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Lost Time + Danger Time changes


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I was thinking if it worth another thread or not. Let it die in silence, if it's not.


But the qyuestion is: with all the outcry (much justified, I guess) about massive Mirage nerfs, about removing Portal from spvp and killing boonshare Chrono support...


**WHY noone speaks of HUGE Lost Time and Danger Time buffs?!**


Did you, guys, try it? Lost Time crits for 2k with marauder amu WITHOUT an icd. Which means it triggers from every clone on F3. It triggers every tick on Gravity Well, making it an aoe oneshot against targets with no stability and out of stunbreaks.


Danger Time affecting illusions makes traited Illusionary Berserker hit for 10k on heavy armor.




How do you think it will affect spvp meta? Is marauder chrono back? Or is it still too squishy and immobile for spvp?


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One of the biggest issues is you need to outlast the stab, there's a fair amount of stab and your cool downs aren't going to outlast it. At one point you used to be able to stand off node and range in but that won't work vs holo/soulbeast as both pack ranged options or the pet will keep chasing while they cap. Then they chase you and it's not a fight you're likely to win without a really good timed burst.


OK but what about +1? Well yeah that should work but you need to be constantly on the move giving a +1. Portal and a team mates who's playing something like holo would be really good here, they can 1v1 and when you get a kill in mid you start your portal, move over and +1. If you get the kill you can both portal to mid to help keep the snowball running or if you're only able to pressure off node and get the cap you portal out and try to tip mid/other side in your favour.


Though here's the kicker. Why not just play holo or rev as they have better +1 and team fight damage even factoring in the lost time changes.

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> @"Tiah.3091" said:

> Did you, guys, try it? Lost Time crits for 2k with marauder amu WITHOUT an icd. Which means it triggers from every clone on F3. It triggers every tick on Gravity Well, making it an aoe oneshot against targets with no stability and out of stunbreaks.


I try it in PvP with zerk amulet on class pnj It does something like 800 damage, how did you get your 2k ?


And illusionary berserker if far for having 100% hit rate in real situation, and even with the trait change for the moment I never do 10k on heavy armor.

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> @"apharma.3741" said:

> One of the biggest issues is you need to outlast the stab

I might be wrong, but Lost Time mechanics is said to be "on disable", not "on interrupt". Which should be the same, as ele's GM Air trait. Which means, it should work on disable ATTEMPTS even. I.e. when you attemt to daze the target with stab, you will remove the stab, daze won't work, but the damage will trigger. I.e. 3 clones F3 should in fact hit for 8k. (Well, same applies for Gravity Well, but with stab target can simply walk away from it, and not be caught in chain-cc)

I didn't test that though, so I might be wrong, again.


> @"viquing.8254" said:

> I try it in PvP with zerk amulet on class pnj It does something like 800 damage, how did you get your 2k ?

> And illusionary berserker if far for having 100% hit rate in real situation, and even with the trait change for the moment I never do 10k on heavy armor.

Nah, the damage is there. I'm not sure how did you test it, but I get something 200-300 non-crits and 1800-2000 crits from Lost Time. I can post screenshots with arcdps, if needed.

About berserker - Yesterday in unranked I actually managed to oneshot some 11k hp dragonhunter only through daze mantra + berserker cast. Literally 2 button press. Granted he was standing still for some reason, but anyways, it's very impressive damage for 1 skill.

I'll try to reproduce it today, but not many guards running 11k, obviously =)



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> @"Tiah.3091" said:

> > @"apharma.3741" said:

> > One of the biggest issues is you need to outlast the stab

> I might be wrong, but Lost Time mechanics is said to be "on disable", not "on interrupt". Which should be the same, as ele's GM Air trait. Which means, it should work on disable ATTEMPTS even. I.e. when you attemt to daze the target with stab, you will remove the stab, daze won't work, but the damage will trigger. I.e. 3 clones F3 should in fact hit for 8k. (Well, same applies for Gravity Well, but with stab target can simply walk away from it, and not be caught in chain-cc)

> I didn't test that though, so I might be wrong, again.



If so expect a nerf.

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> @"Lincolnbeard.1735" said:

> The problem is that without crit it deals 300 damage. Must be hard to give solid base damage and lower the multiplier...

I don't see it as much of a problem, because with marauder amulet is 55% crit chance, with berserker - 48% crit chance. Danger Time adds 30%, fury adds 20%. Which means it's 98-100% on slowed target.


No, the damage is obviously there, pointless to argue about that. And if I'm not mistaken, it is at the lowest estimate at least on par with pre-nerf mantra-shatter Mirage. Likely much higher.


The problem is, as @"apharma.3741" said, chrono severely lacks mobility and is much squishier, than mirage.

I play the game somewhat 4-5 months myself. 1 month of those was f2p scrubbing with core specs, but after I got PoF and I tried power mirage, I never played anything else. So, probably it's just me, but testing Chrono right now, even when it finally GOT THEE DAMAGES - I still don't understand how is it even comparable to Mirage in terms of overall impact on the battlefield (survivability and mobility are the main issues, again).


Again, probably it's just me being superbad. That's why I'm asking you, mesemer veterans: _"Is chrono viable now? Is it just my gitgud problem and chrono is at least as durable, as mirage, if played right?"_

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> @"Tiah.3091" said:

> > @"viquing.8254" said:

> > I try it in PvP with zerk amulet on class pnj It does something like 800 damage, how did you get your 2k ?

> > And illusionary berserker if far for having 100% hit rate in real situation, and even with the trait change for the moment I never do 10k on heavy armor.

> Nah, the damage is there. I'm not sure how did you test it, but I get something 200-300 non-crits and 1800-2000 crits from Lost Time. I can post screenshots with arcdps, if needed.

I retest it on golem I maintain I get 200 to 400 non crit and average 800 crit.

You were on a target with vuln stack and/or with power boon ? (With all traits modifier and rune/sigil ?)


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> @"viquing.8254" said:

> > @"Tiah.3091" said:

> > > @"viquing.8254" said:

> > > I try it in PvP with zerk amulet on class pnj It does something like 800 damage, how did you get your 2k ?

> > > And illusionary berserker if far for having 100% hit rate in real situation, and even with the trait change for the moment I never do 10k on heavy armor.

> > Nah, the damage is there. I'm not sure how did you test it, but I get something 200-300 non-crits and 1800-2000 crits from Lost Time. I can post screenshots with arcdps, if needed.

> I retest it on golem I maintain I get 200 to 400 non crit and average 800 crit.

> You were on a target with vuln stack and/or with power boon ? (With all traits modifier and rune/sigil ?)



That is really weird. No, no might stacks. Vuln is stacking through Domi traits iteratively with each daze from F3. Up to 20 (I guess?). But 30% damage 20 stacks is still less than 2k (800*1.3=1140)


Probably this is just weird interaction with some other traits, that I had. Superiority Complex would be my first guess.


Well, anyways, I'll throw in some screens with arcdps, when I get home in a few hours.




screens on golem: https://imgur.com/a/9kBMPk1

1-2 - Marauder amulet, actual shatter and numbers from arcdps

3-4 - Berserker amulet. 2500 crit is real.


Build: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vhAQNAR8PWSNKyBoECg6nNaz2yPY5KAA-jpxHQBK7IAgwHAADvAAXrMAAOIA9Y/BA

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Thanks for sharing,

Ok I reach the 2k5 crit.

It's effectively many modifiers :

* +10% damage from fragility.

* +15% crit damage from superiority complex.

* +10% crit damage from danger time.

* +100% crit damage from lost time.

* +5% damage from scholar.

* (Potentially +5% from times catch up and +5% from egotism and + 10% from superiority complex.)


It seems to not porc over stab.


BTW I doubt the build with all modifier and all lockdown skill is viable in PvP/WvW but it make this trait better than I first though.


Edit : I don't get how I get to 800 from 2500 with only 40% modifier ...

There is other side effect on something I miss ?

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  • 2 months later...

Ok im back to game after they make Lockdown viable (i think) for PVP , ofc Rip Suggestion, it was main skill to chase som1, now just dont chase ;^)

On my hand love those hanges 4month ago i posted QQ post that its needs some love, and we got it.


My build:

Domination -:1:3



Sw/shield(annulment, Energy) +staff (absorption, energy) >(for enchant remove)

Marauder Amulet+Rune of Strengh (Might and power is huge part of your dmg)


1) Well of eternity

2) Blink

3) Decoy

4) Mantra of Distraction

5) Well of Gravity


First pros: Its absolutly Demolish team fighst, and is amazing in lower skirmishes. Its also gives some kinde utility defense, with mass slow, interruption, slows, stuns, and lockdown via Daze.


Cons: condition vulnerability, and its not Solo build, but you somehow can try 1n1 but its 50/50 and builds with huge evades frames counter it (ie dont try fight solo Mirage) kinda need to have team with brain, but sometimes you can carry even monkeys.


about lost time:

Lost time dmg is varius, frome 800 up to 2.8 (that was max 25 might +25vuln and other team buffs on cloth user) on Every daze/stun,

-Tides procs it 2x1500(3000k free dmg)

-Cry of Frustration 4x1500(4500 free dmg if all lands)

-Mantra 2x 1500 (next 3000 free dmg)

-Chaos Storm 5x1500( 7.500 dmg!! actualy its hard to get it, but had few occasions to see 5/6k dmg)

-Gravity well 3x 1500 ( so GRavity do free 3k dmg more, as it can hit heavy, now can hit more)



Its all about team fights, dont run in unnecesery 1n1, try looking for smaller skirmishes. Good duo with anythink that can do mass nuke, as we almsot instantly burst all dodge/stunbreakers and fallow that with next stuns. Dont hestitate to help other if they got focus and got chased, try help them, or if you have CDs bait Down state and nuke everythink.



Main strategy is to abuse split via 4 skills Well of Gravity,Tides of Time,Chaos storm,Well of Eternity these all can procs Lost time. If you can use over that a Cry of Frustation and Mantra its even better. Remember to checks stability. Do everythink to fight in Chaos storm, and lock ppl in it, as it have high defense/high dmg skill with Lost Time


Some mini combos:

1)Staff: winds of chaos>phase (3 clones) >continum split> good use of Gravity/chaos storm/>sword>blink>tides of Time>Well of eternit (perfect for use on balled enemy, like prevents stomp/rally)

2)Ileap> Tide of time>frenzy>Mantra when wall will be on edge > can follow shatter of need (simply nuke with heavy lockdown)

3)start with staff: Chaos Storm>chaos armor>ileap>Frenzy(defensive Melee, it will proc protection)

4) fighting>Echo of Memeory>Frenzy>Echo of memory>Tides of Time>auto attack>Mantra of Distraction (i think its one of most defensive combos)

5)Chaos storm to interrupt>ileap>freenzy>Tides ( handy low interrupt to rally/stomp )


It can hit heavy. Gravity well combo can hit up to 16k dmg AOE with lost time/power block , fighting in chaos storm is win, as it can proc 5x daze (5x 1.500 dmg)

Sometimes i had rly funny moments, when i bombed 3ppl for like 80% of HP and left with daze/stun/knockdown. Also its fun to play with it.


So if any1 wants some old Gw1 plays... try it, as it have similar lvl of annynoing for enemy :^)


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> @"Michal.4513" said:

> Ok im back to game after they make Lockdown viable (i think) for PVP , ofc Rip Suggestion, it was main skill to chase som1, now just dont chase ;^)

> On my hand love those hanges 4month ago i posted QQ post that its needs some love, and we got it.


> My build:

> Domination -:1:3

> Chaos-1:3:1

> Chrono-1:1:1

> Sw/shield(annulment, Energy) +staff (absorption, energy) >(for enchant remove)

> Marauder Amulet+Rune of Strengh (Might and power is huge part of your dmg)

> skills:

> 1) Well of eternity

> 2) Blink

> 3) Decoy

> 4) Mantra of Distraction

> 5) Well of Gravity


Nice build!

I actually run something very similar in WvW for Roaming: Here's what I run.

Gear: Marauder's Armor - Berserker's Weapons - Berserker's Trinkets

Rune: Rune of the Pack

Weapons: Scepter (Draining)+Shield/Torch (Severance) / Staff (Draining+Absorption)

Traits: Domination 1 1 3 / Chaos 1 3 1 / Chronomancer 2 1 1

Skills: Ether Feast, Mantra of Resolve, Mantra of Distraction, Blink, Gravity Well


The build's goal in WvW is really simple burst your target down using this simple formular:


1. Confusing Images + any CC for Slow.

2. Target down? No: Continue, Yes: Skip to 5.

3. Lockdown & Kite

4. Repeat

5. Stomp =)


The key is that Danger Time + Fury (from the rune) get you to 100% crit chance and the fact that the _condition damage skill_ Confusing Images hits like 2 trucks :joy:

My highest damage so far using Confusing Images was a 21k hit on a necro. Sadly he was using the trait that grants protection on 50% hp so it could have been more.^^


Btw: On (non mirage)power builds I'll always take Scepter over Sword in the current state of the game. Sword damage is almost non existent, it was 1s evade every 10s and a clunky gap closer. Scepter has a 6s cooldown on a block which is followed by a 0.5s evace that deals good damage and summons 2 (TWO!) clones. It also has mesmer's strongest hitting damage skill, which can cleave downstates extremely well. The autoattack is ranged which is an advantage imo.

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