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guild wars 1


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There's also a subreddit (with guides) for Guild Wars and a facebook group that's called something like: 'Guild Wars: A new hope'


If you're completely new to the game and don't know about it yet:

The henchmen and hero NPCs will help you with all sorts of quests, missions and the like.

I miss my heroes in GW2, they were great.


Edit: just read your comment, apparently you already played earlier, welcome back

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> @Tekey.7946 said:

> There's also a subreddit (with guides) for Guild Wars and a facebook group that's called something like: 'Guild Wars: A new hope'


> If you're completely new to the game and don't know about it yet:

> The henchmen and hero NPCs will help you with all sorts of quests, missions and the like.

> I miss my heroes in GW2, they were great.


> Edit: just read your comment, apparently you already played earlier, welcome back


ya i bought all expansions played for a year then gw2 came out and i did as much as i could in gw2 cause i like the open part of open world

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I woudl love it, if Anet finally adds as explorable maps the EotN Regions including the Hall of Monuments back, adding as a feature into GW2 basicalyl its own form of Hall of Monuments for our Characters, where we can link our achievements of our account onto to unlock this way unique rewards and to have with the Hall again an instanced showcase, where we can present other players, what we have achieved, and which gets used then also as a place for Player Housing (because I think reworkign the Personal instance for this wouldn't work, we need a new place for this to make a feature like player housing happen and I think a personal house instance, thats linked also to our Hall of monuments beign part of our house in Eye of the North makes more sense, than to rework completely the old hard coded personal instance from our hometowns)


Under the GW2 version of the Hall of Monuments should they add then also basicalyl everything that we could link in GW1 to the HoM there, to unlock the GW2 achievements/rewards from the linking of the accounts also by just playing GW2. It should stop that players are literaly forced to play GW1, just to unlock something for GW2, that should be implemented directly into GW2 as well and hsould be gainable through your actions in GW2 as well in a similar way...


The Hall of Monuments consisted out of these Categories:


**Miniatures** - GW1 had Miniatures you could collect and earn, GW2 has its Miniatures, which you can collect and earn. For maximum rewards you had to add at least 25 collected Miniatures to the Hall. All GW1 Miniatures should also exist in GW2, but a few exceptions like those, that exist already in both games, promotional ones, CE ones.

People should earn these by various means, either as part of achievement reward,s for karma, by crafting ect. pp


**Titles** - GW1 required of you to earn 25 Titles or so, to make the hall of Monuments full for this Category... GW2 has already way more titlres, than GW1..so another unproblematic Category


**Weapons** To make this Category full, you have to earn rare weapons, one for each weapon type to make this category full. This coudl be basicalyl replaced here for GW2 with Legendary Weapons. To make the Category full, the player should earn for each Weapon type a legendary Weapon as a kind of effort compensation therefore, that you would not have to play GW1 anymore to earn the God Walking Amog Mere Mortals Title also by just playing GW2 and the Ap that comes with those earned titles


**Armors** In GW1 you had to put rare armors onto this Hall, if I remember right the hall was full with like 4 or 5 armor sets put into the spot there to quality for max rewards later... could be easily replaced for GW2 by having put in there instead a Legendary Armor, a new ascended cultural armor set and then some new rare collection armor sets from new explorable Elite Maps (Underworld/FoW/RoT that should return)


**Heroes** In GW2 you had to put Heroes with their Hero Armors onto the Hall... if GW2 would introduce back (hopefully) Heroes back, then we could easiyl do this again for GW2, otherwise this category could easily be replaced withTrophy Hunts, for reaching certain milestones of AP


Its a one time thing anyways.. once people have earned these thigns, they won't ever return anyways to GW1, cause the game is dead, it doesn't ever get any new content anymore, so why should people be needed to go play an not anymore supported game, just to earn somethign for the sequel, when the sequal could essentialyl provide exactly the same mechanics as well too to earn all those things in GW2? Would be 5 years aftwr release now only fair to stop this unneccessary go to GW1 attitude, just for earning a few titles and AP that should be earnable by GW2 means as well - the player however should have his own free choice , if he wants to earn these thigns by either playing GW1, or GW2, both should be equally legit to claim these rewards


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