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Suggestion: Guild Hall Adventures

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Guild Halls are useful for the express purpose of maxing out Guild Hall Upgrades. This is because WvW, PvP, and PvE can all benefit, to some degree or another, from having a maxed guild hall; whether that be the 15% waypoint discount in PvE, or the siege tactics in WVW. However, after you have finished all the upgrades, what’s left to do in the guild hall itself??? It's nice that your guild hall will be improving your play in other areas of the game, but what reason do you have to ever enter the guild hall again?

Well, there is decorating. But generally only the top brass are granted this right; for obvious reasons. If any and all guild members are granted free range to add subtract and move decorations as they please, it would be chaotic and quite honestly, fruitless. It would be hard to keep a common theme, and could easily lead to members fighting over their latest creation being moved or removal. What's more, its not as if decorations are of an endless supply; they take time and resources to craft or buy. A guild hall simply cannot be indefinitely decorated, so decorating cannot be a daily guild activity, and thus is not a substantial reason to continuously visit the guild hall.

Of course, another option we have is guild organized activities: such as playing hide and seek, building jumping puzzles, training and tournaments in the arena, or mount racing. And while these can be fun occasionally, they rely completely on member’s resources, participation, and creativity… not every guild is capable of holding such events frequently, if at all. Nor for that matter, can activities such as hide and seek, retain attention for that long.

This is not to say that I look down on decorating or guild sponsored events, indeed they can be fun, but they are only a fraction of what could be. What guild halls really need, is a game implemented reason to gather there. The combination of guild created events and Dev designed activities would give more variety and choices; ie more reasons and ways to use your guild hall. Now, we all know why there is no trading post, normal crafting stations, or formal bank in guild halls… simply put, ANet didn’t want guild halls to replace cities as a social hub, where players could meet and group up. Which, could easily happen if every reason one might desire to visit a city, was available in their guild hall. This is understandable, however, I believe there is a way to make guild halls relevant without diminishing the value of cities. That is, to make them content hubs, of guild specific content.

When we were first introduced to guild halls, we were told that each guild hall had a unique backstory, that the crystals at the heart of each guild hall were powerful and had meaning and purpose, and that each guild hall was a strategic fortress advantageous to the war effort. But then… aside from the initial capture, we never saw any of that in the game. Who constructed each guild hall, why'd they leave it behind, who created the crystals and who left them there, and how do they power/protect the hall? None of these questions, amongst many others, were answered. Also, if this is a strategic location, why do our adversaries not fight us to reclaim it? Why do we not see its effect in the war effort?


However, I believe this deficit is an opportunity. I call it, **“Guild Hall Adventures":**

*These could be like: normal 'Adventures', that you launch at will; or, a new 'Guild Mission' type, that grants favor to be used while upgrading your guild hall. Maybe a hybrid, you can do any one at any time, but each week certain ones may count as guild missions.

*They could potentially grant: commendations, new decorations, enemy loot bags, boss and completion loot chest, new guild hall upgrades, a meaningful change to the guild hall upon first guild completion(Such as a wall previously blocking a waterway disappearing), and unlocking new NPCs(either permanent or until weekly reset) among other possibilities.

*These adventures/missions, when started, would take the participating members to a undercoated version of your guild hall. This is because ANet cant build the encounters around our decorations, as both the narrative and the combat wouldn’t make sense and/or would be impeded by them. Imagine ANet designed an escort event that leads down a specific path through the guild hall, only many guilds have blocked this path by placing a wall there, thus leaving these guilds with two options; redecorate or fail the mission. It just doesn’t work.

*Could be used to introduce Guild Hall GvG

*Would allow ANet to inject more lore into the guild halls via NPC dialogue during the instanced escorts and events.



-Supply Escort: Defend the supply caravan from Mordrum(if HoT GH) or Awakened(if PoF GH) untill it reaches marketplace.

-Invasion: (Only available after War Room Restoration 2 Upgrade) Defend the guild hall from Mordrum(if HoT GH) or Awakened(If PoF GH) assault until all enemies are defeated or time runs out; you loose if enemy captures the crystal heart of your guild hall. This will be a PvE story based adventure, where the enemy who once occupied the guild hall fight to reclaim it. (Win or lose, the guild hall doesn't actually change hands) There is a new Guild Siege Commander NPC in your War Room, talk to him to launch mission.

-Guild Invasion: This is a GvG version of the invasion, where up to 50 players from each guild slug it out to claim each other bases for themselves. The Guild Siege Commander NPC also grants you both Assault Upgrades for when you attack an enemy Guild Hall, and Defense Upgrades for when your guild hall is under attack. These upgrades could include defensive walls, siege weapons, and guard NPCs. Talk to Guild Siege Commander to que for random defense or assault match up, or to attack one of the guilds you're at war with. New "Declare War" and "Make Peace" options for member ranks. Members who have these options active, can right click on a player from another guild and choose Declare War or Make Peace with them. Make Peace must be accepted by an officer from the other guild. Alliances automatically At War with the guilds. If you choose to attack a guild you are At War with, it will set the battle to start the next hour and send a notice to all guild members from both guilds. Win or lose, the guild hall doesn't change hands, but it does affect the awards, the war record, and the leader boards.

-Mine Troubles: (Only Available after Mine Excavation 2 Upgrade) Digging too deep has caused earthquakes and revealed a destroyer infestation, clear destroyers to resume mining.


**Guilded Hallow**

-Pirate ghost and hidden treasure: Explorer Kogga has discovered a cave under the guild hall leading to a pirate ship, and suspects treasures may be hidden aboard, but she couldn't get close due to the ghostly crew guarding the caves, fight your way through the caves and defeat the captain to find the pirate treasure.

-Further Exploration 2 Secret Port:(only available after Further Exploration Upgrade) Explorer Kogga has discovered a bridge leading to a door in the upper north east corner of the guild hall and given its location, suspects it may lead to a port. She uses your Pact connections to borrow pact demolitions experts, to blow a hole in the wall where she believes was once accessible by ships. Unfortunately due to the location, water bombs from Ascolan must be used, and the shipment included ghost. This angered the pirates ghost and the two groups have gone to war. You have to move the bombs through the ghost war zone, place them at the wall, and protect them until enough are placed. There is a limited supply of bombs, so too many bombs destroyed means failure, enough placed is success. After first success, guild hall changes to reflect, with the gold wall disappearing to open up the port.)


**Lost Precipice and Windswept Haven:**

I don't know anything of these guild halls, please suggest unique locations that could inspire game-play and lore.


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