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Complexity versus Increasing Simplification in Mesmer Class Changes


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Hello all!! Not sure what the best avenue to contact Anet with feedback is, so I’ll post this here and hope a balance team member takes the time to give this a quick read. I’ve been playing WvW since beta and support chrono for the last few years, and I’ve felt in the last few patches that the changes related to mesmer have hugely made a lot of what made this class complex and fluid now feel clunky and simplified. GW2’s great combat system is what makes it stand out from competing MMO’s, so this trend towards removing complex interactions between skills has been really demoralizing to see.


I have no problem with nerfs or skill coefficient decreases. Mesmer is and always will be one of the strongest classes in the game, but skill interaction changes that make it clunky are not the right way to go about it.



**MIMIC:** The decision to make mimic the only skill on mesmer to not be reset during continuum split feels like a bit of an arbitrary bandaid. Adding the cooldown of the skill it mimics to its overall cooldown is okay, but I think adding that additional caveat of not resetting during continuum split ruins the fluidity of the gameplay for anyone who plays this class and wonders why this one skill doesn’t get reset properly.


**BOONS:** While I understand the desire to split boon output between classes, the approach in the most recent patch feels clunky in that the chrono has no control of what boons are on their squad members‘ bars to be extended, and there is no easy way to introduce those boons to their bar with Bountiful Disillusionment no longer sharing party-wide boons. It’s become a guessing game, especially in WvW, if any given moment is the optimal time to extend whatever boons they currently have by 5 seconds. On this, the decision to make Signet of Inspiration a flat 5 second boon extension has further disconnected the role from the support mindset and build, since it is not affected by boon duration and can be just as easily achieved in damage gear with no boon duration whatsoever.



My take on this is that if boon sharing is a concern, then make it easier for other classes (such as support revenant or guardian) to output these boons at a competitive level to be solid alternatives and/or decrease the duration coefficients of the boon output from Signet of Inspiration significantly while maintaining the fluidity of the gameplay on the chrono. Even with support chrono being strong over the last few years, it has never been easy to find one in LFG’s or WvW squads, so while there has always been a high demand for the role, the supply has always been relatively limited with a good learning curve. This opens up a good opportunity to bring support revenant, soulbeast, or whatever else into the meta to match that demand, but please not at the cost of removing fluid game interactions from another class (in this case chronomancer).


Thanks for taking the time to read this! I look forward to hearing about the balance updates and direction that we can expect over the coming months.

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make "flow of time " and "seize the moment" traits on chrono trailine aoe boon givers rather than only to chrono ! this way it can atleast give quickness and alactrity while not be able to give all other boons in the game to other players in all game mods so inspiration signet can synergies its duration increase with the related traits without being a skill that provides every boon in the game. some may say that chrono can give the said boons through its wells, that is true yet the boon apply in the end of their pulse countdown which is kinda hard to wait given that pvp, pve and wvw are based alot on mobility which contradicts the wells effect of supportish nature. if the first suggestion does not fit the standards consider the idea of justine fellow

> @"Justine.6351" said:

> A weird idea for Wells,


> Cast them on yourself and they follow you around ticking their damage/conditions/boons per second. During it's duration there is a rollover skill for the well that allows you to cast it off you to target location for a large effect and ending the well.


tbh his/her idea seems fitting the guildwars current movement oriented phased rather than standing on a point and waiting to get the effects of the well.

this way while chrono can be able to share its signature boons while not being a boonshop could be a improvement over the recent signet of inspiration rework.


as for mimic: i am not sure what developers based the changes on mimic by its usefulness on chrono spec alone or mesmer as a whole. since some skill cooldowns are up to 60+ second on a core mesmer or mirage its quite long time for it to recharge. i'm not very experienced on suggestion buffs or nerfs but maybe halving the skills original cooldown thats added on top of 40 sec cd of mimic rather than using original cooldown ?


all of said above are just improvement suggestions to the 11/12/2018 patch. thank you for reading. Leaving this post here incase a developer notices !



( last note: make bountifiul dissilisionment trait give random boons ( make a boonlist for each shatter but give one of them on a random chance) on shatters ! giving a specific boon on specific shatters is not chaotic, its order. make it more chaoitic ! )


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