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When Kralkatorrik finally goes down (hopefully), it will be an end of a long journey.

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From Edge of Destiny, to Ghost of Ascalon (where the Brand plays a significant part), to having to rebuild Destiny's Edge in the base game, seeing allies die, having to see Aurene, thus Glint's Legacy grow up, to the last episode where Aurene got a mental breakdown because of the weight of the task at hand. Kralk has been a looming threat since the beginning, and it holds special meaning for all who read the books, with the death of Snaff. I do not know what the future holds, or if we even manage to defeat Kralkatorrik.

But we will be there, we will be there when the one who scarred the surface of Tyria with its blithe goes down for good.

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> @"Dibdabs.3410" said:

> Game lore in mmorpgs doesn't mean a thing to me. I don't even know who most of the NPCs who accompany me on missions in GW2 are. :D


I wonder what you play an MMO**RPG** for when you don't care about the most important aspects of any RPG, namely story, lore, companions, and adventure.


> @"Mea.5491" said:

> I hope it will be an epic fight. <3


Well, as long as it will be over soon. I am so tired of GW2's elder dragons storyline...

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"Dibdabs.3410" said:

> > Game lore in mmorpgs doesn't mean a thing to me. I don't even know who most of the NPCs who accompany me on missions in GW2 are. :D


> I wonder what you play an MMO**RPG** for when you don't care about the most important aspects of any RPG, namely story, lore, companions, and adventure.


> > @"Mea.5491" said:

> > I hope it will be an epic fight. <3


> Well, as long as it will be over soon. I am so tired of GW2's elder dragons storyline...


Still got 3 more dragons left~

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I'd love it if they did something like the Dragon's Stand meta, but as a story instance - so you play one role and then everything else is done by the NPCs. Of course it won't be the same as an actual meta event, but it would be fun and IMO a good end to the story arc.


Assuming of course it is going to end soon and Kralk won't get away again or our plans change for another reason.

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Myself im looking forward to Guild Wars 2 finally going beyond the dragons, to have more relatable and interesting grand villains again. These creatures are far more like inscrutable forces of nature with just a few defining urges to them and little more. Makes them very forgettable outside flashy encounters. I strongly believe that is why Joko had such a following, because he was much more interesting than all the dragons combined. And for Path of Fire, Joko drove the villainous pair, not cardboard Balthazar for sure.

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"Dibdabs.3410" said:

> > Game lore in mmorpgs doesn't mean a thing to me. I don't even know who most of the NPCs who accompany me on missions in GW2 are. :D


> I wonder what you play an MMO**RPG** for when you don't care about the most important aspects of any RPG, namely story, lore, companions, and adventure.


> > @"Mea.5491" said:

> > I hope it will be an epic fight. <3


> Well, as long as it will be over soon. I am so tired of GW2's elder dragons storyline...


Lol, yet YOU'RE tired of the storyline as well. :D

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> @"Dibdabs.3410" said:

> > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > > @"Dibdabs.3410" said:

> > > Game lore in mmorpgs doesn't mean a thing to me. I don't even know who most of the NPCs who accompany me on missions in GW2 are. :D

> >

> > I wonder what you play an MMO**RPG** for when you don't care about the most important aspects of any RPG, namely story, lore, companions, and adventure.

> >

> > > @"Mea.5491" said:

> > > I hope it will be an epic fight. <3

> >

> > Well, as long as it will be over soon. I am so tired of GW2's elder dragons storyline...


> Lol, yet YOU'RE tired of the storyline as well. :D


to be honest i love the story and im tired of these dragons just getting stronger, the difference between Ash, you and i is that Ash and i actually care about the story enough to be tired of it. Kralk has become a literal realm hopper with the power to destroy the entirety of Tyria by destroying the mists. Even when we kill him unless Aurene can absorb /all/ of his power some of its going to go to the remaining three dragons and they too could end up with that power. Anet backed themselves into a wall here by making each dragon gain strength off the last ones death.


Even the minor bosses like Joko arent compelling right now because they dont threaten the world of tyria as much as the dragons do.


> @"InvaGir.9158" said:

> Now imagine Kralk battle will be part of a raid :3


Would not end well for ANET what so ever, people who dont do raids are already pissed off that they have small sections of lore hidden in Raids.

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"Dibdabs.3410" said:

> > Game lore in mmorpgs doesn't mean a thing to me. I don't even know who most of the NPCs who accompany me on missions in GW2 are. :D


> I wonder what you play an MMO**RPG** for when you don't care about the most important aspects of any RPG, namely story, lore, companions, and adventure.



I've asked this question of another player before. The response was that MMOs get continuous ongoing new content addition for them to play through with their favorite character.


Personally I come from pen and paper RPGs and find lore, stories, interesting characters, and exciting locales to be important to my enjoyment of a game. Anet does lore and locale well enough to offset (IMO) poor story and characters.



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> @"Ashen.2907" said:

> I've asked this question of another player before. The response was that MMOs get continuous ongoing new content addition for them to play through with their favorite character.


Yes, and that content is (_drumroll_) _story_ content! Story content means: characters (NPCs), progression of the "tale" that is being told, more background info and so on. How anyone can possibly play said content and ignore everything about it at the same time is beyond me.


> @"DoggySpew.4529" said:

> I'm not worried with how Kralk will be handled. GW2 is in an uptick in quality, and I whatever is thought out, I trust the devs.



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Honestly I'm worried that they might actually end up breaking the lore somewhat due to power/spectacle creep. I mean, we defeated 2 elder dragons which were already supposed to be beyond the scope of what an ordinary Tyrian could think of, now we have this super uber ultra buffed guy who is somehow even *worse* and I'm really not sure where they could go from there. YMMV on that, ofc, but I'm secretly hoping for a clean break and exploring something completely different in the next expansion/LW season instead of trying to continously build on one and the same story. I'd rather be busy with some more mundane issues and maybe new side characters instead of breaking and warping the ones that we currently have.

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"Ashen.2907" said:

> > I've asked this question of another player before. The response was that MMOs get continuous ongoing new content addition for them to play through with their favorite character.


> Yes, and that content is (_drumroll_) _story_ content! Story content means: characters (NPCs), progression of the "tale" that is being told, more background info and so on. How anyone can possibly play said content and ignore everything about it at the same time is beyond me.


One need not care about the why of their character's actions if what they are doing is mechanically fun.


How much attention must one pay to story to enjoy a game of chess?



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> @"Ashen.2907" said:

> > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > > @"Ashen.2907" said:

> > > I've asked this question of another player before. The response was that MMOs get continuous ongoing new content addition for them to play through with their favorite character.

> >

> > Yes, and that content is (_drumroll_) _story_ content! Story content means: characters (NPCs), progression of the "tale" that is being told, more background info and so on. How anyone can possibly play said content and ignore everything about it at the same time is beyond me.


> One need not care about the why of their character's actions if what they are doing is mechanically fun.


Then one should play an action game instead of an RPG?


> How much attention must one pay to story to enjoy a game of chess?


A healthy dose if the opponent is supposed to get to enjoy the game as well and not feel like the other party couldn't care less about the game. ;)

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"Ashen.2907" said:

> > > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > > > @"Ashen.2907" said:

> > > > I've asked this question of another player before. The response was that MMOs get continuous ongoing new content addition for them to play through with their favorite character.

> > >

> > > Yes, and that content is (_drumroll_) _story_ content! Story content means: characters (NPCs), progression of the "tale" that is being told, more background info and so on. How anyone can possibly play said content and ignore everything about it at the same time is beyond me.

> >

> > One need not care about the why of their character's actions if what they are doing is mechanically fun.


> Then one should play an action game instead of an RPG?


Do action games generally provide ongoing content addition, allowing many people to play together, for years on end?


And maybe they should play whichever game they choose to buy and play?



> > How much attention must one pay to story to enjoy a game of chess?


> A healthy dose if the opponent is supposed to get to enjoy the game as well and not feel like the other party couldn't care less about the game. ;)


Gonna have to disagree there. I play chess a lot. What my opponent wants from me, and what I want from them, is a best effort...nothing to do with some bit of fictional story.



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Players who put gameplay over story are as important to the game as players who put story over gameplay.


Dragon lore touches on the very substance of magic and I hope the final battle or resolution to the dragon story arc includes changing how magic functions in some way or at least offers a more realistic presentation of how magic shapes the everyday world and Tyrian society. Resolving the conflict by feeding dragon lore to another dragon would be so meh.


> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> I'd love it if they did something like the Dragon's Stand meta, but as a story instance - so you play one role and then everything else is done by the NPCs. Of course it won't be the same as an actual meta event, but it would be fun and IMO a good end to the story arc.


> Assuming of course it is going to end soon and Kralk won't get away again or our plans change for another reason.


Do you mean an encounter similar to a zone from a real time strategy game? That would make me very happy. RTS game mechanics could be used throughout the expansion or LW episode where we fight Kalk, such as certain units earning skills in the build up to the final encounter.

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I don't think the Kralk storyline will end with a satisfying fight: there's no way we're going to kill a storm with a sword. Particularly one that, judging by Aurene's visions, can destroy us (all of us, dragon, ships, warriors) with ease.


The Kralk story will have to be wrapped up by some magical doohickey. The best we'll have is some kind of battle against his minions while some progress bar fills up (kinda like in the last episode).

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> @"Dibdabs.3410" said:

> I don't even know who most of the NPCs who accompany me on missions in GW2 are. :D


Same here. Nobody asked me to be commander and i don't want to be commander. I don't have commanding powers anyways.

Let someone more qualified handle the job.

I also don't wanna be in a guild where i can't chose who to be with. None of the NPC but Taimi mean anything to me and i would gladly

sacrifice all of them in a fight against any random enemy.

I liked GW1 way better, when i have been the person doing my adventure not a mixed army and of course being able to chose

my companion was an epic design descision.


But yeah... who cares there are thousands of other commanders awailable anyways.

I am back adventuring in the wilderness which is the exact reason why i play a RPG.

Let Kralkatorik have Tyria.


Best regards,

An unmotivated, unqualified but well celebrated leader of huge armies.


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> @"Kurrilino.2706" said:


> But yeah... who cares there are thousands of other commanders awailable anyways.

> I am back adventuring in the wilderness which is the exact reason why i play a RPG.

> Let Kralkatorik have Tyria.


> Best regards,

> An unmotivated, unqualified leader of huge armies.


A kindred spirit! Yes, I'm happy in the wilderness too. I'm sick of dragons and sick of the over-long, repetitive boss fights. They can keep 'em. :)


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I'm hoping to save Kralk for later.


Primordus definitely has to be the last Dragon to go down and I feel Jormag will be second to last which leaves 2.


I do not believe Kralkatorrik will be dying anytime soon, in fact I think the upcoming battle with him is going to result in a huge loss.. and I hope it does.

Every now and again I like getting my butt kicked, specially by something that I just don't stand a chance against and Anet has definitely been bigging up Kralkatorrik as exactly that recently.


I want to loose this one and come back to Kralkatorrik later after we've put down the Sea Dragon in a hopefully Canthan expansion.

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"Dibdabs.3410" said:

> > Game lore in mmorpgs doesn't mean a thing to me. I don't even know who most of the NPCs who accompany me on missions in GW2 are. :D


> I wonder what you play an MMO**RPG** for when you don't care about the most important aspects of any RPG, namely story, lore, companions, and adventure.



For fun. the MMO part is what matters - only dweebs do the RPG part. lol I'm kidding but yeah I don't care about lore either.

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> > One need not care about the why of their character's actions if what they are doing is mechanically fun.


> Then one should play an action game instead of an RPG?



Are you seriously trying to dictate what other people find fun, and what they 'should' play? Get a grip.

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