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trait change for salvation line(idea)


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Replace Momentary Pacifcation with whatever you want it call it "centaur aura"

This make it so you choosing between more out going healing or healing more players at once. :)


change centaur skills on centaur stance to effect 10 players.


Project Tranquility (would become inactive an you would lose Ventari will well tablet is not summen)

Protective Solace: now move on top of the rev.

Narutal Harmony Range become healing 10 allies at ( at 1.75 Heal power rate)

Purifying Essence : now remove from 10 players at ( 0.1 healing power rate)

new elite: give 10 allies 100 barrier for every 1% upkeep spent consume 100% upkeep.


anyways place your though an idea :D

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