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Slo mo class - time to do somthing Anet ?


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So i was reading some of posts here and added few comments , but hell ill make one of my own.

To state now , i was expecting anet for years now to make clucnky weapons skills on war feel less telegraphed, faster, more precise or useful, but that never happened.

Now, i dont expect that to change but, i drop my frustration at least here.

Warrior from perspective of wvw roaming that is my main game mode, is trash (my opinion im sorry if some disagree), and this is from perspective of more skilled opponents on other classes . In case of just about any other class, with lets say same skill lvl, i hardly think there is much chance for win there in lets say , fair duel situation.

Most ppl by now learned how warrior works, they drain you of ur skills , kite and then hit and hit hard. And thats it, mostly , game over.

Now , what to do as war, where this lead , and more important, why to keep playing it ?

I also usec to play war in other game modes , but i se no reason why anymore. You can be slave class to ur banners, or , well nothing else.

So 6k hours of play time, am i really that bad of a player or really there is something with warrior to fall so low that is slave in pvp or just nothing in anything else?

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So i did terrible test yesterday , i went to wvw duel spot with my ele who i gave quite a bit of toughness, vit and hp. i made /sleep as my mouse 5 , and went to look for warrior to duel. Luck was on my side so i found core war and asked for duel.

So what happened was, i was waiting his f1 on axe and each time he went to use it i would go /sleep. Now u may ask why i made troll build and went to duel. Well trolling wasnt the point, what i wanted was to see if i can reliably predict when war is going to use his axe f1 , and if i can do /sleep animation by the time he hits me.

Here is the sad part, i had around 40% success to finish animation before getting hit with almost 100% time i was right that war is about to hit me with F1.


So in short, if you have semi decent knowledge of warrior class ,when you fight one you have cc 50% chance to fall asleep before getting hit by his strongest skill.

Nothing else to say really ....

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> @"kiranslee.4829" said:

> So i did terrible test yesterday , i went to wvw duel spot with my ele who i gave quite a bit of toughness, vit and hp. i made /sleep as my mouse 5 , and went to look for warrior to duel. Luck was on my side so i found core war and asked for duel.

> So what happened was, i was waiting his f1 on axe and each time he went to use it i would go /sleep. Now u may ask why i made troll build and went to duel. Well trolling wasnt the point, what i wanted was to see if i can reliably predict when war is going to use his axe f1 , and if i can do /sleep animation by the time he hits me.

> Here is the sad part, i had around 40% success to finish animation before getting hit with almost 100% time i was right that war is about to hit me with F1.


> So in short, if you have semi decent knowledge of warrior class ,when you fight one you have cc 50% chance to fall asleep before getting hit by his strongest skill.

> Nothing else to say really ....


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i do see spellbreacker a lot of fun and very useful in wvw and in pvp as for pve they can hit very hard if you time stuff right. i play war as the one that uses daggers all the time and for wvw and pvp the resistiance thing we get is nice for condi fights becosue you take almost no damage from them. befor the spellbreacker yes the war was supper clunky for me too and i think its better then it hass been as far as i can tell at least.

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