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Question about new patch and support guardian


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I don 't know yet.


Since this change only really affects:

- Open world PvE (always a mixed bag, so more sharing of boons are good to ensure better stab coverage in a squad)

- Raids (meaning only 1 guardian needed to cover everyones stab needs, probably to open up a slot for other supports)

- WvW (Given every meta subgroup runs a guardian with this untraited, this means alot of extra stab if huddled together and alot better random stab coverage in a messy fight)


Problem is this skill was the only one that got a 10 ally increase, and comes with a 30 second cooldown. So for all other yummy effects of a firebrand you need one in your subgroup anyways, the change pretty much ensures the full squad has atleast 5 stacks of stab when they engage, and increases your chances of receiving random stab when away from your groups fb or when he goes down.


This all gives boonrips alot more value, since they remove full stacks. Also means every squad just became 100% more resistant to cc if not played around.


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The problem is that with with the increased CDs to tomes there's a lot of downtime during big fights now where there's nothing for a FB to do except use utilities, which don't go very far. Prior to the nerf there was already downtime during large fights, albeit not very long if played just right. Now it's like having an "F-bar" full of skills that have longer CDs than elites....thanks so much Anet....not. Very disappointed with this so called "balance" patch.

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> @"Odinens.5920" said:

> The problem is that with with the increased CDs to tomes there's a lot of downtime during big fights now where there's nothing for a FB to do except use utilities, which don't go very far. Prior to the nerf there was already downtime during large fights, albeit not very long if played just right. Now it's like having an "F-bar" full of skills that have longer CDs than elites....thanks so much Anet....not. Very disappointed with this so called "balance" patch.


If it weren't for the question of the passives, I'd almost prefer they function like kits (equip/drop at will), with pages as "ammo". Though I guess they could just count "full ammo" as the condition for enabling passives.

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