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Returning player's day in gw2 and wishes for the future

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I'm back to play gw2 from a couple of year, when i was playing my focus was on pvp and high pve content such fotm and raids.

Now is pretty hard find a spot on LFG because of useless requirement, because of LI KP and sh** like this. The funny thing is someone who have more than 500 LI do not even know how to dodge VG probably he bought all that LI or just being carried from others. Not really different is on fotm lvl 100 just about the same strory.

Another things is the meta and the game design, i know every game has his meta, but i think GW and Anet could make it better because they are good, what's the point to have different classes and specs if you are forced to use just what meta say?

Everyone saw the difference on PvE contents since the game was launched, it improved a lot with mechanics and so on, but i don't think they could make this kind of revolution on classes, i don't know if they are gonna make a GW3 or if they hold on this one, but i really hope whetever they do, the future of GW will be able to give us a game without all this restrictions.


How doing it?

Imho the contents should be maked with classes in mind, and every classes should be good in one things only, almost every player here have all classes in their account at lvl 80, so i don't think will be a problem if every classes will be more restricted to a role, this will allow content creator to forecast the best team composition (meta) without surprises.

So when a player will start to play the game already know what job will be required to do choosing a character.

The same should be with the ability, i.e. let's think about a Guardian as the game tank, taking some specs/utility will help him to have more toughness or taking another specs/utility will help him to increase the received healing from the healer. And this is should be a player choice, so if you prefear to play in a way or another is just about to you, because there are just math, if the game will be made and balanced with this in mind, shoudn't one be better than other one.


I just wrote some example, but the purpose of my post is to hope in a game where high lvl players could play withut be nazist looking LI KP and things like that, and where average people will be not discriminated because their class or their build, but judged if they are good player or not on the field.


The purpose of a game should be have fun, and these things are not funny for no one, because at the end, nazi player looking for bilion of LI and KP will push players to buy them, so bad players join this squad without know what to do and this is not a good thing.



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> @"Lian Olsam.9541" said:

> > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > Join a training raid or group or guild.

> >

> > Make your own raid.

> >

> > Problem solved.


> I'm talking about the game not just me, this selfish thinking is a poison




What is my or other peoples incentive to take you along? Are you paying them? Are you friends with them? Do they know you and how good you are at the fight, encounter, obstacles?


There is a place people go to help out, it's called training. Hence why I suggested this.


If you think people will simply waste their time on someone they don't know... that is quite selfish isn't it? From you.

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Even if you are amongst the few who are able to join group content after leaving the game for years and almost instantly able to perform very well, most people are not like that. The examples you use are of players who aren't worth 1/100 of their KPs but those are also rare even if they certainly exist.

Why would anyone take your word for it if you aren't able to prove what you claim. People do not have unlimited leasure time to waste on finding this one hidden gem of a player when all they are trying to do is put together a quick PuG group.

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I have couple of friends .. they started the game for not long.. say couple months.. then got into raids.. then sell raids for say two months.. then stop playinh the game after .. they don't come to forum to yipyap :p they just play and talk to ppl in game to learn things.. when they found nothing more to learn.. they stop playing. I hope to see them again tho.. I'd say they are average players.. not super good but not bad.

That's why when I see ppl say hard to get into raids.. I feel that they haven't tried hard enough. Playing as oceanic in EU server outside server prime time is even harder but we have managed to get raid done.

In each new raid wings I can say that's the best time to try raid.. plenty of group asking for no kill prove.

If you keep eyes on lfg , there are more groups asking for no kp these days to fill their static group member absence spot. I can not guaranty they are nice and friendly but usually they are. If you feel the group has one or two d*k head.. you will know, and best to leave the group before they make you feel bad (which is their intention). Most ppl get into raid if they don't give up trying. Esp if you can join a raid training guild. I have heard a lot of ppl managed to get into raid that way and enjoyed it. It won't go wrong if you try to follow these ppl advice. I had to do my raid the harder way.. pug my way since start and play outside server prime time.

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Have 500 LI do not demostrate to be good even, i saw a lot of people who got more than 1k LI do not dodge or being teleported at VG so what's the LI point?

Anyway the topic wasn't suppose to talk about raid only, but also the game itself, generally speaking i think people do not remember that a game should be funny at first, when i log in i see more people raging or complain, also in this forum in these years we readed about different things, i also remember when people, asking for tank and healer role, alot of "pro" players went against this idea, now probably those players now are playing tank or healer, but at that time they were against.

It is not possible make a perfect game, but if the main design goal is to have a fun, making different level of content is possible without have a large playerbase unhappy, i've played other mmo's like i think almost everyone here have done, and if some problems i see there wasn't in other game i think is possible to improve it in GW.


I think devs know the game issues, just reading this forum or reddit, time by time the same problems will come up, if you follow the mmo's agenda there are a lot of new mmo being released or will be released soon, but i still think they have other kind of problems, and i think a redesign of GW could make it a really good and lovely game.


I do not expect a lot of people here agree with me, just because usually people do have fear of change, as i wrote before about tank and healer, and other changes we could see, but this shoud not fear devs too, i don't know if they are still playing the game, if they do, i'm sure they see what i see, just farmers and casual players do not care and do notice about it, but in the semi-hardcore and hardcore area this game is not players friendly because it encourages elitism, and honestly i see a lot of fake "pro players" who like to ask for xxxK LI and kick people just because the truth is they are bad.

I've read and know people left the game or just play occasionally soft content because this attitude, they just do not write on forums but they are



Anyway take my comment as you prefear, but that's my and not only my point of view, and if you don't agree with that it's ok, it's normal, but for the sake of the game,, try to understood there is no an holy truth not mine not yours, and usually the things became better when problems get solved, but you can just turn your eyes on another spot and forget about it

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