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'Stop Joko's other loyalists' still bugged.

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So, this part of the Guns, Germs, and Steal story is still bugged. You can't get any progress on the loyalist event. It did apparently work for some people, but for the poor souls on the map not. I'm sitting here on the map with ~10 people. No matter what I tried those damn loyalists won't show up. I saw some threads dating this back to july and still no fix. It's not even mentioned in the Known Issues Tracker. After 5 months this should've been fixed.

Did you get it work somewhere or is there a mention of this bug somewhere and I missed it?

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I can confirm that this is still a thing. Lots of us are at the map, waiting for a miracle so that the quest finally progresses. There aren't many instances of this map, just one, so instance changing does not work. Luring 6-7 loyalist mobs to the spawn spot doesn't work. Changing maps and coming back (f.e. going to the guild hall and coming back) doesn't work.

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I can confirm, that I see different IP addresses for the Kourna maps now, and can't see the above one. Interestingly, earlier this afternoon I was able to do this quest with a commander whose name I unfortunately forgot. He rallied enough people to force a new map (that eventually got closed and the bugged one remained) and this is not a small feat, thus a huge thanks to him in the name of others too. However, it seems that Anet did reset the map.

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This is still bugged and a lot of player are experiencing it stalling further progress.


Just to note i was able to resolve the issue by going into several GUILD HALLS and out, after that once i got a fresh map instance the mobs were spawned there and i was able to kill them.

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  • 1 month later...

Because of the game patch that was just released, all maps were reset! I was able to get past the step, finally. Get in there quick!


Note that this *doesn't* mean the bug has been fixed, it means that the map has been reset due to the regular game release schedule, and the people who are currently stuck will be able to progress now--until the event breaks again. sigh...

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> @"wackyratt.3517" said:

> Because of the game patch that was just released, all maps were reset! I was able to get past the step, finally. Get in there quick!


> Note that this *doesn't* mean the bug has been fixed, it means that the map has been reset due to the regular game release schedule, and the people who are currently stuck will be able to progress now--until the event breaks again. sigh...


ty so much. I wasn't even going to try today because I have been so pissy with all the bugs this expansion. Of course I am no longer excited about getting the story done, but at least I'm not stuck for now.

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