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Specialty Items: A new META

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Happy Wintersday, everyone.


I had an idea that peaked my interest so let's get right down to it.


Some items have special descriptions detailing what the item is, or where it came from. In some MMO's items adopt "set effects" or have special purposes which alter or exacerbate the rarity and desire of having these items. What if your Viper's Mist Trinket was no longer META? What if it were...

* "Toy Stuffed Bear" : +17 Healing Power +12 Power

* "Friendship Shell" : +6 Power

* "Super Sweet Ring" : +9 Precision

* "Sweet Ring" : +8 Condition Damage


These rare items, often considered garbage develop set legendary effects, and for the record none of these items are bought with Gems. Legendary effects like:

* "Toy Stuffed Bear" : +17 Healing Power +12 Power - Effect: Deviating Bulwark - Increased defense against physical attacks, applies 2 stacks of self-confusion every time it reduces damage.

* "Friendship Shell" : +6 Power - Effect: Hermit - Chance to block all incoming damage for 5 seconds, for 5 seconds receive no boons from teammates.

* "Super Sweet Ring" : +9 Precision - Effect: Sugar Rush - When you receive Quickness, you receive Superspeed for 2 seconds.

* "Sweet Ring" : +8 Condition Damage - Effect: Minor Sugar Rush - When you gain Swiftness, you gain Superspeed. 20 seconds of "sugar crash" slow movement speed for 3 seconds, and prevent Superspeed for 10 seconds.


Diversity in an MMORPG is one of the greatest things, offering a "play how you want," and still keeping the "META" for different types of gamers.


On a side note: Have you tried the new Lair Of The Snowman?

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While runes are like set items, I think the OP is more after the feeling of collecting and using odd gear, that magically synergize with eachother and become equal to max gear.(with some special effects.)


I guess ArenaNet split the experience up into runes and collections though. And yeah, that makes collecting gear or any gear drops terribly generic. 99,999% of the drops in GW2 are unexciting, which you either salvage or deposit or merch/sell.


Whether making the generic items more exciting will work like this, i doubt it, and it's what they tried to do with unidentified gear, and the response was mixed.

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The other posters are correct in that runes already do this. What could be an interesting alternative is to attach a set of rune-like effects to the "named" level 80 exotic armors (Zhed's, Devona's, etc. Perhaps even some like Spearmarshal or Bladed from the expansions) that aren't available via standard runes, and then make it impossible to put runes in those specific exotics, or make it so that runes overwrite the bonus, but the bonus can't be extracted like a rune.

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