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What if there were no enrage timers in raids

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I always wondered (and wanted to ask but never really got to it), wouldn't raids become significantly easier if there were no enrage timers? Haven't really done all of them, but from the ones I have and especially with recent chrono nerfs, I think it would open quite a few doors to more diverse and hopefully less elitist LFGs. Or would that remove the purpose of raids and make them Fractals 2.0?

I don't know, I'm just asking. Don't crucify me, please. <3



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there are enrage timers?

more serious: people that have problem in raids are already dying before enrage timers hit. if you would remove them it wouldn´t change anything in that regard.

it would open up the possibility to run an "undefeatable" comp though. 10 healers as example. this would not be to much fun, and in fact trivialise every encounter. i also doubt there would be a huge LFG crowd that would want to spent 40min+ for one boss kill.

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The idea has come up in the past. I'll try to explain why it would and would not work.


The very first thing one needs to realize, enrage timers on bosses make up probably 10% of reasons why a boss does not succeed (if that much). This is in part due to the very offensive nature of raid composition (due to enrage timers and the meta builds provided by high skill raid groups). Most boss fails are due to fight mechanics being failed.


Many current raid groups try to skip as many mechanics as possible if possible via high damage. Some that immediately come to mind are: Gorseval, Xera, Sloth, KC, Deimos, etc. Lass time spent fighting also means less chances for someone to screw up.


There are already safer group compositions and alternatives to meta builds. Healing scourge on many bosses is a great alternative to existing healers due to its preemptive shielding design.


Finally a small amount of defensive stats doesn't help a lot with many boss attacks. A large amount of defensive stats can help survival on some bosses. Overall removing enrage timers would simply lead to weaker raid groups going all tank, and killing any boss which allows this (ones without instant death mechanics for example) by just face-tanking everything thrown at them thus nullifying the fight.


Enrage timer as a whole are very lenient. I think people are in general way to concerned with enrage timers when their main focus should be on mechanics before the enrage timer hits. In all my time raiding (at around 900 LI now) I have maybe seen bosses enrage 10 times, and often one can even kill the boss (some are not as bad while enraged) during the enrage period.

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