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Suggestion: Wyvern Rider Achievement

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Achievement: Wyvern Rider

Title: Wyvern Rider

Reward: Wyvern Skin for Griffon Mount

Unlock Requirements: Complete HoT Story, Complete PoF Story, Complete Griffon Unlock, Ranger



(only recieved when you first log onto a ranger after update): "Commander,

the Pact has need of the unique beast mastery skills you acquired in the desert, come visit me in Verdant Brink, where we can speak more at length!"

-Pact Stable Master, Scholar Burncut



First Meeting

(Scholar Burncut(female char Ranger) and her Wyvern are located on the vine a safe distance away from the tamable fire wyverns. Her wyvern is chewing on a saddle, and the scholar's hair is singed so that she is half bald):

Scholar Burncut, "Commander, thank heavens you're here, wrangling these Wyverns hasn't been an easy task, even for our most vetern of Rangers."

Commander, "Wait, what?"

Scholar Burncut, "Following your exploits in the desert, the Pact has realized our over reliance on technology has blinded us to the tactical advantage of mounts. Just immagine how the Betrayal over Verdant Brink may have gone differently if our troops had griffons! The loss of our airships and many sylvari units nonwithstanding, we could have regrouped and reorganized with fewer casualties. As such, I have been tasked me with finding alternative mount options."

Commander, "And you chose... Wyverns..."

Scholar Burncut, "Actually, we really wanted to ride dragons, like Aurene. I mean, what better to face off a dragon, than another dragon? But outside of what our historical records say of Cantha, you have the only known uncorupted dragon. So you can see how starting an airborn dragon corps might be a little difficult. They're still arguing the plausability of a dozens of riders saddling one juvinile dragon, if only she was a bit bigger..."

Commander, "A little?! You weren't seriously...(sigh) oh, nevermind. So naturally since you couldnt ride the most dangerous beast, you went with the next closest one."

Scholar Burncut, "Naturally. There is precidence as rangers have been taming Wyverns ever since the Maguuma campaign."

(If aquired wyvern) Scholar Burncut, "Even you've befriended one already"

(If no wyvern) Scholar Burncut, "I'm surprised you don't have one yet."

Scholar burncut, "but while training them to fight at our side hasnt been too hard, no one has successfully been able to climb onto the saddle. Wvyerns are extremely ferocious creatures, this is what makes them useful to us, but its also what prevents us from riding them. With your help, I believe we can find the middleground."



Collection Achievement: Tamed Wyvern

1. Tame Fire Wyvern

2. Tame Electric Wyvern

3. Talk to Scholar again(only can do after 1 and 2)


Scholar Burncut after completing 'Tamed Wyvern'

Scholar Burncut, "Ah, I see you have your Wyvern with you now. Now that you're ready, it's time to sharpen those claws. I've composed a list of activities for you to do together. Make sure you keep your wyvern with you." (Unlocks: 'Wyvern Ranch' and 'Furocious but Friendly' Collection Achievements. A Wyvern will follow you around until you've completed these two collection achievements. (Similar to Blish during LWS4 Ep4))


Collection Achievement: Furocious but Friendly

"Bond with your Wyvern to bring your relationship to the next level without loosing their edge."

1. Defeat a Wyvern Patriarch together "It sounds harsh, but bonds must be broken"

2. Defeat a Wyvern Matriarch together "Can't have them betray us when we fight their own kind"

3. Defeat Death Branded Shatterer "It's real enemy is the Elder Dragons after all"

4. Saurian Meat (Dragon Stand Event) "Let's feed it something that reminds it of home."

5. Wyvern Ranch (Complete 'Wyvern Ranch' Achievement Collection) "Home is where the heart is, let's build one!"


Collection Achievement: Wyvern Ranch (must be done in order)

1. Return to scholar Burncut to ask about a possible home for a Wyverns ranch. She suggest asking the Guild Initiative, since their explorers have traversed far and wide in their search for guild strongholds.


2. Talk to a Guild Initiative Explorer (Either at guild hall or at initiative headquarters) explorer recomends the old white mantle hideout(LWS3 Ep6), because it's in the jungle so its their natural habitat, it has a lot of verticality for the wyverns to fly, already has fortifications that could be adjusted, and is still relativly close to core Tryia. Commander says he will send a mail to scholar burncut to meet you there. Guild Initiative Explorer says he'll also send a new recruit GIE to go with you, saying it will be good training for him to learn how to build and manage the Wyvern Ranch before handling a guild hall. (This explorer could then be the one that leads the expedition to the new Guild Hall attached to the next expansion)


3. Enter Wyvern Ranch and ascend to the top to meet up with scholar burncut and GIE. Together you outline a plan. The vertical enterence will the wyvern's hunting and mating ground, and the old white mantle fortress will be used as the rider barracks, supply room, command center, and ofr wyvern melee and ranged combat training.


4. Clear ledge of spiders for Wyvern nest "Spiders again? Always more spiders! At least Braham isnt here." (Alters appearence of Spider habbitat, permanantly clearing the webs and spiders)


5. Recruit 10 Pact Rangers: 2 from Fort Trinity, 2 from Camp Resolve, 2 from Elder's Vale, 1 from Pact Vanguard, 1 from Chantry of Secrets, 1 from Vigil Keep, 1 from the Durmand Priory. "You dont intend to train all these Wyverns alone, do you?" (These ranger's and their wyverns will now be located in the Wyvern Ranch, a pact airship is docted at or hovering above hideout)


6. Donate 10g to repair and repurpose White Mantle Fortress "You did quite a number on this place, at least all the statues are gone." (Slightly alters appearence of fortress, ie: removes statue debris, establishes new PoIs, adds pact flags, builds command tent, builds targets for ranged wyvern practice and dummies for melee wyvern practice) [https://dropbox.com/s/tsj7xjgb7wje46x/Wyvern%20Ranch.jpg?dl=0&m=](https://www.dropbox.com/s/tsj7xjgb7wje46x/Wyvern%20Ranch.jpg?dl=0&m= "https://dropbox.com/s/tsj7xjgb7wje46x/Wyvern%20Ranch.jpg?dl=0&m=")


7. Complete event "Steal Wyverns Eggs"(Verdant Brink) to jump start wyvern pack. "Now that we've broken its bond to its old pact, let's establish a new one" (slightly alters apparence of previous spider habbitat, placing wyvern nests, eggs, and wyvern hatchings and juveniles there)


8. Capture Saurians to breed for Wyverns to hunt: 4 Bonebreaker, 4 Arrowhead, 4 Rolling Devils, 2 Stonehead, 20 pocket raptor, 4 Smogscale (adds Saurians to base floor for Wyverns to hunt)



Wyvern Rider Achievement

After completeing both 'Tamed Wyvern' and 'Furocious but Friendly,' 'Wyvern Rider' Achievement is unlocked.

1. Talk to Scholar Burncut in Wyvern Ranch.

"Our wyverns have served their connections and now have a new home, pack, and purpose, and we've bonded with them throughout the whole journey, what more can be done? Time to mount up and test out our progress. The boys and I will be right behind you commander." (Following the conversation you are instantly mounted on the wyvern that had been following you)

2. Fly to base floor hunting grounds

3. Talk to Scholar burncut again

Scholar burncut, "We did it commander! The first Pact Wyvern Corps can now soar aside our airships. Will you be returning to the Pact to command us?"

Commander, "Actually, I want you to lead the unit. It was your idea after all."

Commander, "Very well Commander, but you're always welcome to join us in the skies." (Finishing the conversation, will grant 'Wyvern Rider' Achievement, giving you the 'Wyvern Rider' title and unlocking the Lighting Wyvern and Fire Wyvern skins for your griffon.

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> @"starhunter.6015" said:

> Well thought out idea and all, but the models for the wyverns and griffons are too different. Plus requiring a specific class for the achievement is something that ANet is not known for doing outside the Elite spec collections.


There are already mount skins that change a mount into a different race, such as transforming the sand jackle into a 9tailed fox among others. And there are already mechanics in game for wyvern flight. It shouldnt be too significant of a problem.


As for requiring ranger, i chose this, because for most mounts, we aquire them from a stable where they have already been bred and trained to be ridden. Wyverns have not, and would require that training, which ranger would be most capable of. The skin would be locked to rangers only for the unlocking process, after its unlocked on your account, all characters can use.

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> @"OtakuModeEngage.8679" said:

> > @"starhunter.6015" said:

> > Well thought out idea and all, but the models for the wyverns and griffons are too different. Plus requiring a specific class for the achievement is something that ANet is not known for doing outside the Elite spec collections.


> There are already mount skins that change a mount into a different race, such as transforming the sand jackle into a 9tailed fox among others. And there are already mechanics in game for wyvern flight. It shouldnt be too significant of a problem.


> As for requiring ranger, i chose this, because for most mounts, we aquire them from a stable where they have already been bred and trained to be ridden. Wyverns have not, and would require that training, which ranger would be most capable of. The skin would be locked to rangers only for the unlocking process, after its unlocked on your account, all characters can use.


First off the Nine tails is still a quadrupeds, nothing is altering the basic skeleton and frame work of the Jackal, Those nine tails function as one tail. Wyvern wings are hooked to the forearms which is why they are Wyvern's and not Dragons. Griffons are quadrupeds with wings from the shoulder area. Which is why I stated that the wyvern to griffon are too different. It would require complete remodeling of the skins and then is no longer a wyvern.

Second not all players play rangers due to not liking them so it will still lock content from players. Nothing against earning achievments from a NPC ranger, could even be escort missions to help tame the beasts so any class could do it.

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> @"starhunter.6015" said:

> > @"OtakuModeEngage.8679" said:

> > > @"starhunter.6015" said:

> > > Well thought out idea and all, but the models for the wyverns and griffons are too different. Plus requiring a specific class for the achievement is something that ANet is not known for doing outside the Elite spec collections.

> >

> > There are already mount skins that change a mount into a different race, such as transforming the sand jackle into a 9tailed fox among others. And there are already mechanics in game for wyvern flight. It shouldnt be too significant of a problem.

> >

> > As for requiring ranger, i chose this, because for most mounts, we aquire them from a stable where they have already been bred and trained to be ridden. Wyverns have not, and would require that training, which ranger would be most capable of. The skin would be locked to rangers only for the unlocking process, after its unlocked on your account, all characters can use.


> First off the Nine tails is still a quadrupeds, nothing is altering the basic skeleton and frame work of the Jackal, Those nine tails function as one tail. Wyvern wings are hooked to the forearms which is why they are Wyvern's and not Dragons. Griffons are quadrupeds with wings from the shoulder area. Which is why I stated that the wyvern to griffon are too different. It would require complete remodeling of the skins and then is no longer a wyvern.

> Second not all players play rangers due to not liking them so it will still lock content from players. Nothing against earning achievments from a NPC ranger, could even be escort missions to help tame the beasts so any class could do it.


Yes, 9tails does have the same frame, but it also has mechanical differences in the way it jumps forward. You're making the assumption that skins must have the same mechanics and thus the same body structure, thats not the case.


They do have certain achievements that require certain classes, armor skins that require certain classes or races, home instance cats that require certain classes. IMO, there is precedence.


Also, id argue that the prejudice against rangers is exactly the reason why doing this would be okay. Give rangers a little love and players incintive to play one. However, I am fine with ANet removing the ranger requirement. Its just an idea, i dont expect it to be used verbatim, if at all.Your idea to have a ranger escort taming event is also a good idea.

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I like the idea of a large achievement chain to obtain the equivalent of a legendary mount skin (think of how the legendary backpacks also give glider skins)

But I don't think this idea is the right way to go with it. It should only require path of fire and a LS season (5 maybe) that can have this mount attached as the big prize at the end, and should not require a certain player class.


I prefer the idea of having it start with getting a baby of the animal or an egg of an animal, maybe the final map of season 5 is where some cool new species of some mount animal is found, probably a type of griffon or something that uses the same model skeleton as a griffon. And then the achievements walk you through hatching/raising and training it. There would be crafting recipes that take up materials as you craft training gear for it. And probably gold sinks as you go to vendors to buy special treats to give it. It could take you back through the entire season to re-do hearts to get access to merchants, doing certain events to get some special item, etc.


Time gating would obviously be involved as you have to visit it multiple days to reinforce what you are teaching it, and giving it a treat (either bought as a gold sink or crafted as a mat sink). And then when you finish it all up, have it still be there where you can interact with it when you visit your home instance just for a bit of immersion.

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> @"Mewcifer.5198" said:

> I like the idea of a large achievement chain to obtain the equivalent of a legendary mount skin (think of how the legendary backpacks also give glider skins)

> But I don't think this idea is the right way to go with it. It should only require path of fire and a LS season (5 maybe) that can have this mount attached as the big prize at the end, and should not require a certain player class.


> I prefer the idea of having it start with getting a baby of the animal or an egg of an animal, maybe the final map of season 5 is where some cool new species of some mount animal is found, probably a type of griffon or something that uses the same model skeleton as a griffon. And then the achievements walk you through hatching/raising and training it. There would be crafting recipes that take up materials as you craft training gear for it. And probably gold sinks as you go to vendors to buy special treats to give it. It could take you back through the entire season to re-do hearts to get access to merchants, doing certain events to get some special item, etc.


> Time gating would obviously be involved as you have to visit it multiple days to reinforce what you are teaching it, and giving it a treat (either bought as a gold sink or crafted as a mat sink). And then when you finish it all up, have it still be there where you can interact with it when you visit your home instance just for a bit of immersion.


The purpose of this thread is to unlock a wyvern mount, which is the closest thing we'll probably ever get to riding a dragon, with the exception of perhaps a one-and-done story mission flight with Aurene.(Wouldnt want her to be a open world permanant mount, as so many aurenes is immersion breaking) I chose it to be a skin rather than a new mount type, because what would be the point of two flying types with virtually the same abilities. Any constructive suggestions as to how this may be done is appreciated!

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I agree on the requirements of having PoF and a living Story season. As for how to do this, Having it tied to helping a Ranger (Pact Ranger) I feel is the right way. The collection idea after the requirements often isn't a bad way to go. Can be a good way to pump players back into core maps again, Much like what happened with the Beetle collection. Maybe one part of the quest/collection can vary in one of three ways depending on the character you using. Vigil/Whispers/Priory depending on what the character had selected?

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I must say, I absolutely LOVE this! However, I think there are a few things that should be changed.


1. Make it some kind of content bundle in the gemstore, or add it as free for anyone with both expansions (and living world episodes if needed).


Then, they can make the wyvern its own mount, and maybe make the Wyvern Ranch its own map.

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Would like to have a wyvern, it could introduce a new type of skills: combat ones, when used, it doesn't dismount you, and you can deal some damages to help your allies, like a blast attack but with a long cooldown after. You dismount by using dismount. You could also charge or fly like the gryphon.


Also only requiring events, no sigils or runes, and no weird amount of gold like 500g.

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> @"OtakuModeEngage.8679" said:

> > @"starhunter.6015" said:

> > > @"OtakuModeEngage.8679" said:

> > > > @"starhunter.6015" said:

> > > > Well thought out idea and all, but the models for the wyverns and griffons are too different. Plus requiring a specific class for the achievement is something that ANet is not known for doing outside the Elite spec collections.

> > >

> > > There are already mount skins that change a mount into a different race, such as transforming the sand jackle into a 9tailed fox among others. And there are already mechanics in game for wyvern flight. It shouldnt be too significant of a problem.

> > >

> > > [...]

> >

> > First off the Nine tails is still a quadrupeds, nothing is altering the basic skeleton and frame work of the Jackal, Those nine tails function as one tail. Wyvern wings are hooked to the forearms which is why they are Wyvern's and not Dragons. Griffons are quadrupeds with wings from the shoulder area. Which is why I stated that the wyvern to griffon are too different. It would require complete remodeling of the skins and then is no longer a wyvern.

> > [...]


> Yes, 9tails does have the same frame, but it also has mechanical differences in the way it jumps forward. You're making the assumption that skins must have the same mechanics and thus the same body structure, thats not the case.

> [...]


What are these "mechanical differences", because I haven't noticed any...


They *look* a bit different, but the rig is unchanged and the blink is mechanically identical.

*No* mount skin has changed the skeleton of the model.

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