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Did ... did the mesmer patch (12.11.18) just do what i think they did...


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alacrity can be covered by renegade (maybe even better then chrono after patch since its 10 targeted with trait), but still. did this jsut realy happen? excuse my repeated questioning but to me its like the dying of a god (maybe it is even the case). even after so many nerfs chrono always managed to pull himself up with any kind of build alteration (say the addition of mimic into SoI), but this time (pun not intended), DID - CHRONO - REALY - JUST - DIED ???

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> @"Lucas.3718" said:

> alacrity can be covered by renegade (maybe even better then chrono after patch since its 10 targeted with trait), but still. did this jsut realy happen? excuse my repeated questioning but to me its like the dying of a god (maybe it is even the case). even after so many nerfs chrono always managed to pull himself up with any kind of build alteration (say the addition of mimic into SoI), but this time (pun not intended), DID - CHRONO - REALY - JUST - DIED ???


Yes because they killed Boon sharing which is the core definition of chrono

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> @"KRUSSIDULL.6845" said:

> Rest in peace boonshare chrono. We don't have to be sad, we get to play something else now.


For real. No more chronojail.


Now we can abuse broken PvE DPS like everyone else :) (im looking at you Weaver)


There was literally no incentive to play supports, now there will be less. 4 DPS and 1 Druid fractal meta inc

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well i guess... even gods.. must die.

its weird for me... i always wished for support chrono to die simply because of all the tryhard "i have no skill so i need a chrono to carry me " (especially in fractals where chrono is kinda overkill) that infested the lfg for t4 fractals and raids. i dont know... envy maybe or something else. but now that he couldnt dodge the bullet (pun inteded), i feel... weird, empty (not a mesmer main btw). its that moment when you want something and when you finally got it, it is nowhere near as valuable as at that time you didnt have it.


kinda sad tbh

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> @"Lucas.3718" said:

> well i guess... even gods.. must die.

> its weird for me... i always wished for support chrono to die simply because of all the tryhard "i have no skill so i need a chrono to carry me " (especially in fractals where chrono is kinda overkill) that infested the lfg for t4 fractals and raids. i dont know... envy maybe or something else. but now that he couldnt dodge the bullet (pun inteded), i feel... weird, empty (not a mesmer main btw). its that moment when you want something and when you finally got it, it is nowhere near as valuable as at that time you didnt have it.


> kinda sad tbh


A toast! To a bygone era...

I need a drink.

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The super small buffs to other classes will not compensate for the destruction of chrono. Time and time i kept up with chrono nerfs. Time and time i hated them more. Finally Perma quickness/alacrity (with 6+ full no compromise dps classes) is fully dead. The penalty we will get now for boonsharing on other class will cost 1-6k dps (wich is massive). Add the amount of class required to boon now and how they indepently still cant cap boons and we got a big issue. Anet also doesn't seem to understand that quickness alacrity will be like this: either you give it almost permanent, or almost never. They don't work inbetween, nor were fractals (looking at you deepstone) and raids ever balanced around the lack of these boons. Big fail Anet. Even though the idea of more spread out class diversity could be good, the end result is bad. Now you have to undo a massive amount of dps nerfs you did on classes because they tangled to hard on perma quicknesS/alacrity.


Also Anet: Chrono's were ULTRA hard to find in lfg for raids and fractals, they were rare. The nerf to force meta to use mimic patch, made it already a lot worse. Today = disaster day. Support gap will never be filled anymore except with druid and only if druid remains unnerved. But you damaged a unrepairable gap in the amount of ppl that will play support these days. Also a lot of ppl will NEVER bow down for non perma quickness/alcacrity, they lived to long with it. Daily raid week runs, but especially so, fractals. And fractals cannot abuse the 10 target limit to sacrafice one less spot to certain boon sharing. CM's will be a mess of toxicity now, just when i finally farmed 50 kill proof. If this bows out as I think and already seee it will, it will go down as the worst decision in history of arenanet for me. Not the thought/idea/goal behind it, but the lack of understanding how far the ramifications for the players are (lack of support players will kill the game now, toxicity will increase, raid fails will increase - gorseval for example, required perma quickness/alacrity). And expansion looks to be 6-9 months away.


A very big part of my daily playtime was fractals (also investment as i almost have fractal god buff). I think i will skip dailies now when i'm not in mood or good group. And that as a /age 18k hour player, that needs daily stuff to do. Think about it anet: how could you get me this far? Cause you broke the foundation of a good group, and the compensation is just meaningless.


The history of the biggest fault of Anet in history:


1) They launch raids and chrono. Balance is instantly matched to perma important boons. Dps classes get balanced around perma quickness alacrity (not without them). As a result some class are only good with the buffs. (condi engie comes to mind).


2) People embrace the meta. They make combo's the rely on alacrity, dps on quickness. Lot of ppl start learning (the quite hard) chrono rotation. Lot of ppl pay a lot on chrono to play it, cause it's essential in raids.


3) First mesmer nerf. Sort of understandable with an error margin that was quite big, wich means chrono was like over the top buffing (quickness alacrity)

4) Chaos boost and or chaos gets finally used in meta.

5) Anet nerfs chronos, even more and makes chaos 'must have' even though i personally hate to use it and would rather have chaos nerfed (boon on shatter)à

6) Anet nerfs AGAIN, making only a super creative mimic rotation do it. It took me a very long time to get used to this and i went from hating it to liking it in the lowest possible form. I already skipped mesmer any time i could (having someone else volunteering). This was not so in past, i would perma play mesmer if i had to.

7) 11-12-2018 Mesmer is super Annihilated. Not only is boonsharing nerved, even the alternative of somehow being able to support, became illogical. SoI now increase boon uptime. Hello? This relies on other ppl timings. This will be SUPER, i mean super bad for any non teamspeak run or without a prepractised group meta pre buff setting launched by sites like Snowcrows. That alone makes it a fail skill. Say a trait gives thief quickness. You think the firebrand gave it to everyone. You SoI. Wrong, epic fail, you failed to share, and lost cooldown. Not only this but mimic sucks balls now, boon duration (in theory) no longer helps either anymore. And the last thing chrono was good in... CC, also nerfed. Trust me with all your CC nerfs, CC is coming quite hard, except with very good - Excellent - Elitist level groups. Guess what? More CC toxicity and perma boons (not being there) toxicity incoming. The alternatives are bad. A chrono made super every could be 100% dps class build (no compromises). Any compromise can cost 1000-5000 damage (often the difference between smooth run and bad run). A firebrand being able to do and dps and quickness without dps penalty? I don't see it happen.

8)Hypothetical: Expansion launches with enough classes that combine good dps with good (but more focussed) dps support (like a quickness burst class that shares it). Still a fail. You left Guild wars 2 endgame content for dead for 3-9 months. And the chance you don't even go that far (Firebrand to soft in quickness duration, especially with your F skill nerfs), is shown in your current balance.

9) Interest to play raids by general gw2 ppl falls down to minimum, only elitist left, and a few stranglers.

Perhaps a bit dramatic, but Anet REALLY REALLY REALLY doesn't see their impact on the 80% of player base likes to play dps (and is used to good boons), 20% wants to play support (but not at a massive dps penalty, except for healer). You already set in motion now a big downfall of the core foundations of the meta (and like it or not, killing a meta (not just truly shifting it), kills happyness of players, kills their motivation.


I'm not mad at Anet per se (their intend was prolly pure, as for instance with abrasive git and runes of sanctuary), but their underestimating of not giving players enough sweet as reward for playing boon support is heavely underestimated. Also the so called boon alternatives are good but still way to bad to be workable. And the dps nerfs are still in check, wich would make a not full time quickness/alacrity uptime hit some classes insanely hard in dps. Don't be this ignorant in future please anet. And talk more with player base. Perma boons is something that has grown INTO gw2 as a consensus model. You tried pouring it slowly out with hints, but failed in the current patch to do it slow enough (you annihilated it, especially with the bad way SoI interacts now). And by doing so you will set off a lot of ppl.


First result of patch: Fractal lfg's/cm runs are crazy rare. Guess why :)

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> @"Magnus Godrik.5841" said:

> Is it really dead? I hear this everytime, but yet they always managed. So what it cant share all its boons but it adds 5 sec to your existing boons. I mean it still can give you boons, right. Idk ill wait to see what the real professionals say.


They were limping pretty bad after the last two balance patches.


This was the proverbial nail in the coffin

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We could not get the 100cm done this evening; tried switching around classes / builds; Boon-crono could not hold his place (not enough boons not enough damage) and he switch to pdps - still failed the clear. (Get good - I Know)

The point is that there was not enough benefit to having a chrono in party (skills got changed peeps put CC breaks on - dps got lower ect); so at this point it seems without significant re-adjustment a whole group of players who were prepare to play the role are no longer wanted in the content. (sure we could say they are now out of jail)- but eh... And if it takes too long to adjust this class (by I don't know say ramping up dps on par with other classes to compensate for no-buff-here-anymore or so other role of use ) then there will be none left who will want to play the role; or invest the time in farming for the gear they have stat changed for use on a different character.


Lots seem to be laughing about it in LA and elsewhere , but these changes do more than just effect Mesmer's - check your clearance times; dps logs; mechanic trips ect you will not like the numbers.


Any hew/


Good hunting o7

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> @"Phoebe Ascension.8437" said:

> The super small buffs to other classes will not compensate for the destruction of chrono. Time and time i kept up with chrono nerfs. Time and time i hated them more. Finally Perma quickness/alacrity (with 6+ full no compromise dps classes) is fully dead. The penalty we will get now for boonsharing on other class will cost 1-6k dps (wich is massive). Add the amount of class required to boon now and how they indepently still cant cap boons and we got a big issue. Anet also doesn't seem to understand that quickness alacrity will be like this: either you give it almost permanent, or almost never. They don't work inbetween, nor were fractals (looking at you deepstone) and raids ever balanced around the lack of these boons. Big fail Anet. Even though the idea of more spread out class diversity could be good, the end result is bad. Now you have to undo a massive amount of dps nerfs you did on classes because they tangled to hard on perma quicknesS/alacrity.


> Also Anet: Chrono's were ULTRA hard to find in lfg for raids and fractals, they were rare. The nerf to force meta to use mimic patch, made it already a lot worse. Today = disaster day. Support gap will never be filled anymore except with druid and only if druid remains unnerved. But you damaged a unrepairable gap in the amount of ppl that will play support these days. Also a lot of ppl will NEVER bow down for non perma quickness/alcacrity, they lived to long with it. Daily raid week runs, but especially so, fractals. And fractals cannot abuse the 10 target limit to sacrafice one less spot to certain boon sharing. CM's will be a mess of toxicity now, just when i finally farmed 50 kill proof. If this bows out as I think and already seee it will, it will go down as the worst decision in history of arenanet for me. Not the thought/idea/goal behind it, but the lack of understanding how far the ramifications for the players are (lack of support players will kill the game now, toxicity will increase, raid fails will increase - gorseval for example, required perma quickness/alacrity). And expansion looks to be 6-9 months away.


> A very big part of my daily playtime was fractals (also investment as i almost have fractal god buff). I think i will skip dailies now when i'm not in mood or good group. And that as a /age 18k hour player, that needs daily stuff to do. Think about it anet: how could you get me this far? Cause you broke the foundation of a good group, and the compensation is just meaningless.


> The history of the biggest fault of Anet in history:


> 1) They launch raids and chrono. Balance is instantly matched to perma important boons. Dps classes get balanced around perma quickness alacrity (not without them). As a result some class are only good with the buffs. (condi engie comes to mind).


> 2) People embrace the meta. They make combo's the rely on alacrity, dps on quickness. Lot of ppl start learning (the quite hard) chrono rotation. Lot of ppl pay a lot on chrono to play it, cause it's essential in raids.


> 3) First mesmer nerf. Sort of understandable with an error margin that was quite big, wich means chrono was like over the top buffing (quickness alacrity)

> 4) Chaos boost and or chaos gets finally used in meta.

> 5) Anet nerfs chronos, even more and makes chaos 'must have' even though i personally hate to use it and would rather have chaos nerfed (boon on shatter)à

> 6) Anet nerfs AGAIN, making only a super creative mimic rotation do it. It took me a very long time to get used to this and i went from hating it to liking it in the lowest possible form. I already skipped mesmer any time i could (having someone else volunteering). This was not so in past, i would perma play mesmer if i had to.

> 7) 11-12-2018 Mesmer is super Annihilated. Not only is boonsharing nerved, even the alternative of somehow being able to support, became illogical. SoI now increase boon uptime. Hello? This relies on other ppl timings. This will be SUPER, i mean super bad for any non teamspeak run or without a prepractised group meta pre buff setting launched by sites like Snowcrows. That alone makes it a fail skill. Say a trait gives thief quickness. You think the firebrand gave it to everyone. You SoI. Wrong, epic fail, you failed to share, and lost cooldown. Not only this but mimic sucks balls now, boon duration (in theory) no longer helps either anymore. And the last thing chrono was good in... CC, also nerfed. Trust me with all your CC nerfs, CC is coming quite hard, except with very good - Excellent - Elitist level groups. Guess what? More CC toxicity and perma boons (not being there) toxicity incoming. The alternatives are bad. A chrono made super every could be 100% dps class build (no compromises). Any compromise can cost 1000-5000 damage (often the difference between smooth run and bad run). A firebrand being able to do and dps and quickness without dps penalty? I don't see it happen.

> 8)Hypothetical: Expansion launches with enough classes that combine good dps with good (but more focussed) dps support (like a quickness burst class that shares it). Still a fail. You left Guild wars 2 endgame content for dead for 3-9 months. And the chance you don't even go that far (Firebrand to soft in quickness duration, especially with your F skill nerfs), is shown in your current balance.

> 9) Interest to play raids by general gw2 ppl falls down to minimum, only elitist left, and a few stranglers.

> Perhaps a bit dramatic, but Anet REALLY REALLY REALLY doesn't see their impact on the 80% of player base likes to play dps (and is used to good boons), 20% wants to play support (but not at a massive dps penalty, except for healer). You already set in motion now a big downfall of the core foundations of the meta (and like it or not, killing a meta (not just truly shifting it), kills happyness of players, kills their motivation.


> I'm not mad at Anet per se (their intend was prolly pure, as for instance with abrasive git and runes of sanctuary), but their underestimating of not giving players enough sweet as reward for playing boon support is heavely underestimated. Also the so called boon alternatives are good but still way to bad to be workable. And the dps nerfs are still in check, wich would make a not full time quickness/alacrity uptime hit some classes insanely hard in dps. Don't be this ignorant in future please anet. And talk more with player base. Perma boons is something that has grown INTO gw2 as a consensus model. You tried pouring it slowly out with hints, but failed in the current patch to do it slow enough (you annihilated it, especially with the bad way SoI interacts now). And by doing so you will set off a lot of ppl.


> First result of patch: Fractal lfg's/cm runs are crazy rare. Guess why :)


You do understand this kills druid since 5% and a boon most classes can cap is not worth a larger dps loss from not having chrono then firebrand renegade actellu y does better but i hate anet for butchering mesmer over all they killed both mirage and chrono

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> @"Phoebe Ascension.8437" said:

> The super small buffs to other classes will not compensate for the destruction of chrono. Time and time i kept up with chrono nerfs. Time and time i hated them more. Finally Perma quickness/alacrity (with 6+ full no compromise dps classes) is fully dead. The penalty we will get now for boonsharing on other class will cost 1-6k dps (wich is massive). Add the amount of class required to boon now and how they indepently still cant cap boons and we got a big issue. Anet also doesn't seem to understand that quickness alacrity will be like this: either you give it almost permanent, or almost never. They don't work inbetween, nor were fractals (looking at you deepstone) and raids ever balanced around the lack of these boons. Big fail Anet. Even though the idea of more spread out class diversity could be good, the end result is bad. Now you have to undo a massive amount of dps nerfs you did on classes because they tangled to hard on perma quicknesS/alacrity.


> Also Anet: Chrono's were ULTRA hard to find in lfg for raids and fractals, they were rare. The nerf to force meta to use mimic patch, made it already a lot worse. Today = disaster day. Support gap will never be filled anymore except with druid and only if druid remains unnerved. But you damaged a unrepairable gap in the amount of ppl that will play support these days. Also a lot of ppl will NEVER bow down for non perma quickness/alcacrity, they lived to long with it. Daily raid week runs, but especially so, fractals. And fractals cannot abuse the 10 target limit to sacrafice one less spot to certain boon sharing. CM's will be a mess of toxicity now, just when i finally farmed 50 kill proof. If this bows out as I think and already seee it will, it will go down as the worst decision in history of arenanet for me. Not the thought/idea/goal behind it, but the lack of understanding how far the ramifications for the players are (lack of support players will kill the game now, toxicity will increase, raid fails will increase - gorseval for example, required perma quickness/alacrity). And expansion looks to be 6-9 months away.


> A very big part of my daily playtime was fractals (also investment as i almost have fractal god buff). I think i will skip dailies now when i'm not in mood or good group. And that as a /age 18k hour player, that needs daily stuff to do. Think about it anet: how could you get me this far? Cause you broke the foundation of a good group, and the compensation is just meaningless.


> The history of the biggest fault of Anet in history:


> 1) They launch raids and chrono. Balance is instantly matched to perma important boons. Dps classes get balanced around perma quickness alacrity (not without them). As a result some class are only good with the buffs. (condi engie comes to mind).


> 2) People embrace the meta. They make combo's the rely on alacrity, dps on quickness. Lot of ppl start learning (the quite hard) chrono rotation. Lot of ppl pay a lot on chrono to play it, cause it's essential in raids.


> 3) First mesmer nerf. Sort of understandable with an error margin that was quite big, wich means chrono was like over the top buffing (quickness alacrity)

> 4) Chaos boost and or chaos gets finally used in meta.

> 5) Anet nerfs chronos, even more and makes chaos 'must have' even though i personally hate to use it and would rather have chaos nerfed (boon on shatter)à

> 6) Anet nerfs AGAIN, making only a super creative mimic rotation do it. It took me a very long time to get used to this and i went from hating it to liking it in the lowest possible form. I already skipped mesmer any time i could (having someone else volunteering). This was not so in past, i would perma play mesmer if i had to.

> 7) 11-12-2018 Mesmer is super Annihilated. Not only is boonsharing nerved, even the alternative of somehow being able to support, became illogical. SoI now increase boon uptime. Hello? This relies on other ppl timings. This will be SUPER, i mean super bad for any non teamspeak run or without a prepractised group meta pre buff setting launched by sites like Snowcrows. That alone makes it a fail skill. Say a trait gives thief quickness. You think the firebrand gave it to everyone. You SoI. Wrong, epic fail, you failed to share, and lost cooldown. Not only this but mimic sucks balls now, boon duration (in theory) no longer helps either anymore. And the last thing chrono was good in... CC, also nerfed. Trust me with all your CC nerfs, CC is coming quite hard, except with very good - Excellent - Elitist level groups. Guess what? More CC toxicity and perma boons (not being there) toxicity incoming. The alternatives are bad. A chrono made super every could be 100% dps class build (no compromises). Any compromise can cost 1000-5000 damage (often the difference between smooth run and bad run). A firebrand being able to do and dps and quickness without dps penalty? I don't see it happen.

> 8)Hypothetical: Expansion launches with enough classes that combine good dps with good (but more focussed) dps support (like a quickness burst class that shares it). Still a fail. You left Guild wars 2 endgame content for dead for 3-9 months. And the chance you don't even go that far (Firebrand to soft in quickness duration, especially with your F skill nerfs), is shown in your current balance.

> 9) Interest to play raids by general gw2 ppl falls down to minimum, only elitist left, and a few stranglers.

> Perhaps a bit dramatic, but Anet REALLY REALLY REALLY doesn't see their impact on the 80% of player base likes to play dps (and is used to good boons), 20% wants to play support (but not at a massive dps penalty, except for healer). You already set in motion now a big downfall of the core foundations of the meta (and like it or not, killing a meta (not just truly shifting it), kills happyness of players, kills their motivation.


> I'm not mad at Anet per se (their intend was prolly pure, as for instance with abrasive git and runes of sanctuary), but their underestimating of not giving players enough sweet as reward for playing boon support is heavely underestimated. Also the so called boon alternatives are good but still way to bad to be workable. And the dps nerfs are still in check, wich would make a not full time quickness/alacrity uptime hit some classes insanely hard in dps. Don't be this ignorant in future please anet. And talk more with player base. Perma boons is something that has grown INTO gw2 as a consensus model. You tried pouring it slowly out with hints, but failed in the current patch to do it slow enough (you annihilated it, especially with the bad way SoI interacts now). And by doing so you will set off a lot of ppl.


> First result of patch: Fractal lfg's/cm runs are crazy rare. Guess why :)


this is so right.. the gap is huge.. basically when 2-3 chrono and 1 druid did the support role, now we are looking at double the numbers for support role for equal effectiveness.. that means significant reduction in other dps roles .. maybe 3 dps max per raid group

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Raids and especially fractals have been balanced around perma quickness/alacrity. now nerfing the uptime (or dps for the compensation requiring on the other glasses), or less healing = dead of fractal cm's. The only thing that this is salvageble is raids, cause they work around with 10 target limit so you dont need mirror comp. But for fractals is pure simple a gigantic disaster.

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> @"Phoebe Ascension.8437" said:

> Raids and especially fractals have been balanced around perma quickness/alacrity. now nerfing the uptime (or dps for the compensation requiring on the other glasses), or less healing = dead of fractal cm's. The only thing that this is salvageble is raids, cause they work around with 10 target limit so you dont need mirror comp. But for fractals is pure simple a gigantic disaster.


Yeah like the dude that wrote the essay too said, it's a change that will have far-reaching effects, unlike if a DPS prof got nerfed like Ele did. Weaver without boons feels awful. Staff Weaver in particular is yet again hit with a nerf indirectly because of the Arcane trait. I don't even have a Mesmer atm.


It's not like the game is gonna suddenly be more fun because you'll bring different profs to content now. Most of the endgame PvE stuff has been around for a long time and people just wanna get them cleared as efficiently as possible.

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> @"Zoe.8310" said:

> > @"Magnus Godrik.5841" said:

> > Is it really dead? I hear this everytime, but yet they always managed. So what it cant share all its boons but it adds 5 sec to your existing boons. I mean it still can give you boons, right. Idk ill wait to see what the real professionals say.


> They were limping pretty bad after the last two balance patches.


> This was the proverbial nail in the coffin


Not really but it does show the quality of raiders. I have pugged and completed many bosses by just using necros for the memes and did it with ease. Chrono was broken and noone can deny that and this fix was necessary. Chrono will always have a spot in raids especially with bosses like deimos.

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