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PSA: Plaguelands VS Ghastly Breach


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So some of you will not be surprised at all, but plaguelands obliterates ghastly breach in terms of dps. I know. A real shocker.


HOWEVER! If a target had many boons to corrupt, the dps would be a LOT closer. And i mean a lot.

Currently ghastly breach adds 180 dps. That's abysmal for an elite. Meanwhile, the full plaguelands adds 944. That's almost 5 times more!

Ghastly breach, assuming a target has 5 boons converted into 10 stacks of torment, deals 825dps.

944 vs 825. A heck of a lot more reasonable, considering one only requires the unit to be standing in it for 5 seconds while also removing boons from said unit.

So in my opinion, GB is not a bad elite. It's actually quite good, and it will replace PL in the future, I'm sure (for some fights at least).


TL;DR: Keep using plaguelands in pve until we can get mobs/bosses with hella boonspam to obliterate. Even then only use on bosses that won't hold still for the full 10 seconds. (unless you really need that boon corruption.)

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I think it was kind of poor planning to make an elite skill (for necromancers) that does more damage based on the amount of boons a target has at the time of casting said elite skill. As a necromancer, you practically strip or convert boons just by looking at an enemy, so it's reasonable to assume your enemy has around 0 boons every time you get the opportunity to cast your elite skill. It's all but guaranteed to do the minimum amount of damage.

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> @Tsan.6431 said:

> Plaguelands for condi buld and breach for power build (you can stack 15 might)


Might effects condi damge too, and the boon rip converts into torment which boosts condi damage more. In short, Ghastly Breach is almost purely a pvp/wvw elite, whereas Plaguelands is better for pve (but still has good use in pvp/wvw).

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> @"Drarnor Kunoram.5180" said:

> In WvW/PvP, Plaguelands does have the advantage of being a lot more subtle and easily missed.


Yea but ghastly breach causes slow which is incredibly strong in PvP. One of the few things that can protect you effectively from some power classes.

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