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Future Beetle Racing Tracks: A Suggestion Thread for Tracks?


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> @"Odinius.9826" said:

> One high up in the sky, around this gem...


> https://imgur.com/a/idwcW06




They can build a whole expansion up there. It's really pretty. I would also like maybe an instanced racetrack themed like Sanctum Sprint. It wouldn't be the exact same track since it's too narrow for a beetle at times and it would be downhill instead for AAAAAA experience.

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I love the idea but there is something else to be considered. Not everyone participating has the mount, some players rent their mount. That being said those people don't have the same abilities that people who own the mount have. Hairpin turns and water are both not only extremely difficult but possibly impossible. If someone who rents their mount gets too wet they loose their mount. They cannot just remount, they have to go all the way to the start point to get it back (kinda hoping Anet changes this somehow) Something else to take in to consideration is the fact that not everyone is playing on a high end computer and/or a really good connection. When designing tracks, and I honestly do love the idea of new tracks, please keep these things in mind.

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> @"Gemnaid.4219" said:

> They should put tracks inside of dungeons. This will revive the scene.


After walking through them, I would love to try them out. I just can't mount up inside. :astonished:


I don't have a location as of yet but a pure drift track would be fun. Blood tide Crimson maybe.

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Really what they need to do is add the ability for guilds to designate tracks in the open world. Official tracks are fine, but there should be an underworld racing scene. Make track checkpoints craftable via scribing with a gold cost along with a start and finish line. Then allow spectating for people in the race. Saturday night street racing comes to Tyria...

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