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Revenant PvP Is it Platinum Worthy? And Can I get some tricks/advice?


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> @"EnderzShadow.2506" said:

> > @"Ario.8964" said:

> >Hope this was helpful.



> It was. Thank you.

> Takes a bit of time for these suggestions to sink in.


> If you don't mind me asking, can you give me an example of using the terrain?

> Coming from soulbeast/ranger/druid-- I don't think I every really learned to do that, well, if at all.

> That and, if I was ranged I could understand, I mean, that is fairly simple. You stand in a spot where you can get your ranged

> dmg off and have a retreat. But the current meta rev is almost purely melee.


> I know how to stall fights around obstacles and structures in the map but

> that doesn't seem to help me much because I cant recover very well and open up again, like say I would be able to

> on a ranger with a stealth and a big heal.




So your terrain usage is going to be mostly for damage mitigation, not to heal back up given that rev has the worst sustain/self heal of any class in game. Take waterfall for example, say I'm fighting a spellbreaker, what I might do is use sword 5 to port to him and get some damage off then pull back right after and kite around the terrain by climbing around on the fences or using the elevation differences to 1) mess with his skills' pathing 2) prevent him from being able to get counter damage off on me while I wait for skills to come off cd or for energy to build up if needed. It's very focused on predicting what the enemy will do and outplaying that rather than giving yourself heal/recovery time. Something you will need to get used to as a rev is pulling out of fights earlier than you're used to because you know that you don't have the massive self healing ability other specs do. Does that answer your question or did I miss something?

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> @"Ario.8964" said:

> > @"EnderzShadow.2506" said:

> > > @"Ario.8964" said:

> > >Hope this was helpful.

> >

> >

> > It was. Thank you.

> > Takes a bit of time for these suggestions to sink in.

> >

> > If you don't mind me asking, can you give me an example of using the terrain?

> > Coming from soulbeast/ranger/druid-- I don't think I every really learned to do that, well, if at all.

> > That and, if I was ranged I could understand, I mean, that is fairly simple. You stand in a spot where you can get your ranged

> > dmg off and have a retreat. But the current meta rev is almost purely melee.

> >

> > I know how to stall fights around obstacles and structures in the map but

> > that doesn't seem to help me much because I cant recover very well and open up again, like say I would be able to

> > on a ranger with a stealth and a big heal.

> >

> >


> So your terrain usage is going to be mostly for damage mitigation, not to heal back up given that rev has the worst sustain/self heal of any class in game. Take waterfall for example, say I'm fighting a spellbreaker, what I might do is use sword 5 to port to him and get some damage off then pull back right after and kite around the terrain by climbing around on the fences or using the elevation differences to 1) mess with his skills' pathing 2) prevent him from being able to get counter damage off on me while I wait for skills to come off cd or for energy to build up if needed. It's very focused on predicting what the enemy will do and outplaying that rather than giving yourself heal/recovery time. **Something you will need to get used to as a rev is pulling out of fights earlier than you're used to** because you know that you don't have the massive self healing ability other specs do. Does that answer your question or did I miss something?


I know the class takes some time getting used to--I gotta say though, when everything is clicking, it's a LOT of fun.


That answers my question. The bolded part though, I've had this happen when I don't leave soon enough.


In fact earlier today, I fought a spellbreaker on that exact point.

I'd get some hits in, throw down some aoe dmg, do the dragon thing to knock him down, get off the point,

wait for some skills to refresh and I think if I had enough time I would of killed him....but what really what happened is

about 10 secs into the fight, I was low on energy and waiting for some abilities to refresh, I got tunnel vision trying to kite him

and one of his teammates rezzed--and then they both fkt me up lol

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> @"EnderzShadow.2506" said:

> > @"Ario.8964" said:

> > > @"EnderzShadow.2506" said:

> > > > @"Ario.8964" said:

> > > >Hope this was helpful.

> > >

> > >

> > > It was. Thank you.

> > > Takes a bit of time for these suggestions to sink in.

> > >

> > > If you don't mind me asking, can you give me an example of using the terrain?

> > > Coming from soulbeast/ranger/druid-- I don't think I every really learned to do that, well, if at all.

> > > That and, if I was ranged I could understand, I mean, that is fairly simple. You stand in a spot where you can get your ranged

> > > dmg off and have a retreat. But the current meta rev is almost purely melee.

> > >

> > > I know how to stall fights around obstacles and structures in the map but

> > > that doesn't seem to help me much because I cant recover very well and open up again, like say I would be able to

> > > on a ranger with a stealth and a big heal.

> > >

> > >

> >

> > So your terrain usage is going to be mostly for damage mitigation, not to heal back up given that rev has the worst sustain/self heal of any class in game. Take waterfall for example, say I'm fighting a spellbreaker, what I might do is use sword 5 to port to him and get some damage off then pull back right after and kite around the terrain by climbing around on the fences or using the elevation differences to 1) mess with his skills' pathing 2) prevent him from being able to get counter damage off on me while I wait for skills to come off cd or for energy to build up if needed. It's very focused on predicting what the enemy will do and outplaying that rather than giving yourself heal/recovery time. **Something you will need to get used to as a rev is pulling out of fights earlier than you're used to** because you know that you don't have the massive self healing ability other specs do. Does that answer your question or did I miss something?


> I know the class takes some time getting used to--I gotta say though, when everything is clicking, it's a LOT of fun.


> That answers my question. The bolded part though, I've had this happen when I don't leave soon enough.


> In fact earlier today, I fought a spellbreaker on that exact point.

> I'd get some hits in, throw down some aoe dmg, do the dragon thing to knock him down, get off the point,

> wait for some skills to refresh and I think if I had enough time I would of killed him....but what really what happened is

> about 10 secs into the fight, I was low on energy and waiting for some abilities to refresh, I got tunnel vision trying to kite him

> and one of his teammates rezzed--and then they both fkt me up lol


Yeah energy costs on rev are kind of ridiculous imo. Like, if you engage using phase traversal you are instantly down to only 15 energy, that's not even enough to use the shiro evade if you get cced or immobed. Add on that every weapon skill has an energy cost of around 10-15 on average and it gets incredibly difficult to even have the cd's to handle fights, let alone pull out of losing ones. Shield makes it easier to handle due to the extra healing but then you lose the burst from OH sword which is mandatory and honestly overloaded with damage. Plus shield 5 still roots so it's useless for kiting, hope they change that soon cause that is really holding the set back.

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