unbalanced matches terrible matches.

> Seriously guys, we need MORE people playing Ranked SPvP, not the opposite.


Yet the rewards for ranked spvp are items that mainly pvers want....curious

What you get is people who have no interest in "competing" in spvp whp play a game mode that is supposedly all about...competition

What you get is such a non-competitive spvp community that you cant even queue as a team for RANKED spvp and you play with randoms

Im all for pvp rewards giving pve stuff to encourage pvpers to go into pve but putting them almost exclusively into RANKED play which is supposed to be the heart of the competition is well...beyond moronic frankly

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> @"Griever.8150" said:

> > @"StabbersTheThird.6053" said:

> > No. I'm here for ascended gear.


> There's much more efficient ways to achieve that though.


Thats not actually true. Doing the whole box run once a season is one of the cheapest and most efficient ways to get ascended gear currently.

Not to mention that the spvp legendary set is by far the easiest to get and basically requires a w/l ratio of 1 and time.

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Rank is worthless..


If the same loot was in unranked, I would just stay in unranked and keep having fun rather than ruin everyone elses rank just because Ive got no other option.


If the loot was in unranked too, could live up old days of playing with friends and farming together...


I really hate asking who wants to duo and getting 2 or 3 responses, i always feel bad for excluding guildies and friends.


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> @"Amaranthe.3578" said:


I don't think the question is exactly the right question, but honestly at this point i really don't know how i'd phrase that better.


> @"Amaranthe.3578" said:

> Ever wonder why your ranked games are so dumb?

> 65% of the people are there for the rewards :D

No news there. It took a nose dive since they added ranked seasons for a reason. Sure it coincided with the poor, poor balance that came with HoT release. But people were still playing a lot of PvP between HoT and Season 1. Thing is, that time, people that enjoyed PvP were palying PvP, people that didn't weren't. Then, they added more easy to farm stuff onto PvP, most of it PvE-centric rewards that were exclusive to PvP or that were easier to farm in PvP.

So guess what? PvE players that dislike PvP started farming PvP. This skewed all the numbers, and led to the complete and utter failure that is current sPvP.


Arena Net can't not know this. They have the numbers of players and matches, and there must be a huge dip between Season and off-season. That would be enough to tell them that people are playing PvP for the rewards (because people that are serious about sPVP will play unranked to keep sharp in the off-season, or even ranked without rewards, not sure you can do that though).


Arena Net devs have seemingly learned nothing in the 2+ years that we players have been noticing a decay in sPvP quality, and have done little or nothing to improve it. Removing titles? Like that's what's on the line, the titles...

I've lost all faith that we'll ever see proper PvP when @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" answered a question about Team queue by saying he thinks teams are less competitive than solo queues. That's when i knew we wouldn't ever have the good old days of proper sPvP. Because, the people in charge are pretty much saying the opposite of just about every other competitive game out there. What Arena Net were/are saying themselves. There's no solo AT's there's no solo queue World championships, and yet solo queue is where the competitive scene is? Sense is being made, right?


PS: Tagged Ben, because i don't like talking behind people's backs, and i'm sure it would be interesting to see him defend that point of view.

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I only play sPvP when I want some Ardent Glorious skin... Yes, I'm technically am one of those non PvP'ers, yet the game keep placing me at Platinum 1 and that's usually where I stay because I maintain a 1 W/L ratio.


When someone that don't even care about the game mode get consistently placed in one of the highest division, you know ranked is a joke.

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> @"Jeknar.6184" said:

> I only play sPvP when I want some Ardent Glorious skin... Yes, I'm technically am one of those non PvP'ers, yet the game keep placing me at Platinum 1 and that's usually where I stay because I maintain a 1 W/L ratio.


> When someone that don't even care about the game mode get consistently placed in one of the highest division, you know ranked is a joke.


You know a "competitive" game mode in a TEAM based game is a joke when you are not allowed to queue as a team.

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> @"Amaranthe.3578" said:

> > @"Jeknar.6184" said:

> > I only play sPvP when I want some Ardent Glorious skin... Yes, I'm technically am one of those non PvP'ers, yet the game keep placing me at Platinum 1 and that's usually where I stay because I maintain a 1 W/L ratio.

> >

> > When someone that don't even care about the game mode get consistently placed in one of the highest division, you know ranked is a joke.


> You know a "competitive" game mode in a TEAM based game is a joke when you are not allowed to queue as a team.


Plz... Solo queue with randoms is part of the challenge. It's obviously a l2p issues from our part.

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I've had five matches where they were ALLL some sort of win-trader/feeder/afker/DCer.


Here I thought my practice during the off-season would have given some worth to see if my skill could reflect some sort of improvement via shot-calling, alertness of the map, etc.


Nope, hooo boy I was dead wrong. No one cares in ranked either except for those who actually want some sort of name in this game (and honestly gw2 is not getting any sort of e-sports or name anyways, so that's all for nothing), so most people below plat 2 just simply do not and will not care.


Lack of strict punishment towards those that are in it for the rewards, lack of care, collecting rewards no matter if you win or lose. I don't even blame them. At least in League I could team up with people and coordinate, even if they were random.


Edit 2: Why doesn't Anet put the damn rewards into unranked? It literally makes no sense why you would ruin other people's games in ranked, when you can just sit there and farm in unranked and STILL be happy. You are farming there anyways, so why not do it there as well? Hell, I've known people that got better from doing solely unranked compared to the ranked folks that are asking themselves why even bother besides the bragging points to other guild members. And the fact that classes are so damned one-sided that people can't even play their mains anymore is like..why would you even want to rank at this point. All of the incentive to rank is practically up in smoke.

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Just wanna put in too that if rewards were in unranked then I could also treat ranked properly...


I work and come home and just wanna have fun playing games with friends while making progression towards something.. So im forced into ranked with mindset already resembling a zombie...


On my weekends is when I play best, I would play ranked seriously if this was the case.

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> @"Jeknar.6184" said:

> > @"Amaranthe.3578" said:

> > > @"Jeknar.6184" said:

> > > I only play sPvP when I want some Ardent Glorious skin... Yes, I'm technically am one of those non PvP'ers, yet the game keep placing me at Platinum 1 and that's usually where I stay because I maintain a 1 W/L ratio.

> > >

> > > When someone that don't even care about the game mode get consistently placed in one of the highest division, you know ranked is a joke.

> >

> > You know a "competitive" game mode in a TEAM based game is a joke when you are not allowed to queue as a team.


> Plz... Solo queue with randoms is part of the challenge. It's obviously a l2p issues from our part.


LOL. Obviously.

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> @"Lilyanna.9361" said:


> I've had five matches where they were ALLL some sort of win-trader/feeder/afker/DCer.


> Here I thought my practice during the off-season would have given some worth to see if my skill could reflect some sort of improvement via shot-calling, alertness of the map, etc.


> Nope, hooo boy I was dead wrong. No one cares in ranked either except for those who actually want some sort of name in this game (and honestly gw2 is not getting any sort of e-sports or name anyways, so that's all for nothing), so most people below plat 2 just simply do not and will not care.


> Lack of strict punishment towards those that are in it for the rewards, lack of care, collecting rewards no matter if you win or lose. I don't even blame them. At least in League I could team up with people and coordinate, even if they were random.


> Edit 2: Why doesn't Anet put the kitten rewards into unranked? It literally makes no sense why you would ruin other people's games in ranked, when you can just sit there and farm in unranked and STILL be happy. You are farming there anyways, so why not do it there as well? Hell, I've known people that got better from doing solely unranked compared to the ranked folks that are asking themselves why even bother besides the bragging points to other guild members. And the fact that classes are so damned one-sided that people can't even play their mains anymore is like..why would you even want to rank at this point. All of the incentive to rank is practically up in smoke.


Why? Because ANet pushed all the competetive players away and only casuals are left.


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> @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> > @"Amaranthe.3578" said:

> >

> I don't think the question is exactly the right question, but honestly at this point i really don't know how i'd phrase that better.


> > @"Amaranthe.3578" said:

> > Ever wonder why your ranked games are so dumb?

> > 65% of the people are there for the rewards :D

> No news there. It took a nose dive since they added ranked seasons for a reason. Sure it coincided with the poor, poor balance that came with HoT release. But people were still playing a lot of PvP between HoT and Season 1. Thing is, that time, people that enjoyed PvP were palying PvP, people that didn't weren't. Then, they added more easy to farm stuff onto PvP, most of it PvE-centric rewards that were exclusive to PvP or that were easier to farm in PvP.

> So guess what? PvE players that dislike PvP started farming PvP. This skewed all the numbers, and led to the complete and utter failure that is current sPvP.


> Arena Net can't not know this. They have the numbers of players and matches, and there must be a huge dip between Season and off-season. That would be enough to tell them that people are playing PvP for the rewards (because people that are serious about sPVP will play unranked to keep sharp in the off-season, or even ranked without rewards, not sure you can do that though).


> Arena Net devs have seemingly learned nothing in the 2+ years that we players have been noticing a decay in sPvP quality, and have done little or nothing to improve it. Removing titles? Like that's what's on the line, the titles...

> I've lost all faith that we'll ever see proper PvP when @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" answered a question about Team queue by saying he thinks teams are less competitive than solo queues. That's when i knew we wouldn't ever have the good old days of proper sPvP. Because, the people in charge are pretty much saying the opposite of just about every other competitive game out there. What Arena Net were/are saying themselves. There's no solo AT's there's no solo queue World championships, and yet solo queue is where the competitive scene is? Sense is being made, right?


> PS: Tagged Ben, because i don't like talking behind people's backs, and i'm sure it would be interesting to see him defend that point of view.


A DEV said that??

If solo is more competetive why did they allow TEAMS on their ESL? xD

I honestly cant believe that a game dev would say that seriously... perhaps to playcate the community which is casual for the most part.

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> @"Amaranthe.3578" said:

> > @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> > > @"Amaranthe.3578" said:

> > >

> > I don't think the question is exactly the right question, but honestly at this point i really don't know how i'd phrase that better.

> >

> > > @"Amaranthe.3578" said:

> > > Ever wonder why your ranked games are so dumb?

> > > 65% of the people are there for the rewards :D

> > No news there. It took a nose dive since they added ranked seasons for a reason. Sure it coincided with the poor, poor balance that came with HoT release. But people were still playing a lot of PvP between HoT and Season 1. Thing is, that time, people that enjoyed PvP were palying PvP, people that didn't weren't. Then, they added more easy to farm stuff onto PvP, most of it PvE-centric rewards that were exclusive to PvP or that were easier to farm in PvP.

> > So guess what? PvE players that dislike PvP started farming PvP. This skewed all the numbers, and led to the complete and utter failure that is current sPvP.

> >

> > Arena Net can't not know this. They have the numbers of players and matches, and there must be a huge dip between Season and off-season. That would be enough to tell them that people are playing PvP for the rewards (because people that are serious about sPVP will play unranked to keep sharp in the off-season, or even ranked without rewards, not sure you can do that though).

> >

> > Arena Net devs have seemingly learned nothing in the 2+ years that we players have been noticing a decay in sPvP quality, and have done little or nothing to improve it. Removing titles? Like that's what's on the line, the titles...

> > I've lost all faith that we'll ever see proper PvP when @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" answered a question about Team queue by saying he thinks teams are less competitive than solo queues. That's when i knew we wouldn't ever have the good old days of proper sPvP. Because, the people in charge are pretty much saying the opposite of just about every other competitive game out there. What Arena Net were/are saying themselves. There's no solo AT's there's no solo queue World championships, and yet solo queue is where the competitive scene is? Sense is being made, right?

> >

> > PS: Tagged Ben, because i don't like talking behind people's backs, and i'm sure it would be interesting to see him defend that point of view.


> A DEV said that??

> If solo is more competetive why did they allow TEAMS on their ESL? xD

> I honestly cant believe that a game dev would say that seriously... perhaps to playcate the community which is casual for the most part.


He was talking about straight up 5 man team que matches vs solo que matches. And he’s not wrong, there’s a reason why there’s no actual team que in League nowadays, because the actual teams don’t care about it because they’ll just play in tournaments, and your not as amazing players won’t even bother with it.


Hell, automated Tournaments fill the roll team que would much better, and makes it so that teams don’t end up just fighting like the same 2-5 other teams that are in their bracket like a team que would.


TLDR: Team Ques sucks because they stagnate easily and no one even bothers with them if solo que is an option.

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> @"Amaranthe.3578" said:

> > @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> > > @"Amaranthe.3578" said:

> > >

> > I don't think the question is exactly the right question, but honestly at this point i really don't know how i'd phrase that better.

> >

> > > @"Amaranthe.3578" said:

> > > Ever wonder why your ranked games are so dumb?

> > > 65% of the people are there for the rewards :D

> > No news there. It took a nose dive since they added ranked seasons for a reason. Sure it coincided with the poor, poor balance that came with HoT release. But people were still playing a lot of PvP between HoT and Season 1. Thing is, that time, people that enjoyed PvP were palying PvP, people that didn't weren't. Then, they added more easy to farm stuff onto PvP, most of it PvE-centric rewards that were exclusive to PvP or that were easier to farm in PvP.

> > So guess what? PvE players that dislike PvP started farming PvP. This skewed all the numbers, and led to the complete and utter failure that is current sPvP.

> >

> > Arena Net can't not know this. They have the numbers of players and matches, and there must be a huge dip between Season and off-season. That would be enough to tell them that people are playing PvP for the rewards (because people that are serious about sPVP will play unranked to keep sharp in the off-season, or even ranked without rewards, not sure you can do that though).

> >

> > Arena Net devs have seemingly learned nothing in the 2+ years that we players have been noticing a decay in sPvP quality, and have done little or nothing to improve it. Removing titles? Like that's what's on the line, the titles...

> > I've lost all faith that we'll ever see proper PvP when @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" answered a question about Team queue by saying he thinks teams are less competitive than solo queues. That's when i knew we wouldn't ever have the good old days of proper sPvP. Because, the people in charge are pretty much saying the opposite of just about every other competitive game out there. What Arena Net were/are saying themselves. There's no solo AT's there's no solo queue World championships, and yet solo queue is where the competitive scene is? Sense is being made, right?

> >

> > PS: Tagged Ben, because i don't like talking behind people's backs, and i'm sure it would be interesting to see him defend that point of view.


> A DEV said that??

> If solo is more competetive why did they allow TEAMS on their ESL? xD

> I honestly cant believe that a game dev would say that seriously... perhaps to placate the community which is casual for the most part.


No, he said that teams aren't competitive, he didn't establish how or why.


Here's a link to the comment:



I asked

>> Will a team queue ever be an option?

Ben answered:


>We don't have any current plans to bring 5 person queuing back to ranked queue. **I don't feel it's competitive.** On-Demand tournaments and AT's will be our method of support for people who prefer to play in 5 person teams.

Of course anyone that tried AT's knows that it's not easy to fit their schedule, heck i've never managed to have a team online at once while an AT was running.

The poll and it's timing just shows how poorly the competitive team does their homework, because while they were doing their vote, Riot and League of Legends were in of returning team queue in the form of the current Flex queue. While Arena Net took the exact opposite direction.


Seriously, just look at the history of the game, and you'll see that the current system does not work. We had **way** more people (or feels like it, but i'll keep to this claim until i see a dev show me numbers) and **way better** matches when we barely had any rewards for PvP, and no leagues, than we do now.> @"Durzlla.6295" said:

> > @"Amaranthe.3578" said:

> > > @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> > > > @"Amaranthe.3578" said:

> > > >

> > > I don't think the question is exactly the right question, but honestly at this point i really don't know how i'd phrase that better.

> > >

> > > > @"Amaranthe.3578" said:

> > > > Ever wonder why your ranked games are so dumb?

> > > > 65% of the people are there for the rewards :D

> > > No news there. It took a nose dive since they added ranked seasons for a reason. Sure it coincided with the poor, poor balance that came with HoT release. But people were still playing a lot of PvP between HoT and Season 1. Thing is, that time, people that enjoyed PvP were palying PvP, people that didn't weren't. Then, they added more easy to farm stuff onto PvP, most of it PvE-centric rewards that were exclusive to PvP or that were easier to farm in PvP.

> > > So guess what? PvE players that dislike PvP started farming PvP. This skewed all the numbers, and led to the complete and utter failure that is current sPvP.

> > >

> > > Arena Net can't not know this. They have the numbers of players and matches, and there must be a huge dip between Season and off-season. That would be enough to tell them that people are playing PvP for the rewards (because people that are serious about sPVP will play unranked to keep sharp in the off-season, or even ranked without rewards, not sure you can do that though).

> > >

> > > Arena Net devs have seemingly learned nothing in the 2+ years that we players have been noticing a decay in sPvP quality, and have done little or nothing to improve it. Removing titles? Like that's what's on the line, the titles...

> > > I've lost all faith that we'll ever see proper PvP when @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" answered a question about Team queue by saying he thinks teams are less competitive than solo queues. That's when i knew we wouldn't ever have the good old days of proper sPvP. Because, the people in charge are pretty much saying the opposite of just about every other competitive game out there. What Arena Net were/are saying themselves. There's no solo AT's there's no solo queue World championships, and yet solo queue is where the competitive scene is? Sense is being made, right?

> > >

> > > PS: Tagged Ben, because i don't like talking behind people's backs, and i'm sure it would be interesting to see him defend that point of view.

> >

> > A DEV said that??

> > If solo is more competetive why did they allow TEAMS on their ESL? xD

> > I honestly cant believe that a game dev would say that seriously... perhaps to playcate the community which is casual for the most part.


> He was talking about straight up 5 man team que matches vs solo que matches. And he’s not wrong, there’s a reason why there’s no actual team que in League nowadays,

because the actual teams don’t care about it because they’ll just play in tournaments, and your not as amazing players won’t even bother with it.


Actually, he was talking about bringing team queue back. Never said anything about other queues.

And there is a team queue in LoL, and it was returned when Arena Net was removing theirs. In fact league's current team queue (Flex Q) works exactly how GW2's Ranked queue used to work.


> Hell, automated Tournaments fill the roll team que would much better, and makes it so that teams don’t end up just fighting like the same 2-5 other teams that are in their bracket like a team que would.


No, they don't because Tournaments aren't always available. Tournaments would be a good compliment to team queues, but they don't replace them. Again, returning your example of LoL. They now have a similar system to AT's **PLUS** FLEX QUEUE **and** solo/duo.


> TLDR: Team Ques sucks because they stagnate easily and no one even bothers with them if solo que is an option.


Because, when there was a Ranked Flex (aka team) queue, that's when the game had the most population. The only stagnation i see came after that was removed.

Also, just look at how much win-trading, and other toxic behaviour grew after team queue was removed and tell me that solo/duo is the better answer with a straight face.



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