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The Satisfaction of finally Crafting the Raid Legendary Armor Set

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The crafting of **Legendary Armor** set via **Raids** is a crazy fest. If you do Raids regularly, then getting the precursors is not that difficult, what is difficult, is the _grinding time bound achievements_ in the Open World and so does gold accumulation via Fractals and Open World events for T6 items. **However at the end the satisfaction is really there.** I just crafted my Raid Medium Set yesterday and here sharing the feeling of the same:


1. The feeling of finally joining the Precursors from the grind fest

2. The feeling of finally having achieved it

3. The crafting

4. Having the set on your actual character and getting the feeling of the same


**Thanks to Guild Wars team for this game.** I thoroughly enjoyed the various aspects till date and hope to continue doing the same ahead.

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