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Help with HoT - cannot progress


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New to the game. My Necro hit 80 and I finished all the story stuff. Was excited to start on mastery points and elite specs. I start the HoT story. After a couple missions they let you open in the world and you cannot progress (the story) without a mastery point.


The problem is I can't even get past 10% mastery bar with over an hour of constant dying. There are no more hearts and random new icons on the map the game does not explain what they do. When I uncover a way point, POI, etc it barely gives any mastery EXP. What am I supposed to do here? I am competent in playing my Necro and had zero issues before. Am I missing something here or does this require a group? Was I supposed to do something important before HoT to make my character more powerful? I bought all 80 rare equipment with appropriate stats, have researched builds and understand how to play.


I am really feeling at a loss on how to even continue playing the game. I searched around and seemed to find this is not uncommon but didn't find any real solutions. Is getting some mastery points and hero points for reaper really going to be this difficult and daunting?


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Right now there may not be a lot of people in Heart of Thorns because it's the first week of Path of Fire.


That said, the HoT maps were overwhelming for a lot of people starting out. Take your time. Try to open up your gliding skills as soon as you can-- even if that delays yhour story a few days. Being able to glide, use updrafts, bounce and speed mushrooms etc... makes a world of difference.


Try to learn what each mob does and how to counter it-- also which to simply run past. You may have to adjust your build or utilities to deal with running around by yourself. Also search (check dulfy.net or youtube) for mastery points that do not require a team. There are a few where you just click/commune once you find them.


There used to be HP trains that would run you around all the maps in a large group to open all the way points and hero points, sometimes mastery too. Check in the Looking for Group Tool (by where your friend's list is) for those. It's a great way to open up the map and get more familiar with it, while not constantly being in battle by yourself. Also check in LFG for any groups at all that are going on in your zones. There are big events that people team up for. They give a lot of experience. If you are in a guild get an experience buff from the bartender and use any xp bonuses you have, including food.


You can message me in game for any questions/help. I came back not that long ago and remember how that felt.

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Now that it isn't the "end game" any more, they really need to do a tuning pass on HoT and make it more manageable for solo players. Change some of the champs to veterans, and reduce the mob density, spawn rate, and aggro range.


Honestly, the best advice I can give is don't try to solo it. Take a least one friend with you, or, better yet, try to find a HP/mastery train in LFG. If you want to PM me I can work with you a bit in-game.


The other alternative you have is to do it out of order - work in PoF first, since it's more manageable, and the stuff you gain there (elites and mounts) will help out substantially with the HOT content.

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As a heads up, Heart of Thorns was a huge wake up call for much of the player base. They _thought_ they were good, but core Tyria is actually not demanding of skill at all.


That said, Heart of Thorns is not difficult when you take your time to study each enemy type. You can't take them all on the same way as you do Core Tyria mobs, as they are much more varied in capabilities and weaknesses. If you're dying a lot, slow down and make the effort to learn the new enemies. Before you know it, they'll be instinctual to you.

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For exp to get you started on your masteries the adventures give a decent amount. You probably won't be able to do Bugs in the Branch's yet without gliding and bouncing shrooms, but if you can get to the Salvage Pit one, that is easy to get silver & gold as it's just running around picking up stuff while dodging, it'll give you a tonne of exp.

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Thanks for the advice. Heading out but will look into the suggestions. I definitely need to respec my Necro for more survivability. There were also tons of events going on no one was doing which was also hard to run past at times. Didn't think there would be HP groups in LFG that makes sense and sounds like a good idea. I will check that out as well.

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Constant dieing and competent in playing doesn't fit, now does it? :p


However, the best way to get experience is probably by doing events and most pre-events are doable solo, even some legendaries are doable.

But yes, most mobs in the Heart of Thorns maps are a bit more challenging than in core Tyria (avoid AoE-fields, Croud Control mobs, knowing the enemies moves/animations/abilities helps). It probably just takes some time to get used to those mechanics.


Also i would suggest getting at least exotic gear at level 80. And if you're really struggling, get some defensive stats, or else, some more offensive ones if it lacks in damage output.


Another way would be going to one of the newer maps from Living World - Season 3, but since you're new to the game, i don't know if you have access to them, or if it would require you to purchase them. But i'd say they're significantly easier, than Verdant Brink, Auric Basin and Tangled Depths.

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