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Which proffession would fit me best?


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Hi there everyone!


So I have taken a very long break from GW2 (since HoT launched) and was thinking of picking gw2 up again with all the new DLC and new content!

Back then I used to play thief because I absolutely loved squishy hard hitting 'assassin' playstyle, but it's not quite my style anymore these days (having to concentrate fully on the fight to dodge everything is rather annoying to me now).


So after a whopping 1200 hours of thief, I am now looking for a new proffesion to main!

I want something which is quite a bit more durable then the paper maché thief, but I also like to hit hard.

Preferable with some allowance to play around build wise (so I can change playstyles when I get bored of the current build, thinking DoT (condi) / DPH (power) / more tanky / more supportive etc. etc. etc. I like some variety).

I mostly PVE; prefer to run fractals / dungeons and the occasional raid (not hardcore raiding, but like to be able to be 'useful' / 'wanted' there, it was already quite easy on thief tbh, but no one asks for thieves there xD), also open world / JP's (tho everything can work for that from what I remember).

I dislike having to swap gear from char to char, so a 'one glove fits all' proffesion would be awesome of course ^-^


Anyone has suggestions?


P.S. Apoligies for any grammar errors etc. English isn't my mother language :)


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Perhaps Guardian? They have a lot of built-in defenses, and all three elite specs are viable in most content.

Firebrand can be useful in raids and WvW, Dragonhunter in fractals and most open-world PVE, and core guard is always there just in case you feel like doing something a bit more basic.


Dragonhunter is usually a power spec, with good burst damage and a decent amount of durability.

Firebrand can be support, condi (burn), or power, though the first two are the most common in most situations.


(Also, on a side note, power deadeye can be used in raids, though I'm not quite sure exactly how accepted they are.)


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Wew three responses already!


> @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:

> Maybe try core power warrior.


> ALWAYS wanted but a bit bland.


> Axe/axe + Mace/mace


> Strength/tactic/discipline.


> Good dmg

> Good cc

> Very good offensive support.


> Can be played literally everywhere in pve.


> If you play solo content, switch tactic with Arms.


> And banners with signets.



The getting bored part of warrior is kinda what I am worried about, even though they do seem very capable.

I already had a warrior at 80. Have they improved on the "GS's second skill watch the numbers and call it a day"? or axe / axe spin to win? xD

Or is the gameplay still about as engaging as that? :P


> @"ToySoldiers.4509" said:

> Perhaps Guardian? They have a lot of built-in defenses, and all three elite specs are viable in most content.

> Firebrand can be useful in raids and WvW, Dragonhunter in fractals and most open-world PVE, and core guard is always there just in case you feel like doing something a bit more basic.


> Dragonhunter is usually a power spec, with good burst damage and a decent amount of durability.

> Firebrand can be support, condi (burn), or power, though the first two are the most common in most situations.


> (Also, on a side note, power deadeye can be used in raids, though I'm not quite sure exactly how accepted they are.)



> @"Buran.3796" said:

> Mezmah, as usual.


Hmmm I did try the deadeye for a little bit just now, but it's absolutely not my style at all :smile: (to be fair, never liked sniper gameplay in other games either), ty for the heads up though!

Guardian could be a very fun class I think, maybe a bit to defensive for how I like to play (at least how they are presented) or is that just exaggerated and they can be good at the offensive as well?


> @"Buran.3796" said:

> Mezmah, as usual.


But isn't mesmer just a timewarp dispenser? xD

Or have they improved them :smile:

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Honestly, I would say the defensive nature of the Guardian is a bit overexaggerated in most cases, with the exception of Support Firebrand. I personally play a fairly glassy Dragonhunter, and I can honestly say I have a lot of fun bursting down my enemies in both the open world and fractals. So, yes, they can definitely be a good offensive choice as well.

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> @"jujoco.4853" said:

> Wew three responses already!


> > @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:

> > Maybe try core power warrior.

> >

> > ALWAYS wanted but a bit bland.

> >

> > Axe/axe + Mace/mace

> >

> > Strength/tactic/discipline.

> >

> > Good dmg

> > Good cc

> > Very good offensive support.

> >

> > Can be played literally everywhere in pve.

> >

> > If you play solo content, switch tactic with Arms.

> >

> > And banners with signets.

> >


> The getting bored part of warrior is kinda what I am worried about, even though they do seem very capable.

> I already had a warrior at 80. Have they improved on the "GS's second skill watch the numbers and call it a day"? or axe / axe spin to win? xD

> Or is the gameplay still about as engaging as that? :P


> > @"ToySoldiers.4509" said:

> > Perhaps Guardian? They have a lot of built-in defenses, and all three elite specs are viable in most content.

> > Firebrand can be useful in raids and WvW, Dragonhunter in fractals and most open-world PVE, and core guard is always there just in case you feel like doing something a bit more basic.

> >

> > Dragonhunter is usually a power spec, with good burst damage and a decent amount of durability.

> > Firebrand can be support, condi (burn), or power, though the first two are the most common in most situations.

> >

> > (Also, on a side note, power deadeye can be used in raids, though I'm not quite sure exactly how accepted they are.)

> >


> > @"Buran.3796" said:

> > Mezmah, as usual.


> Hmmm I did try the deadeye for a little bit just now, but it's absolutely not my style at all :smile: (to be fair, never liked sniper gameplay in other games either), ty for the heads up though!

> Guardian could be a very fun class I think, maybe a bit to defensive for how I like to play (at least how they are presented) or is that just exaggerated and they can be good at the offensive as well?


> > @"Buran.3796" said:

> > Mezmah, as usual.


> But isn't mesmer just a timewarp dispenser? xD

> Or have they improved them :smile:


Greatsword is not even close to viable in PvE.

Gameplay is a simple as it can get.


Throw banners -> Swing your axes for dmg -> Maces for CC if needed.

And remember to throw your bolas for the dmg buff.


Thats it.


Simple but effectiv.

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Hmm i would go with ranger or warrior. both have good dps, useful support, ranger can even play as a healer with druid. So if you don't mind crafting 2 sets of armor, then go for ranger, make a heal druid and a zerk (or condi) soulbeast. If not, warrior might be for you, as it is tanky, hit's hard, and is easy to play. can also have some support with those banners.

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