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Requiem collection took my freedom


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...my freedom from old style RPG questing

Speak to NPC1, go kill 10mobs, get to NPC2

Return to NPC1, go kill 10mobs, see NPC2

Return to NPC1 Gaaaaaaahhhhh.


Arena.NET you were proud of freeing players from one of the most hated thing in RPGs.

What happened to those days? :'(

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> @"phs.6089" said:

> ...my freedom from old style RPG questing

> Speak to NPC1, go kill 10mobs, get to NPC2

> Return to NPC1, go kill 10mobs, see NPC2

> Return to NPC1 Gaaaaaaahhhhh.


> Arena.NET you were proud of freeing players from one of the most hated thing in RPGs.

> What happened to those days? :'(


You can choose not to do collection. But you CHOOSED to do it by your free will. So it did not take your freedom since you used your freedom to do it

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> @"Laila Lightness.8742" said:

> > @"phs.6089" said:

> > ...my freedom from old style RPG questing

> > Speak to NPC1, go kill 10mobs, get to NPC2

> > Return to NPC1, go kill 10mobs, see NPC2

> > Return to NPC1 Gaaaaaaahhhhh.

> >

> > Arena.NET you were proud of freeing players from one of the most hated thing in RPGs.

> > What happened to those days? :'(


> You can choose not to do collection. But you CHOOSED to do it by your free will. So it did not take your freedom since you used your freedom to do it


Oh I;m sorry that I'm trying to quest in RPG


> @"Batel.9206" said:

> It's only that one collection, isn't it? Surely that can't be *too* odious?


Taking into count that Elegy was the same(go there, loading screen, go out, loadig screen.....), it makes it two. Making all JB questing odious.

And I don't like where it is going.

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The dialogs are quite short and simple, the interactions even give a little valuable lore, and the traveling to the Armormith isn't slow or convoluted. Sure, it could be better, but frankly, is not bad at all.

On the other hand... I'm not sure if I will ever end the Requiem collections because of the incredibly long Mistonium grinding. THAT is super boring and freedom crushing. Agh, the horror.

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> @"phs.6089" said:

> ...my freedom from old style RPG questing

> Speak to NPC1, go kill 10mobs, get to NPC2

> Return to NPC1, go kill 10mobs, see NPC2

> Return to NPC1 Gaaaaaaahhhhh.


> Arena.NET you were proud of freeing players from one of the most hated thing in RPGs.

> What happened to those days? :'(


You are making choices here... personal choices.


Your freedom has nothing to do with this game frankly. Using the word like that is disgusting.


If you need your perceived freedom back stop logging in, you could also just learn to like it. If not why would you do it?


You complain here and don't bother offering any of your own ideas about how this game developer could change things to suit you.

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It's super easy? I think it takes 2 weeks in total if you farm the mistonium every day.

Use gw2taco (you don't get banned for it, confirmed, google it) for it and don't forget to do all the bubble events since they drop 5 mistonium for you each.


I did it this way and it was super fast.

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> @"Clyan.1593" said:

> It's super easy? I think it takes 2 weeks in total if you farm the mistonium every day.

> Use gw2taco (you don't get banned for it, confirmed, google it) for it and don't forget to do all the bubble events since they drop 5 mistonium for you each.


> I did it this way and it was super fast.


Took me 3 days just do hearts on alts

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> @"Laila Lightness.8742" said:

> > @"Clyan.1593" said:

> > It's super easy? I think it takes 2 weeks in total if you farm the mistonium every day.

> > Use gw2taco (you don't get banned for it, confirmed, google it) for it and don't forget to do all the bubble events since they drop 5 mistonium for you each.

> >

> > I did it this way and it was super fast.


> Took me 3 days just do hearts on alts


Yeah. You clearly have the strong skin needed for grinding. 3 days doing the same thing. On many characters you already did the same things many times. We just live on very different paradigms. :)

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> @"phs.6089" said:

> ...my freedom from old style RPG questing

> Speak to NPC1, go kill 10mobs, get to NPC2

> Return to NPC1, go kill 10mobs, see NPC2

> Return to NPC1 Gaaaaaaahhhhh.


> Arena.NET you were proud of freeing players from one of the most hated thing in RPGs.

> What happened to those days? :'(


I sincerely doubt this is one of the most hated things in RPGs. I enjoyed the collection especially the fact that there was an actual story unfolding here unlike most of the game.


Also there are no "kill 10 mobs" parts of this collection.

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Every single time they've done this it's been great. Since it is the exception and not the rule they can go wild with this stuff occasionally without it feeling too bad. This armor? It felt like a fun journey. At least the first parts of it. I hope they continue doing this, because it makes collections so much more interesting

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> @"Laila Lightness.8742" said:

> > @"Clyan.1593" said:

> > It's super easy? I think it takes 2 weeks in total if you farm the mistonium every day.

> > Use gw2taco (you don't get banned for it, confirmed, google it) for it and don't forget to do all the bubble events since they drop 5 mistonium for you each.

> >

> > I did it this way and it was super fast.


> Took me 3 days just do hearts on alts


Yes I forgot about that. You can do that too, IF you have enough alts.

I used to do this for the stellar weapon set. 7 Alts for 3 Hearts = 1 weapon each day.

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> @"AgentMoore.9453" said:

> I agree that the collections are pretty grindy and tedious, and have heard the same from friends. But we suffer for fashion, don't we? It _is_ Fashion Wars 2 after all.


I'm not against grind,this is MMO and well grind is part of it, none has come with better solution on how to waste players time better. But 'new questing system' that GW2 has introduced was part of the things I like. JB quests are back to old days, what is next? Grind mobs for exp and lose exp on dead? (exaggerating I know). But I hope you get the point.

Why can't it be like any other quest in GW2 take it go do, receive reward. Instead of mindlessly running from NPCs back and forth being locked to one item before another.

Why I can't do things in no particular order, like the rest of things in game?

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I'm confused as to how the Requiem collection is meaningfully different from any other collection. There's a very limited set of quest types possible and this one makes use of several, including the oft-used "FedEx" or "DHS" style (find an item, deliver it someplace, get a receipt, deliver the receipt).


I saved a lot of time by parking a character outside the Priory while someone else did the gathering. I found it far less tiresome than a lot of personal story missions.


I'm not suggesting that the OP should have enjoyed it. I just don't think they did a good job of explaining what made this collection less interesting than the others. See also: _Daily Blood in the Water_, literally killing 10 ~~rats~~ krait every day

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> I'm confused as to how the Requiem collection is meaningfully different from any other collection. There's a very limited set of quest types possible and this one makes use of several, including the oft-used "FedEx" or "DHS" style (find an item, deliver it someplace, get a receipt, deliver the receipt).


> I saved a lot of time by parking a character outside the Priory while someone else did the gathering. I found it far less tiresome than a lot of personal story missions.


> I'm not suggesting that the OP should have enjoyed it. I just don't think they did a good job of explaining what made this collection less interesting than the others. See also: _Daily Blood in the Water_, literally killing 10 ~~rats~~ krait every day


I'm sorry if my English confuses. I don't like

One item only, then go see NPC, that will send you to another NPC, do 1 heart, go see NPC, that will send you to another NPC.

Trying to simplify here. I don't know how else to explain it.


10 Kraits are part of daily routine that thanks to six I can do or ignore in GW2, won't feel left behind or irrelevant. While Requem is collection(quest).

Quests in GW had this wonderful freedom, to do things in no particular order, without being forced to report every step to NPCs.

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Sorry, @"Phy.2913": you English was fine. I meant, what was so different about this from other collections? Yes, there's a portion where the order matters. But that's also true of all the legendary weapons. You have to donate currency & mats to Mossi in a particular order. You have to make certain items to collect other items.


Don't get me wrong: I prefer getting to choose the order in which I do things. I just didn't find that _notably_ different for Requiem compared to other situations. The phrase "took my freedom away" make it sounds like indentured servitude or slavery, rather than just an unnecessarily dull aspect of a mostly fun collection.

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> @"phs.6089" said:

> ...my freedom from old style RPG questing

> Speak to NPC1, go kill 10mobs, get to NPC2

> Return to NPC1, go kill 10mobs, see NPC2

> Return to NPC1 Gaaaaaaahhhhh.


> Arena.NET you were proud of freeing players from one of the most hated thing in RPGs.

> What happened to those days? :'(


To be fair, you did it by choice and second, there isn't that much of it in this game and that's still true.


It was also an interesting way to expose you to the story of the armor. It's not like they just put in that kind of content without a story behind it like most MMO's.

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> @"Pifil.5193" said:

> > @"phs.6089" said:

> > ...my freedom from old style RPG questing

> > Speak to NPC1, go kill 10mobs, get to NPC2

> > Return to NPC1, go kill 10mobs, see NPC2

> > Return to NPC1 Gaaaaaaahhhhh.

> >

> > Arena.NET you were proud of freeing players from one of the most hated thing in RPGs.

> > What happened to those days? :'(


> I sincerely doubt this is one of the most hated things in RPGs. I enjoyed the collection especially the fact that there was an actual story unfolding here unlike most of the game.


> Also there are no "kill 10 mobs" parts of this collection.


True there is a story tied to it, so it's a little different .. I guess.

So where we had repetitive fetch quests , which in my experience were the killer of enthusiasm for players I know across many MMO' sit', we basically got a fetch story quest... a subtle different I agree :)

I can still here ole Colin ringing those exilerating words in the marketing vids.. oooh those old repetitive MMO's with that "I swang a sword, I swang it again, I swang it ten times".... things change I guess - or maybe they just go full circle in the end.

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> @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> > @"Pifil.5193" said:

> > > @"phs.6089" said:

> > > ...my freedom from old style RPG questing

> > > Speak to NPC1, go kill 10mobs, get to NPC2

> > > Return to NPC1, go kill 10mobs, see NPC2

> > > Return to NPC1 Gaaaaaaahhhhh.

> > >

> > > Arena.NET you were proud of freeing players from one of the most hated thing in RPGs.

> > > What happened to those days? :'(

> >

> > I sincerely doubt this is one of the most hated things in RPGs. I enjoyed the collection especially the fact that there was an actual story unfolding here unlike most of the game.

> >

> > Also there are no "kill 10 mobs" parts of this collection.


> True there is a story tied to it, so it's a little different .. I guess.

> So where we had repetitive fetch quests , which in my experience were the killer of enthusiasm for players I know across many MMO' sit', we basically got a fetch story quest... a subtle different I agree :)

> I can still here ole Colin ringing those exilerating words in the marketing vids.. oooh **those old repetitive MMO's with that "I swang a sword, I swang it again, I swang it ten times".... things change I guess - or maybe they just go full circle in the end.**


To be fair, that quote needs to be remembered with the definition of certain words used for that time, not the current definitions people use. Specifically, the definition of grind in the old time MMOs was where people killed mobs over and over in order to level.


So the quote..


>In most games, you go out, and you have really fun tasks, occasionally, that you get to do, and the rest of the game is this boring grind to get to the fun stuff. ‘I swung a sword. I swung a sword again. Hey! I swung it again.’ That’s great. We just don’t want players to grind in Guild Wars 2. No one enjoys that. No one finds it fun. We want to change the way that people view combat.”


is about running out of quests in old MMOs and grinding (repititiously killings) mobs to level until you level enough to do the next set of quests. He’s saying in gw2 players won’t have to “swing a sword again” to level but can level by doing events and other things, so that quote about the sword is not about doing repetitious fetch quests, but the lack of quests leading to grinding mobs to level.

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> @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> > @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> > > @"Pifil.5193" said:

> > > > @"phs.6089" said:

> > > > ...my freedom from old style RPG questing

> > > > Speak to NPC1, go kill 10mobs, get to NPC2

> > > > Return to NPC1, go kill 10mobs, see NPC2

> > > > Return to NPC1 Gaaaaaaahhhhh.

> > > >

> > > > Arena.NET you were proud of freeing players from one of the most hated thing in RPGs.

> > > > What happened to those days? :'(

> > >

> > > I sincerely doubt this is one of the most hated things in RPGs. I enjoyed the collection especially the fact that there was an actual story unfolding here unlike most of the game.

> > >

> > > Also there are no "kill 10 mobs" parts of this collection.

> >

> > True there is a story tied to it, so it's a little different .. I guess.

> > So where we had repetitive fetch quests , which in my experience were the killer of enthusiasm for players I know across many MMO' sit', we basically got a fetch story quest... a subtle different I agree :)

> > I can still here ole Colin ringing those exilerating words in the marketing vids.. oooh **those old repetitive MMO's with that "I swang a sword, I swang it again, I swang it ten times".... things change I guess - or maybe they just go full circle in the end.**


> To be fair, that quote needs to be remembered with the definition of certain words used for that time, not the current definitions people use. Specifically, the definition of grind in the old time MMOs was where people killed mobs over and over in order to level.


> So the quote..


> >In most games, you go out, and you have really fun tasks, occasionally, that you get to do, and the rest of the game is this boring grind to get to the fun stuff. ‘I swung a sword. I swung a sword again. Hey! I swung it again.’ That’s great. We just don’t want players to grind in Guild Wars 2. No one enjoys that. No one finds it fun. We want to change the way that people view combat.”


> is about running out of quests in old MMOs and grinding (repititiously killings) mobs to level until you level enough to do the next set of quests. He’s saying in gw2 players won’t have to “swing a sword again” to level but can level by doing events and other things, so that quote about the sword is not about doing repetitious fetch quests, but the lack of quests leading to grinding mobs to level.


No I disagree.. swinging a sword is just part of an analogy, the mundane repetitive task requirement of the fetch quest is the point in question, but as I said at least it is tied to some story and perhaps a little lore.

For the record, as I have said many times within other threads I actually enjoyed the new story it was well done imo.. until the sigil of nullification malarkey spoilt it at the end, but hey that's just my take on it.

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Since their no-grind philosophy from before the game launched was brought up, here’s a clarification on it several years after that.


>Hey folks,

>I just want to take a second to address this topic, because it’s something we state as one of our key philosophies – but don’t often clarify exactly what we mean we say it. And because everyone and their mother has their own unique interpretation of what grind can mean, it’s very simple for this to feel like we’re not following our own guidelines when we build and implement content.

>When our company president said we have an anti-grind philosophy way back before Gw2 shipped, and when it has been repeatedly reinforced since then, our statement is simply: “We don’t think you should need to grind to get the best gear and stats in Guild Wars 2”.

>So what exactly does that mean:

>- The best gear/stats: This means to have statistically the best abilities in the game, you shouldn’t need to, by our definition of the word, grind. This goes for leveling and getting top gear (by our definition that’s ascended gear, legendary being an optional extra thing you can do, but don’t need to do.)

>- Grind: To us, grind means being required to do the same boring activity over and over again. In particular, the biggest reference we’re talking about here in traditional MMO’s is having to kill the same creatures over and over again to farm for levels or gear. In Gw2, you can gain exp and levels from a massive variety of game play, game modes, and content types. Same goes for the ability to acquire the gear to build up your characters. Similarly, ascended mats can be acquired from a wide variety of content types and game modes to allow you choice and options so you don’t need to grind to complete those goals. Our new mastery system continues to this promise as well, which we’ll go into more detail on soon.

>There are certainly optional activities in the game players can embark on that I think we’d openly accept fall into the category of our definition of more “grindy”. Earning certain unique skins, and in particular some titles absolutely qualify as things we’d put on this list. Legendary weapons have components to them that fall into this category, though we’ll be doing work in HOT to make this much less the case. We feel these are optional choices players don’t need to do, but can if they want, and because they are optional are acceptable within our statement that “Gw2 doesn’t make you grind to have the best gear/stats”. That doesn’t mean we can’t make those activities more fun as well, but when we say “no grind philosophy” we’re not including optional things you can do, but don’t need to do, in our definition.

>Hope that helps a bit, that’s our philosophy and definition we’re going by when we make those statements. They may not align to your definition of grind, and that’s ok – we’re fine with that! It’s just important you know what we mean when we make that statement so you can make decisions about how you view Gw2 and judge us by our actions/words.

>Thanks again for being so passionate about this topic and the game which ever side of the discussion you fall on. It’s something incredibly important to modern MMO’s and gamers in general, and we truly appreciate the dialogue you all are having on topics like this. It’s what makes better games for all of us.



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> @"AgentMoore.9453" said:

> I agree that the collections are pretty grindy and tedious, and have heard the same from friends. But we suffer for fashion, don't we? It _is_ Fashion Wars 2 after all.


Subjective. No way in hell I'm going to wear this. Glowy doesn't equal fashion.

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