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Spreading the spirit of Wintersday!

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Hello there friends!

I hope you're having a great wintersday. May the friends and family you have, warm you in these cold days.


I've been thinking about what will I do with the gold I get from wintersday, mount skins, legendaries or whatever my heart desires. But I found that I'm pretty much fine. I have all the things I need and there's really nothing I'm aiming towards right now. So I got a great idea. In the giving spirit of wintersday, why not cheer up the nice people you meet with a present?

For the past 3 days, all the gold I got from wintersday has been going into this. Basically, I write ''Marry Wintersday everyone!'' into map chat each time I log in and if anybody responds, or is generaly nice in chat, I just send them 10g in a message thanking them for spreading the spirit and being nice. It's a small yet still big ammount that seems to make everyone happier. And it warms my heart to see the nice replies that people give. So far I've given out 60g this way, which is not much, only 6 people. But it's basically almost all I have, since I'm not very wealthy right now. But no matter. I get a lot of gold from the activities and drops, so it's no problem.


And here I am, to invite you to do the same if you feel like it and have the gold to give.

Whenever you see someone nice, who you think deserves a gift, just send them some gold, doesn't have to be 10, you can give 5 or 20, it's on you how much you give. Even the smallest gifts count :)

Then, write his profile or character name down, so you know who you've given the gold to already. (this is for those like me with limited gold, of course you can still give people another gift, but I'm trying to give to as many as possible, so 1 gift per person)


Now of course there may be people who'll try to abuse this once they figure out your system. But hey, it's not about that, it's about the spirit of wintersday. If that person wants to f*** you over for some gold, let him be. It'll come back to bite him later.


So yeah, if anybody would like to join in this spirit spreading activity, it would be greatly appreciated (believe me, you'll see the appreciation ;) ) . Just stay safe and close to the bonfires :3

Merry wintersday and a happy new year to all of you!

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Great spirit and charity!


i would occasionally give gear and gold to some new players on fairly new map area. it’s really to facilitate and ease their game experience- it’s nice to buy some gear off trading post and feel good for a day or two. Also intend to exotic gear - if i had a berserker Gear, instead of selling, i’ll just give to some warrior or ranger who might end up using it and serves as motivation.


i do this throughout the year, and not on society’s standards winterday :)

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