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Updated 3D functionality?


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Will there ever be an update to the 3d mode? I've been wondering this ever since I got a VR headset. Right now the game supports nvidia's 3d vision only, which is outdated and abandoned and not usable with vr headsets (nvidia made VR/MR and 3d vision mutually exclusive at a driver level, as in it will crash the drivers if you try to use both at the same time) and it doesn't work properly with 3rd party programs like VorpX (plus that whole risk of being banned). I've spent quite a while trying to get it to work to no avail. The closest I've gotten is with tridef, but that's rather poor atm since nametags and labels are not even close to the same depth as the items/characters they go with (i.e. the npc is across the room and the label is right in your face). Plus tridef runs the risk of getting you banned since it hooks into the game's dll's (IIRC).


I'd really like to play the game in 3d, even though it's still a niche market.

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