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New Elite Spec: The Magician


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Yes, I know the name is pretty basic but if you guys can recommend any better names please do!

Wielding two daggers, the Magician sacrifices their shatter skills and instead utilizes illusionary reflections of themselves in order to confuse and destroy foes from afar.


Reflection Skills: These skills replace the shatter skills regular mesmers have. Mind wrack now becomes Mind Reflection, Cry of Frustration to Frustrated Reflection, Diversion to Diversive Reflection, and Distortion to Distorted Reflection. Reflection skills now summon reflections randomly around your targeted enemy at a range from 600-900. Reflections differ from clones and phantasms. While not as strong as phantasms but not as weak as clones, they are capable of a multitude of different possibilities based on the skill that summoned them ie the Mind Reflection focuses on inflicting damage while the Frustrated Reflection focuses on condition damage. Once a reflection skill is used, the skill flips over to become a swap skill. Activating a swap skill swaps your location with the associated reflection, much like blink, damaging any nearby enemies. The only way reflections can be killed are by killing the enemy, exiting combat, or being killed by an enemy.

Note* Clones and reflections look the same to enemies however, reflections appear differently to the magician who summoned them in order for them to differentiate between each type of reflection


F1-F4 skills (All swap skills have a cooldown of 20 seconds)

Mind Reflection and Mind Swap: Summon a reflection that deals damage to target foe. Swap positions with you Mind Reflection damaging nearby foes.

Frustrated Reflection and Frustrated Swap: Summon a reflection that deals confusion to target foe on each attack. Swap positions with your Frustrated Reflection dealing damage and 3 stacks of confusion for 10 seconds to nearby foes.

Diversive Reflection and Diversive Swap: Summon a reflection that blocks incoming attacks for .5 seconds each time it attacks. Swap positions with your diversive reflection, dealing damage and dazing nearby enemies.

Distorted Reflection and Distorted Swap: Summon a reflection that heals you for each attack. Swap positions with your distorted reflection, dealing damage and gaining distortion for 1.5 seconds.


Weapon Skills:

MH Dagger;

Illusionary throw: Throw your dagger at an enemy, dealing increased damage per reflection active. 900 range.

Illusionary Blossom: Leap over your enemy, throwing out 5 daggers at enemies nearby, damaging and slowing for 2 seconds. 600 Range and evade. 15 second cooldown

Mirror Rend: Spin in a circle, chilling, slowing, and crippling nearby enemies. Swap your location with your Mind Reflection. 20 second cooldown.

OH Dagger;

Mirror Defense: Block incoming attacks for 3 seconds. If you block an attack reactivate this skill to release a wave of energy that knocks back foes and grants you might. 300 range, 20 second cooldown.

Phantasmal Mage: Throw a slow moving dagger that pierces and damages enemies. Reactivate this skill to teleport to the dagger. If your dagger hits an enemy before teleporting, you summon a phantasmal mage which casts mirror defense. 1200 range, 30 second cooldown.


Utility Skills (Reflect Skills):

Hall of Mirrors: Re orient your reflections and yourself around the targeted enemy randomly. Switches the focus of your reflections only. 15 second cooldown.

Abra-: Evade around your enemy, throwing out daggers and gaining distortion at the end of your evade for .5 seconds. 20 second cooldown.

-Cadabra: For 5 seconds reflect incoming projectiles. You may end this skill early to grant regeneration and swiftness to nearby allies. Regeneration effectiveness scales and increases with the number of projectiles reflected. 25 second cooldown.

Rereflect (elite): For 5 seconds, absorb an incoming attack from an enemy. Rereflect switches to a copy of the skill blocked (including enemy skills =D) for 30 seconds. 90 second cooldown (cooldown begins after your absorb ends)

Alakazam (Healing): Absorb incoming damage. Heal nearby allies and yourself based on a percentage of the damage absorbed. Flat heal is applied at the beginning of the casting of the heal. 30 second cooldown.


Not gonna go into traits since I haven't thought about it much. Let me know what you guys think and feel free to post suggestions or changes!

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