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What attribute prefix to use on an ascended rifle for Deadeye?


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Full story:

I usually just roam around the world, doing events and exploring the map. For fun. I don't really care about PvP, dungeons and raids, since I play alone. Rifle Deadeye works out for me, even though I understand how unefficient and clunky it is, compared to P/P unload, D/D and Daredevil. I don't aim to pierce the heavens, so I kind of gave up on that whole min-maxing deal, since all the big toys for big boys seemed to be too far away for me to reach.

Yesterday, however, I noticed that I can get an ascended rifle by completing the Deadeye collection achievement - Cursed Flintlock. Today I managed to kill the Forged Warmonger and finally got the ascended Flintlock. And after recent Thief changes and amazing removal of guaranteed 20% crit chance on kneeling skills I am not so sure about what kind of attribute prefix I should pick for it. I've been using exotic assassin rifle with Sigil of Accuracy and Sigil of Force(with Berserker exotic armor, ascended Berserker accessories and 6/6 Scholar Rune) and after the latest patch I have around 80% CC without Fury on level 80. So I still get 100% crits after the nerf. Is it overkill? Is there some threshold for max crit? Should I pick "assassin" attributes on my ascended rifle to have 100% CC? And what infusions I should use? Do they even matter? 4 power points increase, for example, seems kind of negligible.


TL;DR: What attribute prefix should I choose for my ascended rifle to have 100% crit chance if I use 6/6 exotic Berserker armor with ascended Berserker accessories and 6/6 Scholar Rune?

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This comment will be heard better when posted in the Thief sub-section since most pros hangout under that dank den.


Personally, I don't have to land 100% critical chance for a Deadeye and there's no reason to do so since crit chance =/= crit damage. Having 80% crit chance means you are already landing 4 critical hits out of every 5 shots.


1. Go for Valkyrie

2. Infusions do not matter in your case since it's only a single ascended equipment

3. It's pointless to increase crit to 100%, as you won't benefit anything from it

4. Get Beryl Orbs and put them in your armor set



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> @"Isle of Stars.3049" said:

> This comment will be heard better when posted in the Thief sub-section since most pros hangout under that dank den.


> Personally, I don't have to land 100% critical chance for a Deadeye and there's no reason to do so since crit chance =/= crit damage. Having 80% crit chance means you are already landing 4 critical hits out of every 5 shots.


> 1. Go for Valkyrie

> 2. Infusions do not matter in your case since it's only a single ascended equipment

> 3. It's pointless to increase crit to 100%, as you won't benefit anything from it

> 4. Get Beryl Orbs and put them in your armor set




I made the same post in the "Thief" section and it got 0 replies so far. Thankfully this section has more talkative people.


I prefer to have 100% crit on my Deadeye because it allows me to consistently outheal any damage that I receive. To the point where I can solo champion level enemies easily as a thief without any +vitality items. Something that I value because I play alone. Not landing a crit means not regening my entire health pool back up, and I don't want that to happen. And if my DJ doesn't crit - I'm done. Losing 100% crit greatly decreases my damage output AND survivability.


Good to know that infusions don't matter much though. I'm not earning much laurels to spend them left and right. And I never thought of using Orbs in armor instead of runes.


I guess our playstyle is too different, but still thanks for the reply.

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> @"Misquesh.9504" said:

> > @"Isle of Stars.3049" said:

> > This comment will be heard better when posted in the Thief sub-section since most pros hangout under that dank den.

> >

> > Personally, I don't have to land 100% critical chance for a Deadeye and there's no reason to do so since crit chance =/= crit damage. Having 80% crit chance means you are already landing 4 critical hits out of every 5 shots.

> >

> > 1. Go for Valkyrie

> > 2. Infusions do not matter in your case since it's only a single ascended equipment

> > 3. It's pointless to increase crit to 100%, as you won't benefit anything from it

> > 4. Get Beryl Orbs and put them in your armor set

> >

> >


> I made the same post in the "Thief" section and it got 0 replies so far. Thankfully this section has more talkative people.


> I prefer to have 100% crit on my Deadeye because it allows me to consistently outheal any damage that I receive. To the point where I can solo champion level enemies easily as a thief without any +vitality items. Something that I value because I play alone. Not landing a crit means not regening my entire health pool back up, and I don't want that to happen. And if my DJ doesn't crit - I'm done. Losing 100% crit greatly decreases my damage output AND survivability.


> Good to know that infusions don't matter much though. I'm not earning much laurels to spend them left and right. And I never thought of using Orbs in armor instead of runes.


> I guess our playstyle is too different, but still thanks for the reply.


Well if you're using your crit to heal some of your health back, consider checking Omnomberry Ghosts as well since it grants precision and a little bit of life sustain.

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I personally use Marauder regardless of when I am deadeye or daredevil, but if you take the trait that gives you increased crit chance on stealth, you can make do with some Valkyrie equipment to offset the extra precision (and as stated, more than 100% crit chance is pointless).

> @"Isle of Stars.3049" said:

> Well if you're using your crit to heal some of your health back, consider checking Omnomberry Ghosts as well since it grants precision and a little bit of life sustain.

~~Omnomberry Ghost gives power, not precision.~~ Winterberry pies or Mint swirl icecream is the way to go for precision as well as heal-on-crit. The former also grants +30% magic find; the latter +10% karma. ~~(Standard recipe heal-on-crit and precision is locked behind recipes for journey towards The Moot.)~~


**EDIT:** Yep, I forgot my caffeine again. Omnomberry ghosts do give +70 precision along with life-on-crit, it's that you have +15% experience from kills instead of +10%, and a chance of *ghostly presence* on consume.

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> @"altermaven.7385" said:

> I personally use Marauder regardless of when I am deadeye or daredevil, but if you take the trait that gives you increased crit chance on stealth, you can make do with some Valkyrie equipment to offset the extra precision (and as stated, more than 100% crit chance is pointless).

I use Critical Strikes and Trickery along with Deadeye, so I don't have much in terms of stealth and only rely on it to execute DJ. My crit doesn't go over 100% since I have 80% base and 20% comes from Fury. At least I think that it works that way.

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