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About the unbreakable gathering tools...

GW Noob.6038

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> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> You pay for convenience. It has personal value, not some gold or gem value attached to it. Everybody can decide that for themselves, but lowering it now wouldn't really be fair imo, Just get them on a sale or bundle.


Well, you know...A fool and his money are soon parted! I looked at the 'Path of Fire Preparation Kit', which includes the unbreakable tools, but it's not a good value for me as it includes several items that I can easily live without.

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> @"GW Noob.6038" said:

> @ArenaNet Boy, you guys sure are proud of your Unbreakable Gathering tools...you're trying to charge twice what they're worth!!


I think a friendlier tone is in order here...


> I see that there's a slot in these tools for special Glyphs to improve their performance...the problem is they aren't available anywhere in the game, at least not in the game that I'm playing.


Oh, you have a special version of the game were you cannot access the Trading Post or open Black Lion Chests? Poor you.

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> @"GW Noob.6038" said:

> > @"Ashen.2907" said:

> > Consider converting gold for half of the gems so you only pay half of the real money cost.

> >

> > Based on what Ive seen in game, it seems the tools are worth the price for many people.


> Do you have the unbreakable tools? If not, how are you doing with your crafting...Ok?



I didnt have unbreakable tools for years, but do now. I bought them solely to avoid having to go back to town to replace normal tools. The convenience is worth the cost to me. For someone who intends to only be here for a year to 18 months, you may not find the unbreakable tools to be worth the cost...unless paying for convenience suits you.

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> @"GW Noob.6038" said:

> what I need to do is familiarize myself with the /block function...where is it?


Doesn't exist.


You can hide messages from individuals through a clever use of add-ons for your browser. Requires either some knowledge of CSS (or using the forum's search function to find the threads discussing the idea -- that will include explanations as to why ANet decided these forums shouldn't have a block feature).

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> @"GW Noob.6038" said:

> @Talonblaze.3175 and @DeanBB.4268 Thanks guys! I've got it sorted out now...I'll just convert my 2400 Gems and buy the glyphs to use in the regular tools. Then, if the unbreakable tools ever go on sale for 75% off, I'll buy them for the small convenience they provide.


Just be sure to pick ones you'll use/need overall. There's quite a variety and you can only have one per tool. But well worth the investment long term.

I would highly suggest looking up on the Wiki page of the glyphs that interest you to find out if they are to your liking.


Anet has also said that more glyphs will come in the future, so do note that if something isn't what you wanted now, it may in the future.

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> @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> > @"DeanBB.4268" said:

> > For me it's not all about the benefits. The convenience of never having to buy tools and never having to carry extras all the time is well worth the investment.


> That convenience ends if you play more than one character. That has been what's held me back from every buying them, since on some days I'm out farming on one character, while on another I'm doing map completion on an alt. And playing musical tools isn't an option. Can't tell you how many times a guildy has remarked over TS "dang, my tools are on another character"



It's not a big problem at all. With three shared slots, you keep regular harvesting tools in your character's slots and the unbreakable ones in the shared slots. Login to a character, open inventory, double click all the unbreakable tools, close inventory. When you're done playing that toon, open inventory, double click all three regular tools in the shared slots to swap the unbreakable ones back into the shared slots, log out of the toon. It isn't that hard of a habit to form, and is minimally inconvenient. I have two accounts with 13 toons that I rotate through each day for farming purposes, 11 of them level 80's.

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I did not find the unlimited tools to be worth the price until the account-wide inventory slots became available. Before, I would carry 4 each of the lumber/mining tools (3 mithril, 1 Ori) and 3 of the Ori Gathering tools per character. Now, for the price of three tools and 3 inventory slots, I save 11 inventory spaces across 15 characters. I got all of the slots and tools on sale. Even at sale prices, I see the investment as a long-term one. If you aren't planning to be around long, these convenience items may not work for you.

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> @"IndigoSundown.5419" said:

> I did not find the unlimited tools to be worth the price until the account-wide inventory slots became available. Before, I would carry 4 each of the lumber/mining tools (3 mithril, 1 Ori) and 3 of the Ori Gathering tools per character. Now, for the price of three tools and 3 inventory slots, I save 11 inventory spaces across 15 characters. I got all of the slots and tools on sale. Even at sale prices, I see the investment as a long-term one. If you aren't planning to be around long, these convenience items may not work for you.


I usually play just one character at a time...maybe this game will be different, idk.

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@Khisanth.2948 I figured out why I wasn't getting any results from my searches...my account was still in the process of being "validated" and so all the items were greyed out with a padlock icon on them. When I returned to town just now, I checked the TP and everything was available to me...did a search for 'Glyph' and it came up automatically.

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> @"Shikigami.4013" said:

> The base price of the tools has been the same since they were introduced, 1000 gems. The did not have that slot for many years. Then they added a slot, which can (but does not have to) be filled. The value of the tools did not decrease when they got that additional slot, so the price also did not decrease, They cost and are worth the same today as several years ago.


Actually the first infinite tool, the molten mining pick, was 800 gems when it was first released, the price was later increased to 1000 gems.

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> @"GW Noob.6038" said:

> > @"Shikigami.4013" said:

> > They cost and are worth the same today as several years ago.


> If there were actual Glyphs to install in the tools it might be worth getting them on sale...otherwise the value isn't there for me.




The fire storm pick comes with a gathering speed glyph, which is really handy and can be moved around, especially when winter berry farming in bitterfrost.

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> @"jwaz.1908" said:

> > @"Shikigami.4013" said:

> > The base price of the tools has been the same since they were introduced, 1000 gems. The did not have that slot for many years. Then they added a slot, which can (but does not have to) be filled. The value of the tools did not decrease when they got that additional slot, so the price also did not decrease, They cost and are worth the same today as several years ago.


> Actually the first infinite tool, the molten mining pick, was 800 gems when it was first released, the price was later increased to 1000 gems.


Which was soul-bound once used. The tools became 1000 Gems when they were released as account-bound even after use.

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> @"jwaz.1908" said:

> > @"Shikigami.4013" said:

> > The base price of the tools has been the same since they were introduced, 1000 gems. The did not have that slot for many years. Then they added a slot, which can (but does not have to) be filled. The value of the tools did not decrease when they got that additional slot, so the price also did not decrease, They cost and are worth the same today as several years ago.


> Actually the first infinite tool, the molten mining pick, was 800 gems when it was first released, the price was later increased to 1000 gems.


They were also soulbound when it was at the lower price.

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> @"GW Noob.6038" said:

> @ArenaNet Boy, you guys sure are proud of your Unbreakable Gathering tools...you're trying to charge twice what they're worth!! I see that there's a slot in these tools for special Glyphs to improve their performance...the problem is they aren't available anywhere in the game, at least not in the game that I'm playing. Drop the price to half and I'll buy them...otherwise I'll just continue using the in-game versions.


you tell em! and do your thang, man!

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> @"GW Noob.6038" said:

> @Shivvies.3921 I followed your instructions and came up with nothing. But, when I clicked on the 'Item' button and scrolled down I found them. The search function doesn't work as intended...I'll have to keep that in mind as I move forward. Thanks for your help! :)


Search for "unused" rather than "glyph" and only the tool glyphs will show up.

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"GW Noob.6038" said:

> > No, what I need to do is familiarize myself with the /block function...where is it?


> So you come here to complain in a somewhat unfriendly manner, yet do not wish people to comment in response to both, your tone and the erroneous claim you made?


I will never understand people who wanna use forums as their personal little soap box instead of starting a blog


also to OP: you have the choice to buy the tool or not, take it or leave it


Anet has no obligation to cater to your desires

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