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How does scourge compare to firebrand?

Advent Angel.1075

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Good morning guys! I'm new to this forum and I joined so I can find out how scourge compares to firebrand. So anyways I've mained scourge and usually just focus on scourge or whatever necro elite anet releases since I have no time to focus on other characters since I'm in med school and crafting another ascended set is too much time and heartbreak seeing all your gold and resources go down the drain. However I've had many of my friends tell me to try firebrand since I'm constantly told the dps along with the survivability is great. May I hear your opinions on how dps and survivability compare to scourge? I'm used to soloing many hp champs and have succeeded in soloing targets meant for group play along with large mobs(mainly due to minion Mancer build) with ease and many times end up in the whole last man standing cliche. Firebrand does seem pretty cool and I love their flashy skills so I'm super curious about the comparison between the two. Thanks again guys and I hope to see you in game someday. Also I mainly focus on PvE not so much on Pvp.

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Scourge is the best necro has ever been in PvE as a DPS class. I have heard it's good in PvP too but don't know firsthand. In terms of soloing difficult mobs, scourge is probably worse than both core and reaper because you sacrifice shroud for the dps increase.


Both Scourge and Firebrand are top contenders in the DPS dpt currently. Scourge does more DPS solo and FB does considerably more DPS in a group setting. I can almost guarantee FB will be nerfed, at least ashes of the just which is responsible for its huge DPS increase in a group setting. Scourge may or may not get hit with the nerfbat. I don't feel like it should but I also wouldn't be surprised because in all of GW2 history I can't recall a time necro was actually in a good spot in PvE, so I think it being strong currently is a glitch in the matrix. As always, Elementalist is your best bet if you want to be safe atop the hill of godhood.

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