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Getting the Black Moa.

GW Noob.6038

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Your best bet to get 15 points would probably be making a Ranger (or X/Ranger) and playing through Nightfall. Then play through EotN to unlock and set up the HoM.


Get one regular pet statue, one 'exotic' pet statue. (play a half-Beastmaster build and level a pet to 20.)

I think you might get one HoM-able weapon free from the EoTN story and one from doing War In Kryta. Add those if needed. (2 points)

Hero, Vanquisher, Cartographer, Skill Hunter of Elona. Spearmarshal titles. Survivor as a bonus if you play safe. (5 statues in Honor is 8 points)

Collect the Nightfall heroes and do the minigames for their respective armor upgrades. Add their Hero statues. (3 + the pet statues is 5 points, 10 total is 6)


You can spend the plat and mats you get from playing to buy minipets (from players), elite armor, and elite weapons to get a few points if the titles are taking too long. War in Kryta weapons aren't too bad iirc.


Not going to sugarcoat it; it'll take 60-100 hours minimum.

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