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Please put Beetle Races on a fixed timer

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Anet, please put the races on a set timer. With only 5 of them being part of the dailies they would easily fit within a 1-hour rotation, so instead of having to map-hop and pray you come across one with enough time left on it to complete it, we could have them spread out within an hour with a small gap between each to allow for changing maps. This would be far better than basically being forced to sit around waiting for them to spawn or risk missing them. It took me TWO HOURS today to complete the daily, between the bad luck in arriving at races that had too little time left, or failing the race because of bugged gates not registering which then forced me to backtrack and I ran out of time (3 gates before the end of my 3rd lap of the Brisbain circuit, the longest one).


Waiting to have fun, is not fun....


Please put them on a timed rotation, or at least have the NPC tell you when the next one will spawn so you can go off and do something else in the map without the risk of missing the race :/

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