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Holo/ENG, CC & Damage still to OP.. NERF IT!

Vieux P.1238

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> @"Naxos.2503" said:

> > @"Crozame.4098" said:

> > > @"Naxos.2503" said:

> > > > @"herrmartell.7109" said:

> > > > > @"Naxos.2503" said:

> > > > > > @"herrmartell.7109" said:

> > > > > > > @"AngelsShadow.7360" said:

> > > > > > > anyone saying holo needs more nerfs in the current meta is incredibly mistaken and should reevaluate their understanding of this game.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > I dare to say they do need some nerfs.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > But not just holos. In general, there are certain classes with too much CC, packed with too much boon & self healing. Compare that with other classes like Revenant & Necromancer, and it's just too kitten much. I'm not saying said classes don't have their own issues that should be addressed, but Holos are just too kitten much.

> > > > >

> > > > > As I mentionned in another post of that nature, Holo is Very powerful, but Extremely brittle. It's most often down to impecable timing.

> > > >

> > > > The problem is that experience says that other classes cannot outperform a Holo even with the very same impecable timing.

> > > >

> > > > > Holo is powerful and can down a player but is not sustainable if he deals damage, and doesn't deal damage if it tries to stay sustainable.

> > > >

> > > > For example, an ele cannot decide if he wants to deal high damage or become sustainable, and swap between the two in the middle of a fight. And thereis were you see the inherent over power in the Holo, as they are given that choice, whereas other classes must pick 1 and are stuck with that for the rest of the battle. It just seems that the tradeoffs put on the Holo are not punishing enough as with the rest.

> > >

> > > I'd actually consider Eles out of all classes to Be able to do just that though, by Simply switching to attunements.

> > >

> > > I do main a holo, I Constantly get screwed over by people's CC, pulls in particular are good at disrupting me, because they throw me off position, which is critical to perform well as a Holo. I'm also limited to -1- stunbreak with consequential cooldown, if I want to deal high damage. My only recourse is to chain a player to death by opening with a knockdown, Following with a bullethail to increase my condi damage, switch to sword pistol, use the big laser, glue shot so they stay in the field of fire, then finish with a sword jump, which gives me quickness.

> > >

> > > In case that's not obvious this is Not a "Push 1 button = Win" like everyone makes it seems. This is a full rotation that if It is broken at Any point results in my death : because being interrupted screws with cooldown, throws me off balance, and generally switch the advantage entirely to the other side.

> > >

> > > If someone stunbreak my initial opening, they generally proc a damage reflection which throws my bullet right at me, which, with my low HP (in order to deal damage) halves my healthbar.

> > > If someone dodges the laser burst, most of my damage from the chain is gone, and I have to duke it out with more than likely someone with a stronger, -More Reliable- damage ratio.

> > >

> > > I've seen warriors Negate my Entire Chain of damage. Not dodge, Negate, they literally stand in front of me, invulnerable and caving my face in. Deadeyes can easily shoot me down Long before I can Start my chain. Mesmers are near impossible to get with that tactic. Rangers with longbows are the bane of my existence, with that instant long range Knock shot that screws my cooldown Every Time.

> > > I should also give the medal to scourges, which to this day, I have Never been able to beat in a one on one fight. Each time I see a scourge in the opposite team, I know that is a match I'll lose.

> > >

> > > This high damage is not -easy-. It's Work. And it's faillible, otherwise I'd win my matches constantly.

> > >

> > > Edit : Ignore the capital letter words, they're not meant to put emphasis, my keyboard automatically tries to correct words that arent french, and it tends to put capital letters Almost everywhere

> > >

> > > I want to add Something since the main point of contention to everyone seems to be CC and damage.

> > >

> > > Why nobody bothers Warriors about this ? They can kit their skills to Literally have all but their heal skill to do CC, most of them are Hard CC, Knockback, and Knockdown, and double as Damage. Why is that fine on warrior but isn't on Holo ? The actual Reason is that warriors dont rely on CC in competitive matches. If they did, you would not complain about Holo's ability to chain 3 CCs at max, when a warrior can chain constant CCs.

> >

> > As one of the post already made it quite clear, you indeed have l2p issues. You have stealth as well, learn to use it properly~


> That's the funny thing though, I dont need stealth or sustain to be efficient at what I do. Hence I do not mind if both of those are nerfed. What I find grating is people saying Holo's damage is too high when it's -on par- with other classes.


> All I see are people demanding that burst damage only belong to specific classes. All that will end up doing is literally scrap classes out of the PvP system, as people will only seek "The most efficient". To be honest ? I dont care, nerf it, but stick to PvP nerf only. I can give up on playing a mode, but I will not see my class gutted in PvE where it causes virtually no problems to anyone else. It seems nobody minds having streamlined PvP, might as well remove the concept of classes in PvP entirely, so that everyone gets exactly the same skill choice and spec choice, and it's all a matter of build. You'd get proper balance then.


Being on par in damage is not the issue. But as mentioned many times above, there is a problem when a class can not only sustain + CC + Stealth and able to zerk type damage is above problematic. All you Holo's just don't want to lose best of both world despite it's more like best of 4 worlds. & i've been noticing since last 2 days where getting more & more 2 engies/holo on a team either side or both sometimes. So does saying peeps are not playing it that much are gravely exaggerating.

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> >

> > All I see are people demanding that burst damage only belong to specific classes. All that will end up doing is literally scrap classes out of the PvP system, as people will only seek "The most efficient". To be honest ? I dont care, nerf it, but stick to PvP nerf only. I can give up on playing a mode, but I will not see my class gutted in PvE where it causes virtually no problems to anyone else. It seems nobody minds having streamlined PvP, might as well remove the concept of classes in PvP entirely, so that everyone gets exactly the same skill choice and spec choice, and it's all a matter of build. You'd get proper balance then.


> Being on par in damage is not the issue. But as mentioned many times above, there is a problem when a class can not only sustain + CC + Stealth and able to zerk type damage is above problematic. All you Holo's just don't want to lose best of both world despite it's more like best of 4 worlds. & i've been noticing since last 2 days where getting more & more 2 engies/holo on a team either side or both sometimes. So does saying peeps are not playing it that much are gravely exaggerating.


tbh i dont get why holo get so much flag now after the patch, if u look at the other dps classes as comparison , then holo isnt broken xD wars passive sustain, tanky af, hurts like a truck and packs enough cc / rampage to make ur day bad. soulbeast arguebly the best 1v1 ingame right now, idiotic sustain, boons forever, dmg that outskales this said tankyness . core guard, crazy burst, cc, alot of blocks, teleports to target..


what exactly does holo have now after patch thats so broken compared to the elites i just mentioned? holo got 3 cc's rifle 4 14 sec cd, holo 5 15 sec cd (this one is so telegraphed i dont know how ppl arent dodging this yet) prime light beam 75 sec cd aaaand thats it. as for dmg, sure it hurts getting the whole rotation in ur face, but thats the same with **every** other dps class ingame, they all got burst rotation for that quick kill. dont tell me u dont die to war shield 4, arcing slice and spin2win combo with 25 might.. noone survives that shit if everything lands. or reaper spin2win while ure chilled .


already said it once but its really l2p issue by this point, stunbreak the first cc, dodge the very obvious next one, put some pressure out and make them use elixir s, after that its gg if u keep the pressure up.. holo's aint getting saved by passive crap anymore

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> @"toxic.3648" said:

> s.

> > >

> > > All I see are people demanding that burst damage only belong to specific classes. All that will end up doing is literally scrap classes out of the PvP system, as people will only seek "The most efficient". To be honest ? I dont care, nerf it, but stick to PvP nerf only. I can give up on playing a mode, but I will not see my class gutted in PvE where it causes virtually no problems to anyone else. It seems nobody minds having streamlined PvP, might as well remove the concept of classes in PvP entirely, so that everyone gets exactly the same skill choice and spec choice, and it's all a matter of build. You'd get proper balance then.

> >

> > Being on par in damage is not the issue. But as mentioned many times above, there is a problem when a class can not only sustain + CC + Stealth and able to zerk type damage is above problematic. All you Holo's just don't want to lose best of both world despite it's more like best of 4 worlds. & i've been noticing since last 2 days where getting more & more 2 engies/holo on a team either side or both sometimes. So does saying peeps are not playing it that much are gravely exaggerating.


> tbh i dont get why holo get so much flag now after the patch, if u look at the other dps classes as comparison , then holo isnt broken xD wars passive sustain, tanky af, hurts like a truck and packs enough cc / rampage to make ur day bad. soulbeast arguebly the best 1v1 ingame right now, idiotic sustain, boons forever, dmg that outskales this said tankyness . core guard, crazy burst, cc, alot of blocks, teleports to target..


> what exactly does holo have now after patch thats so broken compared to the elites i just mentioned? holo got 3 cc's rifle 4 14 sec cd, holo 5 15 sec cd (this one is so telegraphed i dont know how ppl arent dodging this yet) prime light beam 75 sec cd aaaand thats it. as for dmg, sure it hurts getting the whole rotation in ur face, but thats the same with **every** other dps class ingame, they all got burst rotation for that quick kill. dont tell me u dont die to war shield 4, arcing slice and spin2win combo with 25 might.. noone survives that kitten if everything lands. or reaper spin2win while ure chilled .


> already said it once but its really l2p issue by this point, stunbreak the first cc, dodge the very obvious next one, put some pressure out and make them use elixir s, after that its gg if u keep the pressure up.. holo's aint getting saved by passive kitten anymore


It's like a broken record. You finish explaining what's wrong with Holo & they keep coming right after with a (What's wrong with it? ) & to add to it, ( It's a L2p issue) Yeah,... Right.... !!! At this point, I think it's more of a when table turns on there main then a L2p issue.

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> It's like a broken record. You finish explaining what's wrong with Holo & they keep coming right after with a (What's wrong with it? ) & to add to it, ( It's a L2p issue) Yeah,... Right.... !!! At this point, I think it's more of a when table turns on there main then a L2p issue.


u didnt answer to anything about the comparison to the other classes mate , or u didnt read it at all.


holo is balanced compared to the other elite specs after latest patch, if u cant see this u got no job talking about balance in the first place.


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