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New to revenant


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So after gearing my ele and my necro, and after doing my first legendary, i felt like i would like to try into another class, so i picked Revenant because i always wanted to try one.


So my question is, how do you manage energy? i mean, by using skills you consume certain quantity of energy, so after a while i change into my second legend, refilling my energy to 50, but sometimes my energy goes very up (over 50) and i dont know why, so how do i generate energy?


And now, if i want to play in fractals, and, in an uncertain future into raids, what builds should i start to use? was thinking in condition renegade, which is fun, and suport herald.

Well pvp too, there is a pvp build for revenant? I see metabattle but i would like to hear it from some veterans.

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You manage it mostly by thinking ahead. You have to be aware of what you need to do and what you think you need to do and act accordingly. This means you can't spam a bunch of attacks like other professions and instead have to be more aware of what you are doing and when. When you Legend swap in combat it will refill your Energy. That's pretty much the only way to generate Energy aside from letting it refill on its own. So part of the game play is also Legend swapping to gain the most benefit. If you want to camp a Legend then you need to learn to manage your Energy accordingly. A lot of this will also be trial and error.


As for PvP, Power Herald is pretty much it. Revenant doesn't have a lot of build diversity right now.


The playstyle for Revenant is very different from most of the game and so it takes a bit getting used to and to be honest it is not something that everyone can get behind and enjoy. It's a micromanage style profession, meaning that you have to pay attention to a lot of details at once and need to be proactive in what you do.

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> @"Conqueror.3682" said:

> Hey,


> So my question is, how do you manage energy? i mean, by using skills you consume certain quantity of energy, so after a while i change into my second legend, refilling my energy to 50, but sometimes my energy goes very up (over 50) and i dont know why, so how do i generate energy?


> And now, if i want to play in fractals, and, in an uncertain future into raids, what builds should i start to use? was thinking in condition renegade, which is fun, and suport herald.

> Well pvp too, there is a pvp build for revenant? I see metabattle but i would like to hear it from some veterans.


Revenant refills its energy at a pace of 5 units x second until caps 50 outside combat; while in combat that limit is rised to 100 units. Changing legend RESETS your energy pool to 50, so if you are fighting and over 50 you can actually loss energy with a legend swap. Some skills from varius legends has upkeeps (maintenance cost) which means that while active they provide benefits but passively drain energy (in example: Impossible Odds drains -8 units x second, Vengeful Hammers -6, Facet of Elements -1... ). That stacks with the +5 energy x sec Revenant naturally earns. You can have multiple passive upkeeps at the same time and the amount of energy you earn varies accordingly, so if they stack -5 your energy stops growing and beyond that gradually decreases your energy pool until reaches 0 (consecuentially cancelling them) or untill you finish their activation. Is all very intuitive, you will find with practice which pace of energy spent serves you better.

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> @"Conqueror.3682" said:

> So my question is, how do you manage energy? i mean, by using skills you consume certain quantity of energy, so after a while i change into my second legend, refilling my energy to 50, but sometimes my energy goes very up (over 50) and i dont know why, so how do i generate energy?



This is because you're using the trait, Charged Mists, in Invocation. If you swap legends when you have less than 10 energy, you will start with 75 instead of 50 in your new stance. This is literally the only way to gain energy other than the 5/second.


> And now, if i want to play in fractals, and, in an uncertain future into raids, what builds should i start to use? was thinking in condition renegade, which is fun, and suport herald.


For raids, you have two routes if you want to find groups easily... Condi Renegade (dps) or Support Renegade (2nd healer/alacrity bot/Quickbrand's partner.) The former is more generally excepted in the current meta, but sup Ren has seen some recent popularity after the last round of chronomancer changes. Power Herald is also a choice, but you will have trouble finding a dps slot in PUG groups.


For fractals, it's the opposite, Power Herald is basically your only choice... I mean, you can run Support Renegade with a Quick Brand partner, but that's not exactly easy to coordinate in solo LFG--you basically need a firebrand friend to queue with, or to start a LFG looking specifically for a firebrand and go from there, which honestly sounds like a hassle to do everyday, but to each their own. But condi builds are generally frowned upon in serious fractal groups.


> Well pvp too, there is a pvp build for revenant? I see metabattle but i would like to hear it from some veterans.


Power Herald (Glint/Shiro) is your only real competitive choice here... If your ranking is low enough you can meme other things and get away with it tho. Just depends how good you wanna do.


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