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Age old Q: Viper or Trailblazer for Fractals?


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I play fractals a lot and in order to not get burned out, I mix it up by playing different roles. Right now, I have two pdps characters (Weaver and Holo), a BS, a druid, and I have a Necro, my first char from 2012, which I want to play condi scourge with.


I have a full Viper ascended set and weapons. Right now I'm dying inside farming winterberries for the LWS3 trinkets that have selectable stats.


I've played around with GW2 editor and it seems to me that if you adjust the food, with Traiblazer you get even more condi dmg and pretty much the same expertise as with full Viper, I know Viper gives you power, but does it really stack up that much in Fractals (I don't raid and don't intend to)?


I just keep seeing the meta builds all recommend full Viper and I really can't see why Trailblazer isn't the way to go. Guild leader from one of my guilds says he tested it with a buddy and there was a 1-2k DPS difference only.


Final question: would a hybrid setup of VIper's weapons/armor and Traiblazer's trinkets work well? I'm asking because Trailblazer's inscriptions/insignias are quite expensive due to Maguuma Lillies being 2g a piece (and you need 3 of them for one insignia). If I keep the armor and just add trailblazer's trinkets, I can save some money while also benefiting from the toughness/vitality of Traiblazer.

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> @"Xxnecroxx.4039" said:

> c none of the above because necro is trash in nearly every gamemode except against Zergs in WvW and even there we are just slightly above average only because of boon corrupt


Whatever man. I do T4 dailies with pugs nearly every day. I've never had trouble clearing T4 fractals with Reapers or Scourges in the party. I usually trade top dps slots with power reapers or condi scourges in pug runs, so in my eyes, they're just like every other class. Only exceptions are maybe Thaumanova (Subject 6) because there pure power burst enables you to skip mechanics or maybe Mai Trin if people refuse to focus the condi strip Elite mob which neuters EVERY condi class (condi warrs for example). And even there, it's doable if everyone else pulls their weight. Ever done Deepstone? Stupid bounce around boss, hard to hit with AoEs or melee - there, Necro is king. Just spam condis and watch it die. Chaos is also a LOT easier with a Scourge. While everyone else is dodging the third hit like crazy, again, spam condi, convert confusion and off you go. Cliffside chest phase Epidemic cleave = EZ mode. I could go on and on.


The only situations where Necro is "trash" is if you're doing 100% optimized, even speedclearing runs with a strict meta build and group composition.

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