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Suggestion: Flavor-texts in Junks and Collectible Items

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Like what the title suggest, it would be a great addition if certain Junks and Collectibles have their own flavor-texts rather than saying "trophy". This is an opportunity to provide more story and lore to people or just for the laughs.




Warm Stone


"With their magnanimous curiosity, many of the Sylvari always wonder if the Asura have what the humans call 'hearts'. Nevertheless, it is a most oft incessant quip that this stone will come up warmer if they have one."


Broken Claw


"One Priory study about the Skritt's indomitable camaraderie concluded when two Skritts were being chased by a jaguar, and one tripped the other."


Siege Commander's Spoon


"There is no spoon."

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