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Jade Heart Guide


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Oh yes the Jade Heart, the collection item that is a nightmare for anyone hoping to ever get Legendary Raid Armour.

Well to all those that are trying to get it and those that are yet to come, I think I can help you.

I can't exactly give you a full proof strategy on how to get it, but I can give you insight to what exactly you are up against and what to do.


As you probably know by now you need to avoid getting pulled by **Spatial Manipulation,** by entering **Green Circles** that allow you to avoid getting hit, and also remember to make use of the **Celestial Dash** skill you have during the fight to get into the circles fast when needed.

However those are the basics, what many people don't realise is that there are actually **3 different types of phases involving Spatial Manipulation.**

So for this guide I will explain each separately and how to react when they occure, starting from the easiest:


**1) Teleportation phase**

During this phase Cairn will teleport several times around the area and leave a green circle after he teleports to the next location, after teleporting 5 times he will use Spatial Manipulation.

This phase is very easy actually, the best way to avoid Spatial Manipulation during this phase is simply enter a circle Cairn leaves behind right after he teleports again. **However remember not to rush in before Cairn teleports again as that will likely cause you to be knocked down.** So to put it simple once you see Cairn teleporting just enter the first circle he leaves behind and you are already safe for this phase.

Here you can see the patterns on how Cairn teleports around:


But it's really irrelevant as it's hard to miss.


**2) Normal phase**

I say normal as this is the traditional Spatial Manipulation phase. During this phase several green circles will appear which have different size while Cairn is charging up his Spatial Manipulation. **Problem here is that not all circles are safe during this phase,** because each circle requires a certain amount of players inside it, if the requirement is not met Spatial Manipulation will effect you even if you are standing in a circle. The big circles require 4 players to stand inside it, medium require 2 and small ones 1. Which means that small circles are the only ones that are always safe during this phase. **So best strategy for this phase is to aim at smaller circles rather than big ones.**

Here you can see the patterns for the phase:



**3) Sword Swing phase**

This one is the hardest and the most likely to cause you to fail for 2 reasons. **1 Cairn's sword swing attack will knock you down if you get hit by it, which is fatal because 2 he charges up Spatial Manipulation very fast during this phase.** **The green circles appear right after he does his sword swing however Cairn uses his Spatial Manipulation almost immediately after so if you lack fast reflexes it's likely you won't make it into a circle in time.**

So what do you do? Well if you look at the patterns for this phase, there is a solution:


Did you notice it? No? **If you look closely there is ALWAYS a circle that will appear near central west part of the platform.**

So the best way to survive this phase without getting pulled by Spatial Manipulation is to dodge the sword swing in such a way that you will be standing on the central west part of the platform right after or to already be there when Cairn does his word swing. And once the circles appear you should be close enough to one so that you can just quickly dodge inside it to be safe.


Well I hope that helps and good luck getting your Jade Heart.

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