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No Pain No Gain


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> @"lodjur.1284" said:

> I doubt there's any class that can't survive autoattacking with quickness against retal while having a druid healing them.


> Ye for sure that's why I dont have any issues on dhuum, but gorseval also has retaliation (that you can strip it just doesn't show up) and a couple months back (I guess more like a year) pugs generally did the "slow-cc" or "no-cc" strategy there and one could generally survive.


Retaliation scales with power (the power of the one having retal), so when gors retal dont hurt alot, its simply due to gors having low power (also why he dont hurt when he auto). Many bosses (and even normal mobs) in fracs however hit slow but have high power. So the retal (assuming normal retal) from them will be alot harder hitting.


It is btw the same with reflects, when you reflect a mobs shot, it scales with his power, not yours. That is why you sometimes can 1 shot a mob with reflect. Funny fact, whether the reflected shot crit or not depends on your crit chance, not the mobs.


All this btw is less about your surgestion and more about how retal works for anyone here not already knowing it.

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